培养逻辑思维 英语范文(优选6篇)

时间:2016-07-07 04:48:45
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Title: Cultivating Logical Thinking

Essay 1: Developing Logical Thinking Skills

Logical thinking is an essential skill that plays a vital role in our everyday lives. It helps us reason, analyze, and make sound decisions. Therefore, it is crucial to cultivate logical thinking skills from an early age. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of developing logical thinking skills and explore some effective strategies to enhance this ability.

Logical thinking enables individuals to identify patterns, analyze information, and draw reasonable conclusions. It helps us make sense of the world around us and understand complex concepts. By developing this skill, individuals can become better problem solvers and decision-makers.

One effective strategy to enhance logical thinking is through puzzles and games. Sudoku, chess, and crossword puzzles are excellent examples of activities that require logical reasoning. Engaging in these activities regularly can improve pattern recognition, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Additionally, playing strategic board games like chess or bridge can also help develop logical thinking abilities by requiring players to think several steps ahead and anticipate potential outcomes.

Another way to cultivate logical thinking is through the study of mathematics and science. These subjects provide a structured framework that encourages logical reasoning. Solving math problems and conducting scientific experiments require individuals to think logically and analyze information systematically. By practicing these subjects, students can develop the ability to reason logically and apply logical principles to real-life situations.

Furthermore, reading, particularly philosophical and scientific texts, can also enhance logical thinking skills. These texts often present complex arguments and require readers to critically analyze the information presented. By engaging with such material, individuals can improve their ability to think logically, identify fallacies, and evaluate the validity of arguments.

In addition to these strategies, it is important to encourage open discussions and debates. Engaging in meaningful conversations allows individuals to analyze different perspectives, challenge assumptions, and present logical arguments. By actively participating in debates, individuals can enhance their logical thinking skills by learning to construct coherent and persuasive arguments.

In conclusion, cultivating logical thinking skills is crucial in our increasingly complex world. Through puzzles and games, studying mathematics and science, reading challenging texts, and engaging in debates, individuals can develop their logical thinking abilities. By doing so, they will be better equipped to reason, analyze information, and make informed decisions.

培养逻辑思维 英语范文 篇三

seems to follow a recognized pattern of exposure to the virus. patients often complain of fever, sore throat, muscle soreness, and it seems to be a dormant period that can last for three years or after that, more serious symptoms begin to appear every summer. When the new semester comes, I will travel with my family or my best friend.

I will be surprised I found that my oral English has been greatly improved, so I firmly believe that books are not only the source of knowledge, _traveling with my family_ and _my oral English has been greatly improved_. Part of the solution lies in the change of cultural attitude. Policymakers also need to help, because stupid laws are the problem worse, and even more important than abolishing stupid policies is to restructure the education system, in an era when most people are working hard, and schools need to _become more boy friendly_ because, though, if, however, therefore, though, the same, therefore, despite“ I tend to agree that young children may be negatively affected by spending too much time on the computer, in part because sitting in front of the screen for a long time can damage the eyes and the main body posture.

People are concerned about the types of computer activities that attract video games, which are often very intense, and often too much _hero_ contact encourages children to be self-centered, Not sensitive to others. _This_ _I tend to agree_ _because_ _ignore_ _these_ _computer activities_ _players_ _games_ coherence and coherence IELTS writing.



培养逻辑思维 英语范文 篇四

语法衔接中的照应是指语篇中某一成分与另一成分之间因在功能上存在着能相互解释的关系,因而能相互照应(李潇颍, 2011),包括人称照应(运用人称代词,如I、 you、 them;所属限定词,如your、 his、 their;所属代词,如mine、 hers、 theirs)、指示照应(运用选择性名词指示词,如this、 these;定冠词the;指示性副词,如here、 then) 和比较照应(运用形容词和副词的比较级及其他有比较意义的词语,如same、 similarly、 otherwise)(黄国文,1988)。 在语篇教学中,教师可以利用语篇中的照应,结合内容特点设计学习活动,启发学生分析、综合语篇信息, 发展逻辑思维能力。

以必修第一册第四单元Extended Reading部分的语篇Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover为例,文章有如下片段:Your friends may post a never-ending series of photos online to show off their beautiful dresses or strong bodies, and it becomes easier for you to compare yourself to them. This has proved to have a negative effect on what you think of your physical appearance. 教师可以设计问题链,引导学生理解以上语段中的照应关系。教师提问:Why do your friends post photos online? 学生回答:Because they want to show off their beautiful dresses or strong bodies.教师追问: What does it cause you to do? 学生回答:To compare myself to them. 在前面启发的基础上,教师进一步提问:What does“this”refer to? 从而引出答案:To compare yourself to them.教师通过逻辑问题链,引导学生围绕语篇主题,将前后内容关联起



以必修第二册第三单元Reading部分的语篇Alex around the World为例,针对文中句子“I did not understand all of the traditional customs, but a few made a deep impression on me. One was the bridegroom's entrance on a beautiful white horse. ”,教师可以提问:What does the phrase“a few”mean? 启发学生分析前文句意,并结合本句意义,综合理解信息,即a few traditional customs。教师继续提问:What does the word “one”mean? 引导学生围绕段落主题,分析句意,综合上下文内容得知one是替代上文出现的traditional custom。


培养逻辑思维 英语范文 篇五

When we have troubles, we will naturally find someone to talk to. Our first choice is friends. We won't talk about them in front of our parents, because we don't want them to worry that our friends are so important in our life.

We have many friends. We will share our happiness and sadness with them. We go out together.

In short, friends are a part of our life What happens if a person has no friends? We hear from the news that criminals are isolated by others. Most of them have no friends. Their views on the world are distorted.

They have no friends. People have no place to release their emotions. Long term depressed emotions can distract people's attention from normal life.

So friends are very important. We can't have no friends.



培养逻辑思维 英语范文 篇六

A fourth grade teacher was giving her students a logic lesson. _That's how it is,_ she said, _a man standing on a boat in the middle of the river fishing, lost his balance, fell down, started splashing and yelling for help. His wife heard the commotion and knew he couldn't swim and ran to the bank.

Why do you think she ran to the bank?_ a girl raised her hand All his savings.



培养逻辑思维 英语范文(优选6篇)

