小学英语作文:Playing Badminton(推荐3篇)

时间:2018-01-09 06:29:10
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小学英语作文:Playing Badminton 篇一

Playing Badminton

I love playing badminton. It is a fun and exciting sport that I enjoy playing with my friends.

Firstly, badminton is a great way to exercise. When I play badminton, I have to move around the court, run, jump, and swing my racket. These movements help me to stay fit and healthy. It also improves my hand-eye coordination and reflexes.

Secondly, playing badminton is a social activity. I often play with my friends at school or at the park. We form teams and play against each other. It is a great way to bond with my friends and have fun together. We cheer each other on and celebrate when we score points. It is a wonderful feeling of teamwork and camaraderie.

Furthermore, badminton is a game that requires strategy and skill. I have to think about where to hit the shuttlecock and how to deceive my opponents. I also need to have good control over my racket and be able to make accurate shots. It is a challenging game that keeps me engaged and focused.

In addition, playing badminton helps me to relieve stress. When I am on the court, I forget about all my worries and just focus on the game. It helps me to relax and clear my mind. I feel refreshed and energized after playing badminton.

In conclusion, playing badminton is not only a great way to exercise but also a fun and social activity. It improves my physical fitness, coordination, and mental focus. I love the thrill of the game and the bond that it creates with my friends. I will continue to play badminton and enjoy its many benefits.

小学英语作文:Playing Badminton 篇二

Playing Badminton with My Family

I love playing badminton with my family. It is a great way for us to spend quality time together and have fun.

Firstly, playing badminton with my family helps us to stay active and healthy. We run, jump, and swing our rackets, which gives us a good workout. It keeps us fit and improves our physical fitness. We also get to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine while playing outdoors.

Secondly, playing badminton is a bonding activity for my family. We form teams and play against each other. It is a friendly competition where we support and encourage each other. We laugh, cheer, and celebrate together. It strengthens our family bond and creates happy memories.

Furthermore, playing badminton with my family is a learning experience. We learn about teamwork, communication, and sportsmanship. We have to work together to score points and win the game. We also learn how to be gracious winners and accept defeat with grace. It teaches us important life skills that we can apply in other areas of our lives.

In addition, playing badminton with my family is a stress-reliever. We forget about our worries and problems while we are on the court. We focus on the game and have fun. It helps us to relax and forget about the stresses of everyday life. We feel refreshed and recharged after playing badminton together.

In conclusion, playing badminton with my family is a wonderful way to stay active, bond together, learn important life skills, and relieve stress. We enjoy the physical activity, the friendly competition, and the joy of spending time together. I am grateful for this shared hobby and the special moments it creates for our family.

小学英语作文:Playing Badminton 篇三

小学英语作文:Playing Badminton

  在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是小编收集整理的小学英语作文:Playing Badminton,希望对大家有所帮助。

  Today dad and I went to play badminton.

  I was so excited I could jump out of my chair .I haven't played badminton for a long time and I was happy to tag along with my dad. Dad slung the bag of rackets over his shoulder and said: "let's go!" I quickly put on my best running shoes and raced down the stairs.

  The air was fresh and birds were chirping. Sunlight shone on the trees, making them greener and lusher .I watched my dad as he set up the net between two large trees. "Let us start "dad said. I bet he was as excited as I was.I picked up the pink racket and a white feather ball." I am so going to win this!" I muttered under my breath. I turned the ball to my racket and struck. The ball was like a white pigeon flying over the net. Dad was not fazed, and he hit the ball hard with a "klunk" and it flew above the net and rocketed to where I was standing. I tried to squat down and strike it, but the ball was too fast! I swung the racket, but I missed. The ball fell on the ground with a slight thump. Dad smiled triumphantly. I gripped the racket so hard that my knuckles turned white and my hands started to sweat on the comfortable soft layer of the handle.

  In the second round, I was more determined to win. Energy pulsed through my veins. I struck the ball and it went where my dad’s face was. Unlike me, my dad stepped aside and struck the ball sideways. I measured the distance between the ball to my racket and struck. The ball was so fast that my dad nearly missed it! He hit the ball upwards. Now it was my good chance to win. I jumped up and raised the racket. “Thump!” I hit it with full power. I sent the feathery ball soaring above the net and flying toward my dad’s shoulder. The ball was like an eagle ping down and sticking its pointy beak out and driving it to my dad’s shoulder. The strike wouldn’t hurt, but my dad still rubbed his shoulders and looked stunned. I jumped up in victory and pumped my fist with triumph. “I win!” I shouted. We kept playing and there was a tie for first place. Dad and I were soaked with sweat but happy and satisfied with each other’s scores and went home.

  Playing badminton is not easy as you think. Those badminton players who enter leagues and take part in the Olympics practice very hard. No matter what sport it is, it is not easy to succeed. Only hard work will make you win.

小学英语作文:Playing Badminton(推荐3篇)

