
时间:2015-06-04 02:12:25
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七年级上英语测试题 篇一

In the first part of the seventh grade English test, students will be tested on their knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. The test will cover topics such as verb tenses, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions. Students will also be required to demonstrate their understanding of sentence structure, word order, and punctuation.

In the grammar section of the test, students will be asked to identify and correct errors in sentences. They will need to know the difference between present simple and present continuous tenses, as well as past simple and past continuous tenses. Students will also be tested on their ability to use comparative and superlative forms of adjectives, and to identify and use different types of adverbs.

The vocabulary section of the test will require students to demonstrate their knowledge of a variety of words and phrases. They will need to know the meanings of common words and expressions, as well as how to use them in context. Students will also be tested on their ability to define words based on context clues, and to use synonyms and antonyms to expand their vocabulary.

In the reading comprehension section of the test, students will be required to read a passage and answer questions based on the information presented. They will need to demonstrate their ability to identify main ideas, supporting details, and the author's purpose. Students will also be tested on their ability to make inferences, draw conclusions, and summarize information.

Overall, the seventh grade English test will assess students' proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. By testing these skills, teachers can determine students' strengths and weaknesses, and provide targeted instruction to help them improve their English language skills.

七年级上英语测试题 篇二

The second part of the seventh grade English test will focus on students' writing skills. Students will be required to write a short essay on a given topic, demonstrating their ability to organize their thoughts, use appropriate language and grammar, and convey their ideas clearly and effectively.

In the writing section of the test, students will be given a prompt that asks them to express their opinion on a particular issue or topic. They will need to brainstorm ideas, create an outline, and write a well-developed essay that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Students will also need to use transitional words and phrases to connect their ideas and maintain coherence and cohesion in their writing.

To do well on the writing section of the test, students will need to pay attention to their grammar, spelling, and punctuation. They should also use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to make their writing more interesting and engaging. Students will need to revise and edit their work to ensure that it is clear, concise, and free of errors.

By assessing students' writing skills, the seventh grade English test will help teachers evaluate students' ability to express themselves in writing. Writing is an essential skill that students will need to master in order to communicate effectively in school and in their future careers. Through practice and feedback, students can continue to improve their writing skills and become more confident and proficient writers.

七年级上英语测试题 篇三



  A B C D E

  1_________ 2________ 3__________ 4__________ 5__________

  二 听句子,选取正确的答语、(5分)

  ( ) 6.A、Red、 B、Thrillers C、Oranges

  ( ) 7.A、I like action movies、 B、Yes,I do、 C、I like bananas.

  ( ) 8.A、Yes, she does、 B、No, it isn’t、 C、Yes, he does.

  ( ) 9.A、Art club、 B、Swimming C、School trip.

  ( ) 10.A、Yes,I do、B、Yes,I am、 C、Yes, I can.


  ( ) 11.Does she like movies?

  A、Yes, she does、 B、No, she doesn’t C、Yes, she can’t.

  ( ) 12、What does she think of Beijing Opera?

  A、funny B、interesting、 C、 sad

  ( ) 13.What does the girl do?

  A、She is a student、 B、She is a teacher、 C、She is a singer.

  ( ) 14.Does Lily like thrillers?

  A、No,she doesn’t、 B、Yes, she does、 C、I don’t know.

  ( ) 15.What does Linda usually do on weekends?

  A、play basketball、 B、watch TV、 C、go to a movie.


canCan’tBillPlay baskeall16Lucy1718Peter1920

  ( ) 16.A、play the guitar B.play the piano C、play the violin

  ( ) 17.A、dance B.sing C.swim

  ( ) 18.A、dance B.sing C.swim

  ( ) 19.A.play the drums B.play the trumpet C play the violin

  ( ) 20 A.play the drums B.play the trumpet C play the violin



  ( )21.A.apples B、salad C、tomatoes D、June

  ( )22.A Sunday B May C March D、Octerber

  ( )23.A、first B、fifth C、ten D、fourth

  ( )24.A、shirt B、clothes C、pants D skirt

  ( )25.A、bag B drums C violin D、guitar


  ( )26、– ________ it the TV? –It’s 2000 yuan.

  A、How many B、How much C、How about

  ( )27、–Can I help you? –_________.

  A、Thank you B、Yes, please, I want a pen、C、You’re welcome.

  ( )28、He wants to learn ______ art.

  A、for B、about C、at

  ( )29、I like sports、My friend Allan ______likes sports.

  A、too B、also C、and

  ( )30、—___________you swim? —No, I___________.

  A.Can;can B.Can;don't C、Can;can't

  ( )31、They have T-shirts ___ green and black for only $13____ the shop.

  A、at; at B、in; in C、with; with D、at; in

  ( )32..Jim often goes to movies ____________ his friends.

  A.and B.to C.with

  ( )33..Maria likes thriller ____________she doesn't like comedies.

  A.and B.but C.or

  ( )34..—____________ is your favourite actor?—Kevin Johnson.

  A.What B.Whose C.Who

  ( )35..I often go to the shops ____________ weekends.

  A.for B.on C.in

  ( )36、---- May I ___your watch? ---- Sure、Here you are.

  A、see B、watch C、have a look at

  ( )37、My sister can play _____ guitar, and my friend Jack can play ____ baseball.

  A.a;the B、the;/ C./;the

  ( )38、--- How old ____your cousin? ----He is fourteen _____ old.

  A、Is ,year B、is, years C、are, years

  ( )39.There are ______ months in a year、The ______ month is December.

  A.twelve, twelve B.twelfth, twelfth C.twelve, twelfth

  ( )40..Beijing Opera is really ____________.My father likes it.

  A.funny B.boring C.sad


  June 41 action movies and she often goes 42 Chinese action movies、She thinks they are very 43 、She thinks documentaries are boring, 44 she doesn’t like 45 、She thinks they are scary、She 46 likes Beijing Opera、Some 47 don’t like it, but she thinks it very 48 、She thinks she can 49 Chinese history、She with her friends 50 to see Beijing Opera.

  ( )41、A、really like B、like really C、really likes

  ( ) 42、A、seeing B、to see C、see

  ( ) 43、A、exciting B、boring C、difficult

  ( ) 44、A、but B、so C.、and

  ( )45、A、comedies B、thrillers C、documentaries

  ( )46、A、too B、either C、also

  ( ) 47、A、people B、peoples C、Chinese

  ( ) 48、A、interesting B、boring C、scary

  ( ) 49、A、learn about B、think of C、learns about

  ( ) 50、A、has B、go C、wants


  ( A ) 阅读表格,选择最佳答案

  Do You Want To Be A Musician ?

  Do you want to be a musician ? Come to our club , and you’ll be very happy in the club 、We have lessonsabout the piano , the drums , the bamboo flute , the guitar and the violin for just $20 each 、You can also learn to sing , to dance for $25 each 、If you like art , you can be satisfied (满意), too ----It’s just for $30 each !

  ( ) 51、How many kinds of instruments are there in the ad ? There are ________ .

  A、5 B、6 C、7 D、4

  ( ) 52、How much is it for piano ? It’s ________ .

  A、$25 B、$20 C、$30 D、$45

  ( ) 53、We can’t learn about ________ in the club .

  A、drums B、bamboo flute C、art D、chess

  ( ) 54、If you want to learn about guitar and singing , you should pay ________ .

  A、$45 B、$20 C、$30 D、$25

  ( ) 55、What does lesson mean in the ad ? ________ .

  A、教师 B、课本 C、课程 D、教室

  (B)阅读短文,判断正误(正确T 错误F)

  Jim is a basketball fan (球迷)、He is very good at playing basketball、Michael Jorden is his favorite (最喜欢的) basketball player、Jim is on the school basketball team、Every Friday (星期五) afternoon, they play basketball after class、Jim’s friend Mike isn’t good at basketball, but he’s very good at football、Ronaldo is his favorite football player、Mike is on the football team、They play football every Tuesday afternoon.

  ( )56、Jim likes basketball very much.

  ( )57、Michael Jorden is a football player.

  ( )58、Jim plays basketball every day.

  ( )59、Jim’s friend Mike is good at basketball, too.

  ( )60、Ronaldo is Jim’s favorite football player.


  (一) 对话排序。把下列各句用序号(BCDEF)编排成一个语意完整的对话.A已给出

  A.What club do you want to join ?

  61( ) Do you want to join the art club?

  62( )Can you swim ?

  63( )No, I can’t.

  64( )Yes, I do.

  65( )I don’t know.

  (二) 从下面方框中所给的七个句子中选出五个句子。

  A:Hello,Ann! B.Hello,Kitty!

  A:The weekend is coming, 66 .

  B:I often go to the movies with my friends.

  A: 67 .

  B:Well,we like action movies.

  A:I like Chinese action movies and 68 .

  B:Do you often go to the movies?

  A:No、 69 and look at the pictures of Beijing Opera.

  B:My friend Kevin likes Beijing Opera,too、70 .

  A.I don’t know、 B.What do you often do on weekends?

  C.Who is your favourite actor? D I like Beijing Opera

  E.What kind of movie do you like? F.I often stay at home

  G、He wants to be a Beijing Opera artist.

  66_________ 67_________ 68________ 69__________ 70__________


  72、We want two good _______ for our rock band. 71、The bags on ________are fifteen yuan each.

  73、–What’s the _________ of this skirt? –It’s 100 yuan.

  74、September is the ___________ month of the year.

  75、I can't ___________my pen.Where is it?

  76.The young people often ____________action movies.

  77 His __________movie is Mr Bean

  78、__________ he want to go to the sports club?

  79.-What_________ of fruits do you like? -I like oranges.

  80.-__________ you play the guitar ?-Yes, I can


  81.The green socks are $6、(对划线部分提问)

  ________ __________ are the green socks?

  82, It is a documentary..(改为复数句子)

  ________ are ___________.

  83 Tom wants to go to a movie.(变为否定句子)

  Tom _______ ___________ to go to a movie.

  84,I like action movies、(对划线部分提问)

  What ________ _________ movies do you like?

  85,I can see a bag on the floor.(变为一般疑问句)

  _________ ________ see a bag on the floor?



  Please come and see ________ _________ at my store.


  When ________ his __________ birthday?


  Jim often_______ to see __________ movies.


  I can speak _______ _________ Chinese.


  I _______ _________ I’m good at English.





