
时间:2017-06-09 04:48:35
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竞选班长的英文发言稿 篇一

Title: The Leader You Need

Ladies and gentlemen, teachers and fellow students,

Good morning! Today, I stand before you as a candidate for the position of class president. I believe that I am the leader you need, and I would like to share with you my vision and plans for our class.

Firstly, I believe that effective communication is the foundation of any successful team. As your class president, I will ensure that everyone's voices are heard and valued. I will organize regular class meetings where we can openly discuss our concerns, ideas, and suggestions. Together, we can create a positive and inclusive environment where every student feels comfortable and motivated to learn.

Secondly, I believe in the power of teamwork. As your class president, I will encourage collaboration and cooperation among our classmates. I will organize team-building activities and projects that will enhance our unity and strengthen our bonds. Together, we can achieve great things and make our class stand out.

Furthermore, I am committed to promoting academic excellence. I will work closely with our teachers to identify areas where we need extra support and resources. I will organize study groups and tutoring sessions to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to succeed. With dedication and hard work, I believe that we can all reach our full potential.

Lastly, I believe in the importance of social activities and creating memorable experiences. As your class president, I will organize fun and engaging events such as class parties, sports competitions, and community service projects. These activities will not only bring us closer together but also help us develop important life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and empathy.

In conclusion, I am confident that I am the leader you need. I am passionate, dedicated, and ready to serve as your class president. Together, let's create a class that we can all be proud of. Thank you for your attention, and I kindly ask for your support and vote.

Thank you.

竞选班长的英文发言稿 篇二

Title: Empowering Our Class, Together

Honorable teachers, respected fellow students,

Good morning! Today, I stand before you as a candidate for the position of class president. I firmly believe that together, we can empower our class to achieve greatness. Allow me to share with you my vision and plans for our class.

Firstly, I want to emphasize the importance of individual growth and personal development. As your class president, I will organize workshops and seminars on various topics such as time management, goal setting, and effective study techniques. These initiatives will equip us with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel academically and personally.

Secondly, I believe in the power of inclusivity and diversity. As your class president, I will ensure that every student feels valued and respected. I will promote cultural exchange programs and events that celebrate our differences and foster understanding. Together, we can create a class that embraces diversity and promotes a sense of belonging for everyone.

Furthermore, I am committed to creating a supportive and caring environment. I will establish a peer mentoring program where older students can guide and support younger ones. Additionally, I will work closely with school counselors to ensure that everyone has access to the emotional support they need. By taking care of each other, we can create a class that feels like a second family.

Lastly, I believe in the importance of community engagement. As your class president, I will organize volunteering opportunities and community service projects. By giving back to our community, we can develop a sense of empathy and social responsibility. Together, we can make a positive impact on the world around us.

In conclusion, I am confident that by empowering each other, we can achieve great things. I am dedicated, passionate, and ready to serve as your class president. I kindly ask for your support and vote. Together, let's create a class that shines bright and leaves a lasting legacy. Thank you for your attention.

Thank you.

竞选班长的英文发言稿 篇三



  Hello everyone!

  My name is-.I want to be the monitor of our class for I can undertake the responsibility and I have enough ability to be competent!First,what I think the monitor is a sever for a class,he should spare no effort to help everyone in study and daily life.Second,I will do my best in study,thus helping others.At last,I will completely layout our descipline in practice.Surely I believe I can!

  Thank you!






Beloved teacher, dear students:

  Everybody is good!

  My name is Zhang Xiaohua, chose to run for the monitor, because I get up the courage. In the class, I was a leader, learning has always been good to answer questions -- class actively accurate, is the teacher's small cotton padded jacket; in the morning reading, I have a certain management ability, is the small guards maintain class order; in the class, I can play with my cla

ssmates together, remind they don't play dangerous games. Of course, I will redouble its efforts to study, communication, training, to contribute to the honor classes!

  Although, I know there is a lot of good than their own students, but I understand, participation.

  If you choose me, I will try to the leader's responsibility, work hard together with classmates, there are dissatisfied with my fellow

  Science can and I said, I must correct the errors in time.

  Thank you!



















