
时间:2018-06-09 05:32:40
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一年级英语作文:在学校的第一天 篇一

On the First Day of School

Hello, everyone! Today is my first day at school. I am very excited and a little bit nervous. I wake up early in the morning and put on my new school uniform. Mom prepares a delicious breakfast for me, and Dad gives me a big hug, saying, "Have a great day, my little scholar!"

I arrive at school with my parents. The school is huge and full of other students. I see many new faces, and I wonder if they are feeling the same way as me. I am assigned to Class 1A, and my teacher's name is Miss Johnson. She has a warm smile and welcomes us to the class.

In our classroom, there are colorful posters and educational toys. I see a big blackboard at the front of the classroom and desks with our names on them. I quickly find my desk and sit down. The classroom starts to fill up with other students, and we introduce ourselves to each other. I meet Lily, who sits next to me, and we become fast friends.

Miss Johnson begins the class by teaching us the alphabet. She shows us flashcards with letters on them and asks us to repeat after her. We all try our best to pronounce the letters correctly. Then, we learn some simple words and practice writing them on our notebooks. I am proud of myself when I write my first word, "cat," perfectly.

During recess, Lily and I play games on the playground. We run, jump, and laugh together. We make new friends and have a lot of fun.

After recess, we have math class. Miss Johnson teaches us how to count and add numbers. She uses colorful blocks and pictures to make it easier for us to understand. I enjoy solving the math problems and feel proud when I get the right answers.

Finally, it's time to go home. I say goodbye to my new friends and Miss Johnson. I can't wait to tell my parents about my exciting day at school.

Today was an amazing day! I learned a lot and made new friends. I am looking forward to the rest of the school year and all the adventures that await me.

一年级英语作文:在学校的第一天 篇三


  我在学校的第一天 My First Day at School

  When I go to school in the first day, my parents drive me to school, then they walk me to the classroom, they tell me that they will go away and I feel lonely, I try not to cry, though I want to cry in my heart.

  But soon I make new friends and forget about the unhappiness, we play together and become good friends.




