how to keep healthy英语作文带翻译【精简6篇】

时间:2014-09-09 03:42:34
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篇一:How to Keep Healthy (Part 1)

In today's fast-paced society, maintaining good health has become increasingly important. However, with busy schedules and constant distractions, it can be challenging to prioritize our well-being. In this article, we will discuss some effective strategies to help you stay healthy.

First of all, it is essential to establish a balanced and nutritious diet. Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can provide your body with the necessary nutrients to function properly. Avoiding excessive consumption of processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy snacks is also crucial. Remember, a healthy diet is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.

Regular exercise is another key factor in maintaining good health. Engaging in physical activity not only helps control weight but also strengthens muscles and bones, improves cardiovascular health, and boosts mood and mental well-being. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. Find activities you enjoy, such as walking, swimming, cycling, or dancing, and make them a regular part of your routine.

Adequate sleep is often overlooked but plays a vital role in overall health. Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, decreased cognitive function, weakened immune system, and even an increased risk of chronic diseases. Make sure to prioritize sleep by establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and ensuring your sleeping environment is comfortable and conducive to rest.

In addition to a healthy diet, exercise, and sufficient sleep, it is essential to manage stress effectively. Chronic stress can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental health. Find healthy coping mechanisms that work for you, such as practicing mindfulness or engaging in hobbies you enjoy. Prioritizing self-care and taking time for yourself is crucial in managing stress and promoting overall well-being.

Lastly, do not underestimate the importance of regular check-ups and screenings. Regular visits to your healthcare provider can help detect potential health issues early on, allowing for prompt treatment and prevention. Additionally, make sure to stay up to date with vaccinations and follow recommended guidelines for screenings such as mammograms, Pap smears, and colonoscopies.

In conclusion, prioritizing our health is essential in today's fast-paced world. By following a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and seeking regular medical check-ups, we can take proactive steps towards maintaining good health. Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements in our overall well-being.

篇二:How to Keep Healthy (Part 2)

In the previous article, we discussed some fundamental strategies for maintaining good health. In this article, we will delve deeper into the topic and explore additional tips to help you stay healthy.

One important aspect of staying healthy is maintaining a positive mindset. A positive attitude can significantly impact our overall well-being. Surround yourself with positive influences, practice gratitude, and engage in activities that bring you joy. Cultivating a positive mindset can help reduce stress, improve mental health, and enhance overall happiness.

Hydration is another crucial element in maintaining good health. Drinking an adequate amount of water is essential for proper bodily functions. Water helps regulate body temperature, aids in digestion, flushes out toxins, and keeps our skin healthy. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day, and adjust your intake based on your activity level and climate.

Another helpful tip is to limit screen time and take regular breaks from electronic devices. Excessive screen time can lead to eye strain, disrupted sleep patterns, and sedentary behavior. Set boundaries for yourself and establish designated "screen-free" periods throughout the day. Use this time to engage in physical activity, connect with loved ones, or pursue hobbies that do not involve screens.

Incorporating relaxation techniques into your daily routine can also contribute to your overall well-being. Activities such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve mental clarity. Find what works best for you and make it a habit to practice these techniques regularly.

Furthermore, maintaining social connections and nurturing relationships is vital for our mental and emotional health. Spending quality time with family and friends, engaging in meaningful conversations, and participating in social activities can provide a sense of belonging and support. Reach out to loved ones regularly, and make an effort to cultivate new friendships as well.

Lastly, it is crucial to avoid harmful habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and drug abuse. These habits can have severe consequences on our health and increase the risk of chronic diseases. If you struggle with these habits, seek professional help or join support groups to aid in your journey towards quitting.

In conclusion, staying healthy requires a holistic approach that addresses various aspects of our lives. By maintaining a positive mindset, staying hydrated, limiting screen time, practicing relaxation techniques, nurturing relationships, and avoiding harmful habits, we can optimize our well-being. Remember, good health is a long-term commitment that requires consistent effort and dedication.

how to keep healthy英语作文带翻译 篇三

  Each of us should stay healthy, which is the foundation of our activities. Here are some ways to stay healthy.

  First, we should spend one to two hours a day in regular exercise; try to walk instead of ride. Second, we should eat some healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits and so on. They are able to help us maintain a healthy body. When we are in trouble, try to relax our mood, listen to the soft music. It also enables us to maintain a good health. Finally there is a good sleep can also assure us a healthy body. We should sleep seven to eight hours a day to maintain adequate sleep. If we can do follow these advice, I believe we can have a healthy body, a better life.



how to keep healthy英语作文带翻译 篇四

  It's important for us to be healthy all our life. We can't study or work well without healthy body.

  There're many ways to keep healthy. First of all, we should keep taking exercises every day. We can walk to school instead of taking a bus. After school, we can spend an hour playing ball games. If we live in a high-rise, we can walk upstairs or downstairs. Second, we should have a balanced diet. Finally, we must remember: Early to bed, early to rise is the way to keep healthy, wealthy and wise.



how to keep healthy英语作文带翻译 篇五

  As we all know, healthy is very important to everybody.But do you really know how to stay healthy? Here are some useful tips.

  First, we should do exercise if we have time.For example, we can go to swim in the summer holiday. Or we can take a walk after supper.Doing exercise makes us healthy and strong.

  Second, we should take more vegetables and fruit and less candies. Stop eating junk food and drinking beers.

  Last but not least, we should go to bed early and wake up early. We should have enough sleep, or we will get sleepy in the day time. If we pay more attention to the tips above, we will have healthier body. I wish everybody has a strong and healthy body.





how to keep healthy英语作文带翻译 篇六

  Our healthy is the only things we really have in the world. You can take away our money, our house, or our clothes and we can survive. Take away our health and we will die. That is why I eat healthfully, exercise regularly, and keep up my social life.

  Eating healthfully is important to maintain one’s health. I try to avoid foods high in fat like French fries or cookies. I also try to limit the amount o f animal protein I consume. I never eat more than a few ounces of fish or chicken a day and I rarely eat meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of fiber and vitamins. It is important to know how to cook these foods so the nutrients are not lost in the cooking process.

  Your muscles must continue to be strong to support your body as it grows older. Exercise helps the bones build density and helps you maintain your posture. A regular exercise program of cardiovascular training and weight training is an important part of keeping you healthy.

  Friends are an important part of one’s health. Studies have shown that people with a wide range of social contacts get fewer colds and have fewer complaints than those who don’t. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends and I always feel better when I am with them than when I am alone.

  By eating properly and exercise regularly, I can keep my body at an appropriate weight and can maintain my health. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. It’s all part of my recipe for healthful living.

how to keep healthy英语作文带翻译【精简6篇】

