
时间:2015-05-04 03:16:46
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Thanksgiving - A Day of Gratitude and Celebration


Thanksgiving is a widely celebrated holiday in the United States, Canada, and several other countries. It is a day when people come together with their loved ones to express gratitude for the blessings in their lives. In this article, we will explore the history, traditions, and significance of Thanksgiving.

History of Thanksgiving:

The origins of Thanksgiving can be traced back to the early 17th century when a group of English pilgrims known as the Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts. They had embarked on a perilous journey seeking religious freedom. The Pilgrims faced numerous challenges and hardships but were eventually able to establish a colony. To express their gratitude for surviving a harsh winter and for the bountiful harvest, they held a three-day feast in 1621, which is regarded as the first Thanksgiving.

Traditions and Celebrations:

Thanksgiving is typically celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Families and friends gather together for a special meal, often centered around a roasted turkey. Traditional dishes such as mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie are also commonly served. Many families take the opportunity to reflect on their blessings and share what they are thankful for. Some also participate in charitable activities, such as volunteering at shelters or food banks, to help those in need.

Another prominent tradition during Thanksgiving is the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. This iconic parade features giant balloons, floats, and performances, attracting millions of spectators both on-site and through televised broadcasts. Additionally, football games are a popular pastime during Thanksgiving, with many families watching or playing the sport together.

Significance of Thanksgiving:

Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude and reflection. It serves as a reminder to appreciate the blessings in our lives, whether they are big or small. It encourages us to express gratitude towards our loved ones, friends, and community. Thanksgiving also emphasizes the importance of coming together and fostering a sense of unity and harmony.

In addition to its cultural significance, Thanksgiving has a historical relevance. It commemorates the early settlers' perseverance and the cooperation between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans, who helped them survive in a new land. It symbolizes the spirit of sharing, understanding, and goodwill.


Thanksgiving is a cherished holiday that brings people together to express gratitude and celebrate the blessings in their lives. It is a time to appreciate the love, support, and opportunities we have been given. Let us embrace the spirit of Thanksgiving not just on this special day but throughout the year, cultivating a sense of gratitude and kindness towards others.

感恩节英文介绍「」 篇三


  The early Thanksgiving has no fixed dates, temporary decision, by the states until after the independence, to become a National Day of Thanksgiving. Every Thanksgiving Day this day, the United States national lively very, christians according to custom to church to do Thanksgiving prayer, urban villages and towns are everywhere costume parade, theater or sports competition, etc. Respectively a year of relatives will be back from the country and the family reunion, taste to "Turkey" give priority to a meal.

  America's most famous local celebration was started in 1924 Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade (Macy 's Thanksgiving Day making).

  Every Thanksgiving Day this day, the United States national jollification, people according to custom to church to do Thanksgiving prayer, urban and rural towns everywhere make-up marches, drama performances and sports competitions, such as schools and shops are given by the regulation off. Children to imitate the indians appearance in strange costumes and draw on facebook or wear a mask to the street singing, trumpet. Scattered in exile abroad will be home for the family, the family sit together, munch delicious Turkey, and the family said: "thanks!" . After Thanksgiving, the school will let the students draw a Thanksgiving picture, most of the students are drawing is Turkey.

  At the same time, the hospitality of americans also not forget this day invite friends, bachelor or away from home for the holidays. Since the 18th century, the United States began to appear a give poor people a basket of food customs. There was a group of young women want to choose a day in a year for good, think that Thanksgiving is selected the most appropriate nevertheless. So Thanksgiving Day arrived, they were fitted with a full basket of food personally delivered to the poor. Soon it far or near, there are many people learn their appearance to do. No matter who meet, they would say: "thank you!"

  初时感恩节没有固定日期,由各州临时决定,直到美国独立后,感恩节才成为全国性的节日。 每逢感恩节这一天,美国举国上下热闹非常,基督徒按照习俗前往教堂做感恩祈祷,城市乡镇到处都有化装游行、戏剧表演或体育比赛等。分别了一年的亲人们也会从天南海北归来,一家人团圆,品尝以“火鸡”为主的感恩节美食。

  美国当地最著名的庆典则是从1924年开始的梅西百货感恩节游行(Macy‘s thanksgiving day parade)。


  同时,好客的美国人也忘不掉这一天邀请好友、单身汉或远离家乡的人共度佳节。从18世纪起,美国就开始出现一种给贫穷人家送一篮子食物的风俗。当时有一群年轻妇女想在一年中选一天专门做善事,认为选定感恩节是最恰当不过的。所以感恩节一到,她们就装上满满一篮食物亲自送到穷人家。这件事远近传闻,不久就有许多人学着她们的样子做起来。不管遇到谁,他们都会说:“thank you!”


