兔子的英语作文带翻译 Rabbit(优选3篇)

时间:2015-07-03 08:49:17
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Rabbit 篇一:The Lovely Rabbit

Rabbits are small mammals that are known for their fluffy fur and long ears. They belong to the family Leporidae and are found in various parts of the world. Rabbits come in different sizes, colors, and breeds, making them a popular choice as pets.

Rabbits are herbivores, which means they primarily eat plants. Their diet consists of grass, leaves, and vegetables. They have a unique digestive system that allows them to eat their own feces, known as cecotropes, in order to extract additional nutrients from their food.

Rabbits are known for their ability to reproduce quickly. A female rabbit, also known as a doe, can give birth to a litter of baby rabbits, called kits, in just a few weeks. The kits are born hairless and blind, but they quickly develop and grow with the help of their mother's milk.

Rabbits are social animals and can form strong bonds with their human owners. They are known for their playful and curious nature, often hopping and running around in a joyful manner. Rabbits also communicate through various body movements and sounds. For example, they may thump their hind legs on the ground to signal danger or excitement.

In the wild, rabbits live in burrows or underground tunnels that provide them with shelter and protection. They are prey animals and have a keen sense of hearing and smell to detect potential predators. When they sense danger, rabbits rely on their powerful hind legs to make quick escapes.

Rabbits have been domesticated for centuries and are kept as pets all around the world. They require proper care, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a clean living environment. Pet rabbits can be litter-trained and can even learn tricks with proper training.

In conclusion, rabbits are adorable creatures that bring joy and companionship to many people. Their unique characteristics and behaviors make them fascinating animals to observe and care for. Whether kept as pets or seen in the wild, rabbits are a delightful addition to our natural world.








Rabbit 篇二:The Role of Rabbits in Ecosystems

Rabbits play a vital role in the balance and health of ecosystems around the world. As herbivores, they contribute to the dispersal of seeds and the control of plant populations. Through their feeding habits and behaviors, rabbits can shape the composition and structure of plant communities.

One important role of rabbits is seed dispersal. When rabbits eat plants, they often consume the seeds as well. These seeds can then pass through the digestive system of the rabbits and be deposited in different areas through their droppings. This process helps to spread seeds and promote plant growth in new locations.

Rabbits also have a significant impact on plant populations. Their feeding habits can influence the abundance and distribution of plant species. For example, rabbits prefer to eat young and tender plants, which can lead to a decrease in the number of these plants in a particular area. This, in turn, can affect the availability of food and habitat for other animals that rely on these plants.

Furthermore, rabbits' digging behavior can create habitats for other species. By burrowing into the ground, rabbits create tunnels and burrows that can serve as shelter for small animals such as insects, reptiles, and other mammals. These burrows also provide a safe place for rabbits themselves, protecting them from predators and harsh weather conditions.

However, in certain situations, rabbits can also become a nuisance and cause damage to agricultural crops and gardens. Their high reproductive rate and voracious appetite can lead to overgrazing and the destruction of vegetation in localized areas. In such cases, measures need to be taken to manage rabbit populations and minimize their negative impact on human activities.

In conclusion, rabbits play a crucial role in ecosystems by contributing to seed dispersal, shaping plant populations, and creating habitats for other species. Their feeding habits and behaviors have a direct impact on the composition and structure of plant communities. It is important to strike a balance between the benefits and potential challenges associated with the presence of rabbits in various environments.

兔子的英语作文带翻译 Rabbit 篇三

关于兔子的英语作文带翻译 Rabbit


  Yesterday, my friend Kay Tse gave me a rabbit.


  Its hair is white, brown eyes, nose is pink, the head is very small, only a mouse so big.


  It's very clever, once, I fed it to eat, it is not your mouth is placed directly on top of the food to eat, but eat food with forepaws hold. After that, it also put the mouth on the floor clean. Also, every time he went to the edge of a step, fall off not, because it is always the first to see there is no danger, then make the corresponding countermeasures.


  Rabbit very gentle personality. In nature, it does not have what harm to other animal, or violation of the human animal, but many are bullied him, wolf, tiger, lion, eagle to eat it; take it; even people shoot it...... But the rabbit has not been eliminated. Why? Because it can strongly protect yourself: it's fast, saw the wolf, tiger, lion, it quickly into the hole; if the eagle in it, it will be with one's face towards the sky, four legs to blend the eagle; the nature of the wild rabbit has a protective color, hiding in the bushes, also not easy even human beings find it. It is this kind of indomitable spirit, to the big family of enduring rabbit.

兔子的英语作文带翻译 Rabbit(优选3篇)

