
时间:2011-08-08 07:22:30
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英语词语学习:outsource 篇一

Outsource: Understanding the Concept and its Benefits

In today's globalized world, the term "outsource" has become increasingly common in business vocabulary. But what exactly does it mean? In simple terms, outsourcing refers to the practice of contracting out certain business functions or tasks to external third-party organizations. These organizations, often located in different countries, provide the necessary expertise and resources to handle the delegated tasks.

The concept of outsourcing emerged in the late 20th century as a result of advancements in technology and telecommunications. It gained popularity as businesses realized the potential cost savings and efficiency improvements it could offer. Companies began to identify non-core functions that could be outsourced, such as customer service, information technology, accounting, and manufacturing.

One of the main reasons why outsourcing has become so prevalent is cost reduction. By outsourcing certain tasks, companies can access specialized skills and resources at a fraction of the cost compared to hiring and training an in-house team. This allows organizations to focus their financial resources on core competencies and strategic initiatives, leading to increased competitiveness and profitability.

Another advantage of outsourcing is increased flexibility. Outsourcing enables companies to quickly scale up or down their operations based on market demand. For example, during peak seasons, a retailer may outsource its customer service function to handle increased call volumes. This flexibility allows businesses to adapt to changing market conditions without incurring significant costs or disruptions.

Additionally, outsourcing can provide access to a wider pool of talent and expertise. By partnering with external organizations, companies can tap into the knowledge and experience of professionals from different backgrounds and cultures. This diversity of perspectives often leads to innovative solutions and fresh ideas, which can give businesses a competitive edge in the market.

However, it is important to note that outsourcing is not without its challenges. Cultural differences, language barriers, and time zone variations can sometimes pose communication and coordination difficulties. Therefore, effective communication channels and project management systems need to be established to ensure smooth collaboration between the outsourcing partner and the client organization.

In conclusion, outsourcing has become a vital strategy for businesses seeking to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and gain a competitive advantage. By delegating non-core functions to external organizations, companies can focus on their core competencies and strategic goals. While there are challenges associated with outsourcing, the benefits it offers in terms of cost savings, flexibility, and access to talent make it a valuable tool in today's globalized economy.

英语词语学习:outsource 篇二

The Impact of Outsourcing on Employment and Economic Growth

Outsourcing, the practice of contracting out business functions to external third-party organizations, has had a significant impact on employment and economic growth. While it has been a subject of debate and controversy, understanding the effects of outsourcing is crucial for policymakers and businesses alike.

One of the main concerns surrounding outsourcing is its potential negative impact on domestic employment. When companies outsource certain tasks, it often leads to job losses in the home country as those functions are performed by workers in other countries where labor costs are lower. This can result in unemployment and wage stagnation in the domestic market, leading to social and economic challenges.

However, it is important to consider the broader impact of outsourcing on employment. While there may be job losses in specific sectors, outsourcing can also create new job opportunities in other areas. For example, as companies outsource manufacturing tasks, they may expand their research and development departments, leading to the creation of high-skilled jobs. Additionally, by reducing costs through outsourcing, companies can invest in new projects and ventures, stimulating economic growth and job creation.

Furthermore, outsourcing can have positive effects on the overall economy. By allowing businesses to focus on their core competencies, outsourcing can lead to increased productivity and efficiency. This, in turn, can drive economic growth as companies become more competitive in the global market. The cost savings achieved through outsourcing can also be reinvested in innovation, research, and development, which can further boost economic growth and create new opportunities.

Another aspect to consider is the impact of outsourcing on international trade. As companies outsource tasks to foreign countries, it can lead to increased trade and economic integration. This can result in higher exports and imports, stimulating economic activity and fostering international cooperation. Additionally, outsourcing can contribute to the transfer of knowledge and technology between countries, promoting innovation and development on a global scale.

However, it is crucial for policymakers to address the challenges associated with outsourcing. Measures should be put in place to support affected workers, provide training and re-skilling opportunities, and ensure a fair and equitable distribution of the benefits derived from outsourcing. Additionally, policies should encourage domestic companies to invest in research and development, innovation, and high-skilled job creation to mitigate the negative impacts of outsourcing on employment.

In conclusion, outsourcing has had a significant impact on employment and economic growth. While it can lead to job losses in specific sectors, outsourcing also creates new job opportunities and stimulates economic activity. By understanding the effects of outsourcing and implementing appropriate policies, countries can harness its benefits while mitigating its potential negative consequences.

英语词语学习:outsource 篇三



  Outsource, 外包。奥 巴 马 政府宣布将采取新举措振兴就业市常

  US "President Barack Obama says he will propose new tax incentives to encourage U.S. companies to bring jobs back to the United States instead of outsourcing them abroad,"

  美国总统 奥 巴 马 表示,他将提议新的税收方案,鼓励美国公司将就业机会留在美国市场,而不是外包到外国。

  "Many tech giant companies such as Apple and Microsoft now outsource their assembly lines to China and India,"




