
时间:2017-05-09 08:21:20
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假期的英语作文 篇一

Title: My Memorable Vacation

Summer vacation is always the most anticipated time of the year for students. It is a time when we can finally take a break from our studies and enjoy some leisure activities. This year, I had the most memorable vacation of my life.

My family and I decided to take a trip to a tropical island. We were all excited about the idea of spending our days relaxing on the beach, swimming in the crystal-clear waters, and exploring the island's natural beauty. The moment we arrived, we were greeted by the warm sunshine and gentle ocean breeze, which instantly put us in a holiday mood.

During our vacation, we stayed in a cozy beachfront villa. The view from our balcony was breathtaking, with palm trees swaying in the wind and the sound of waves crashing against the shore. Every morning, we woke up to the sound of seagulls and the smell of fresh ocean air. It was paradise.

One of the highlights of our vacation was snorkeling in the vibrant coral reefs. The underwater world was like nothing I had ever seen before. I was amazed by the colorful fish, graceful sea turtles, and intricate coral formations. It was like swimming in a real-life aquarium. We also went on a boat tour to explore the nearby islands, where we discovered hidden beaches and secret coves. It was an adventure I will never forget.

In the evenings, we enjoyed delicious seafood dinners at local restaurants. I tried exotic dishes like grilled octopus and coconut curry, which were a true culinary delight. We also attended a traditional luau, where we watched mesmerizing hula dances and listened to live Polynesian music. It was a wonderful way to experience the local culture.

As the days flew by, I realized that this vacation was not just about the beautiful scenery or the exciting activities. It was about spending quality time with my family and creating lasting memories. We laughed, we explored, and we bonded like never before. It was a vacation that brought us closer together and reminded us of the importance of cherishing these precious moments.

In conclusion, my vacation to the tropical island was truly unforgettable. It was a time of relaxation, adventure, and family bonding. I will always cherish the memories we made and look forward to our next vacation together.

假期的英语作文 篇二

Title: Exploring a New Culture

During my summer vacation, I had the opportunity to visit a foreign country and immerse myself in a new culture. It was an eye-opening experience that broadened my horizons and taught me valuable life lessons.

I traveled to Japan, a country known for its rich history, unique traditions, and technological advancements. From the moment I stepped off the plane, I was fascinated by the sights, sounds, and smells of this vibrant country. The bustling streets, adorned with colorful neon lights and filled with the chatter of locals, made me feel like I was in a different world.

One of the first things I noticed was the punctuality and efficiency of the Japanese people. Trains arrived and departed on time, and the streets were impeccably clean. I admired their strong work ethic and attention to detail. It made me realize the importance of discipline and hard work in achieving success.

During my stay, I had the opportunity to visit ancient temples and shrines, where I learned about Japan's spiritual traditions. I marveled at the intricate architecture and serene atmosphere. I also learned about the art of tea ceremony and participated in a traditional tea gathering. It was a humbling experience that taught me the value of mindfulness and appreciating the present moment.

One of the highlights of my trip was trying the local cuisine. I indulged in sushi, ramen, and tempura, which were all delicious. I was impressed by the attention to detail in the presentation of each dish and the emphasis on using fresh, seasonal ingredients. It made me appreciate the artistry and craftsmanship that goes into creating a meal.

Another aspect of Japanese culture that stood out to me was their respect for elders and the importance of community. It was heartwarming to see young people helping the elderly with their groceries and families gathering for traditional festivals. It reminded me of the importance of kindness and compassion in building strong relationships and creating a harmonious society.

Overall, my trip to Japan was an incredible experience that opened my eyes to a new culture. It taught me the value of hard work, mindfulness, and community. I am grateful for the opportunity to have explored a different part of the world and I look forward to future adventures that will continue to broaden my perspective.

假期的英语作文 篇三

  Time slips away like water, and a happy, happy, happy summer vacation is quietly taken away. What happened during the summer vacation was like a star in the sky. Because I especially like to read books about history, but I am very unhappy because I have too many homework to read. In this summer vacation mom seemed to see my heart, and immediately to the library of our village four or five books about history of thick book to me, then I watched intently. But I saw it in three weeks and I had nothing to do. Three days after reading the book, I was still bored. Finally, my fourth day mother asked me to go with her to move the watermelon!

  I put on my boots and started off with the bucket. I walked gingerly on the slippery field, and gradually saw many watermelons, carefully removing the round watermelon, for fear of falling on the ground. "One, two, three..." I put five big watermelons on the bucket, and I lifted the bucket and pulled it back. I was full of sweat when I came home, but "the emperor has no man to do", and my mother gave me an ice watermelon to reward me. Its nice!

  But, those are memories, and the new semester is the one that needs to be faced.

假期的英语作文 篇四

  一、 每日完成寒假作业(三种)

  要求:认真完成寒假作业,注意文字书写。并按要求其它校方作业。 目的:巩固旧有知识以便学习新知识。

  二、 英语学习计划











  要求:熟读并记忆关键词法与词组、短语 目的:了解词性如介词、动词、代词、冠词等等,为提高英语水平夯实基础并加大词汇量。

  三、 语文学习计划





  要求:不辞寸壤,不弃涓滴 目的:建立自己的素材库,以期“博观约取,厚积薄发” 包括:

  ①语言材料 A:阅读积累(多读书,一定要先做到“眼高手低”才能有发展) B:适当看些幽默、相声(要知道“民族的才是世界的”) C:诗词歌赋必不可少(文化底蕴才是写作的关键) D:古今名人的轶事和历史小故事(议论必须有理有据,有据才能证理)

  ②生活材料 可以是生活小窍门、手工小工艺 ③科技材料 可以是新科技、新发明、世界未解之谜 注意:处处留心皆学问

  3、语文基础知识训练 要求:对初中阶段的字音、字形与字义必须掌握。 目的:对于中考的基础知识尽量多得分。







  寒假作业答案六年级上册苏教版20xx 语文+数学+英语作业答案


