初中英语作文:最后一天 The Last Day(精彩3篇)

时间:2016-06-03 05:28:48
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初中英语作文:最后一天 The Last Day 篇一

The Last Day

Today is the last day of our school year, and it is filled with mixed emotions. On one hand, we are excited about the upcoming summer vacation, but on the other hand, we feel a sense of sadness as we say goodbye to our teachers and classmates.

In the morning, our homeroom teacher organized a class meeting to reflect on the past year. We shared our favorite memories and lessons we have learned. It was a bittersweet moment as we realized how much we have grown and how much we will miss each other.

After the meeting, we had a special class activity. Our teacher prepared a fun game for us to play together. We formed teams and competed in various challenges. It was a great opportunity for us to bond and have some fun before the summer break.

During lunchtime, our school held a farewell party in the cafeteria. We enjoyed a delicious meal and listened to our teachers' speeches. Many of us received awards and certificates for our academic achievements and extracurricular activities. It was a proud moment for all of us.

In the afternoon, we had our final classes. Although we were all eager for the school year to end, there was a sense of nostalgia in the air. We took a last look at our classrooms and walked through the hallways, cherishing the memories we have made in this school.

Finally, it was time for the closing ceremony. We gathered in the school auditorium, and our principal gave a heartfelt speech, congratulating us on completing another successful year. We sang our school anthem for the last time as a class, and tears filled our eyes.

As the final bell rang, we said our goodbyes and hugged each other tightly. We promised to keep in touch over the summer and meet again next year. It was a day filled with both joy and sadness, but we knew that it marked the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.

The last day of school was an unforgettable experience. We realized how much we have grown and learned throughout the year. We made lasting friendships and created memories that will stay with us forever. Although we are sad to say goodbye, we are also excited for the adventures that await us in the summer and beyond.

初中英语作文:最后一天 The Last Day 篇二

The Last Day

Today is the last day of our school year, and it is a day filled with excitement and relief. We have worked hard throughout the year, and now we can finally relax and enjoy the summer vacation.

In the morning, we had our final exams. Although it was a bit stressful, we were determined to do our best and finish the year strong. After the exams, we felt a sense of relief knowing that we have completed all our assignments and tests.

During lunchtime, our classmates organized a small party to celebrate the end of the school year. We brought snacks and drinks to share with each other. We laughed and talked about our plans for the summer vacation. It was a joyful moment as we realized that we have accomplished so much together.

In the afternoon, we had a class meeting to discuss our plans for the summer. Some of us were going on family trips, while others were attending summer camps or taking part in various activities. We shared our excitement and wished each other a fun and memorable vacation.

Finally, it was time for the closing ceremony. We gathered in the school auditorium, and our principal gave a speech, commending us for our hard work and dedication throughout the year. We received our report cards and certificates, feeling proud of our achievements.

As the final bell rang, we said goodbye to our teachers and classmates with a mix of happiness and sadness. We hugged each other tightly, promising to keep in touch and meet again in the next school year. It was a day filled with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for the adventures that await us in the summer.

The last day of school marked the end of a challenging but rewarding year. We have grown both academically and personally, and we are proud of our accomplishments. As we embark on our summer vacation, we are filled with excitement and gratitude for the experiences and friendships we have gained throughout the year.

初中英语作文:最后一天 The Last Day 篇三

初中英语作文:最后一天 The Last Day

  在学习、工作、生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是小编精心整理的初中英语作文:最后一天 The Last Day,欢迎阅读与收藏。

  Most people have thought about the question of what will they do if tomorrow were the last day for them. Some parents said they wanted to travel to the place they had always wanted, or they just spent the day together, having a date liked they just met before. When the children were asked, they gave the answer that they wanted to spend the time with their parents. The parents were so moved as they saw the video, the underestimated their children’s love for them, because sometimes arguments happened and the children would say bad words to hurt their feelings. The children love their parents always, no matter what happens.


初中英语作文:最后一天 The Last Day(精彩3篇)

