小学三年级英语《I like football.》教学设计(优秀5篇)

时间:2014-07-06 01:50:34
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小学三年级英语《I like football.》教学设计 篇一

Title: Engaging Three-Year-Olds in Learning English Through Football


In this lesson plan, we will explore how to teach the English phrase "I like football" to three-year-old students in a fun and engaging way. By incorporating the students' love for sports, we can make learning English enjoyable and effective.


- To introduce the English phrase "I like football" to three-year-old students.

- To engage students in learning English through their interest in football.

- To practice speaking and listening skills in English.


- Flashcards with images of footballs and players.

- Small footballs for students to hold and play with during the lesson.

- A short video clip of children playing football.

- Picture books about football.


1. Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Show the students the flashcards with images of footballs and players.

- Ask the students if they know what sport is depicted in the pictures.

- Play a short video clip of children playing football to get the students excited about the topic.

2. Introduction (10 minutes):

- Introduce the English phrase "I like football" by saying it aloud and having the students repeat after you.

- Show the students the flashcards again and have them practice saying the phrase while pointing to the pictures.

3. Activity (15 minutes):

- Divide the students into small groups and give each group a picture book about football.

- Have the students look through the book and point out different elements related to football (e.g. players, balls, goals).

- Encourage the students to use the phrase "I like football" when discussing the pictures.

4. Game (10 minutes):

- Play a game of football with the students using the small footballs.

- Encourage the students to say "I like football" as they play and pass the ball around.

5. Review and Closure (5 minutes):

- Review the phrase "I like football" with the students by asking them to say it one last time.

- Have a quick discussion about the students' favorite parts of the lesson and what they enjoyed about learning English through football.


By incorporating the students' love for football into the English lesson, we can create a fun and engaging learning experience that will help them remember the phrase "I like football" and improve their English skills.

小学三年级英语《I like football.》教学设计 篇二

Title: Enhancing Language Skills Through Football Activities


In this lesson plan, we will focus on using football-related activities to help three-year-old students improve their language skills, particularly in speaking and listening. By incorporating their interest in football, we can create a motivating and effective learning environment.


- To reinforce the English phrase "I like football" through various activities.

- To practice speaking and listening skills in English in a fun and interactive way.

- To engage students in learning English through their love for football.


- Flashcards with images of football-related vocabulary (e.g. ball, player, goal).

- A small football for each student.

- Picture books about football.

- Audio recordings of football-related sounds (e.g. cheering, whistle blowing).


1. Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Show the students the flashcards with images of football-related vocabulary and have them identify each word.

- Play the audio recordings of football-related sounds and ask the students to guess what they are hearing.

2. Vocabulary Introduction (10 minutes):

- Introduce new vocabulary related to football, such as "goal," "kick," and "score."

- Use the flashcards to help the students understand the meaning of each word and practice saying them aloud.

3. Activity Stations (20 minutes):

- Set up different activity stations around the classroom, each focusing on a different aspect of football (e.g. passing the ball, shooting goals).

- Divide the students into small groups and have them rotate through the stations, practicing the new vocabulary and using the phrase "I like football" in context.

4. Storytelling (10 minutes):

- Read a picture book about football to the students, pausing to ask questions and engage them in the story.

- Encourage the students to use the new vocabulary and the phrase "I like football" when discussing the book.

5. Game (10 minutes):

- Play a game of football with the students using the small footballs.

- Encourage the students to use the new vocabulary and the phrase "I like football" as they play and interact with each other.

6. Review and Closure (5 minutes):

- Review the new vocabulary and the phrase "I like football" with the students by asking them to say the words and phrase one last time.

- Have a quick discussion about what the students enjoyed most about the lesson and what they learned about football and English.


By incorporating football-related activities into the lesson, we can create a dynamic and engaging learning experience that will help three-year-old students improve their language skills while having fun. The use of interactive activities and visual aids will enhance the students' understanding of the English language and their ability to communicate effectively.

小学三年级英语《I like football.》教学设计 篇三



  本课围绕I like football. 这个话题,进行了句型I like ……. I don’t like …….的学习,使学生通过学习能掌握如何表达自己喜欢的事物和不喜欢的事物,同时学习了football/ basketball/ table tennis/ morning exercises等运动类的英语单词,从而使学生可以准确描述对这些运动的喜好。









  A学习如何运用I like…/I don’t like…来谈论自己喜欢和不喜欢的运动。




  (1)能够正确运用句型“I like…” 和 “I don’t like…..”来表达自己的想法。


  (3)掌握单词 like don’t football basketball morning exercises


  能够正确运用句型“I like …” and “I don’t’ like….”





  I. Warming up

  值日报告: What day is today? What are your favorite color / food/sport games?

  II Revision:

  1、出示一张画有一个圆形的图片,让学生展开想象,猜一猜什么东西看起来像一个圆形。( 学生可能会回 “An apple? A face? An orange? A ball?) 如果学生猜说出单词 “ball” ,教学 “ball”这个单词。

  2、教师出示五环标志和北京2008年奥运会的会标,告诉学生:2008年,奥运会将再北京举行。奥运会中有许多运动项目。并询问学生: Do you like sports?


  III Presentation:




  并向学生介绍 “We could use foot to kick the ball, we call it football .”


  2、教学句型I like… 和I don’t like…

  (1)教师出示画有一张笑脸的图片,说:“I like football. 并告诉学生如果你也喜欢足球,也可以画一张笑脸,并且说 “I like football”.

  (2)学说新句型 “ I like…”.

  (3)有的学生不喜欢足球,教师就让他画一张哭脸,并帮助他们说出 “I don’t like…”

  (4)学说新句型 “I don’t like ….”


  (1)在一个学生说完I don’t like football.后,教师取出一个篮球,并问他Do you like basketball?

  (2)学习单词basketball,出示一个篮子图片, 告诉学生basket 有篮子的意思。“We must throw the ball into the basketball.”并让学生通过举起不同表情的图片,来说出自己是否喜欢篮球,操练句型“I like basketball”或是“I don’t like basketball.”

  (3)做传球的活动,S1要想把篮球传给S2,则先叫S2的名字,如果S2说“I don’t like basketball”,那么S1就不可以把球传给他;若S2说“I like basketball” , S1才可以传球。

  (4)学生会尝试将球传给老师,教师则会说“I don’t like basketball. Don’t throw it to me, thank you.”并告诉学生“I like table tennis.”

  4、教学单词table tennis。


  (2)学说单词table 和tennis

  (3)教师取出乒乓球拍和乒乓球,告诉喜欢table tennis的同学可以自己用球拍掂球,大家一起数数。最后教师也试一试,结果只打了几个。教师: “Oh, it’s hard, I don’t like table tennis. What do I like? Listen to the tape; I’m the same with Panpan.”

  5、教学morning exercises

  (1)听课文录音,找出答案“morning excises”,并学说。

  (2)教师出示英语练习本,告诉学生说: “This is an English exercises book. We can do exercises here.

  (3)教师问学生: “Do you like morning exercises? Let’s do morning exercises together.” 教师和全班同学一起边做操边说 “Stand up, let’s do together, 1 2 3 4, morning exercises; 2 2 3 4, morning exercises; 3 2 3 4, morning exercises; 4 2 3 4, morning exercises.”

  III Practice


  2、完成自我调查表的小展板,并且要求学生,一边贴图片一边说I like football/…I don’t like…football basketball table tennis‘morning exercises”

  3、完成任务:学生运用“I like….” 和 “I don’t like…”自由会话。






  这节课我通过设计传球、打乒乓球、猜一猜、做早操、做介绍自己喜欢和不喜欢运动的展板等活动,努力给学生营造真实的语境来运用语言,使学生在有趣的活动中既能够操练所学知识,又能够培养学生运用英语进行表达的能力。尤其是出示一个圆形来让学生猜的活动,学生们能够大胆想象,充分发挥学生的想象力,由于答案并不是唯一的,这又能够激发学生的发散思维。奥运五环的答案,大大出乎学生们的想象,这样更能够激发学生的强烈求知欲望。学生们参与课堂的热情非常高,在玩球、制作、做操的过程中,感受到所学语言的实用价值和交际性。另外,将所学新单词分解进行教学,既能够帮助学生生动、有效、形象的记忆单词,又能够扩展学生的知识。在尊重教材的同时,不局限于教材。鼓励学生运用I like …和I don’t like….来表述自己喜欢的和不喜欢的任何东西、事物,更能够激发学生学习英语的强烈欲望,这对英语学习也是十分重要的,更是我们的主要教学目标!




  在操练句型时,可以做“挖宝”的游戏活动,教师制作一个带格子的盒子,里面放有不同的小物品,如小足球、篮球的玩具、橡皮等,上面用纸盖住,纸上面有数字,由学生选说I like two…等,进而戳开相应的格子,根据盒子里面的物品来说I like…或 I don’t like…


小学三年级英语《I like football.》教学设计 篇四



  ①.使学生能听懂、会读、会说、会用四个运动类单词:football, basketball, ping-pong, swimming;

  ②.能用句子I like…/ I don’t like…来表达喜欢和不喜欢的运动项目。







  2.能听懂、会说、会用两个句型I like… 和 I don’t like…



  2.能够流利地表达I like … I don’t like …,特别是表达不喜欢某种事物的句型

  I don’t like…







  Step Ⅰ.Warm up


  2.出示一张画有一个圆形的图片,让学生展开想象,猜一猜什么东西看起来像一个圆形。Do you know what’s this?

  (学生可能会说 “An apple? A face? An orange? A ball?)

  当学生猜说出单词 “ball” ,教学 “ball”这个单词。

  3.教师出示五环标志和伦敦2012年奥运会的会标,告诉学生:2008年,奥运会在北京成功举行。2012年奥运会在哪里举行?Which city is the Olympic host city?


  T:Good! 有志气!那我们就要从小加强体育锻炼,今天我们先来选择一下自 己喜欢的运动项目吧。

  Step Ⅱ.Presentation 1

  1. 教读 Football

  ①football. 出示脚和球的图片,foot + ball = football

  并向学生介绍 “We could use foot to kick the ball, we call it football .

  Read after me. Football. ( 个人读,竖排读,小组读,男女生读,做动作读)

  ②教师拿出一个足球,Look,I have a football here.

  T:Who likes football? Raise your hands. Oh, so many football fans,I like football too.我也喜欢football.

  ③带读“I like football”让学生微笑着读,告诉他们喜欢做一件事情的时候,心情一定是很愉快的。贴笑脸图和板书卡“I like…”

  带读like /I like,学生个人,男生,女生,全班读I like……

  ④T:We can say :I like football.贴足球图,让学生边传球边说“I like football.”

  2. 教读Basketball

  ①学习单词basketball,出示一个篮子图片,告诉学生basket 有篮子的意思。“We must throw the ball into the basketball.”教读。

  ②T:I have a basketball here. Who want to bounce the ball and say: I like basketball.(几生表演拍球)

  ③T:Now let’s bounce the basketball more and more quickly.

  When I say Stop,throw the ball.学生起立做拍球动作跟着老师的节奏越来越快,

  边读I like basketball.,师说停,学生投篮。(两次)

  3. 教读Ping-pong

  ①带读“I like ping-pong.”

  ②T:Now ,here is a match between you and me. We will use a magic ball. I say “I like”,you say “ping-pong”师生比赛,做打乒乓球的动作。(两次)

  ③T:Now another match between boys and girls. Who will try?

  一男生和一女生进行虚拟乒乓球比赛,师当裁判,让全体喊“I like ping-pong”为他们加油。(两次)

  4. 教读Swimming

  ①带读“I like swimming.”

  ②T:Who can swim? Show us.学生表演游泳的各种姿势并说“I like swimming.”全班起立表演游泳“I like swimming.”

  5. Practice

  T:You are super. Now look at the board and read:I like…(一边贴各种运动的图片一边引导学生说)I like football/basketball/ping-pong…

  T:请大家用I like…同时说出你们最喜欢的运动项目

  Step Ⅱ.Presentation 2

  1.T:Great! I like many sports,but I don’t like one of them. Guess,please.

  T:The answer is “I don’t like ping-pong.” Because I can’t play well.

  2.Look,(贴哭脸L和板书卡)“I don’t like…”带读don’t,

  做动作及I don’t/I don’t like师做动作让学生跟读,个别学生表演,各大组表演,全班表演。

  3.T:Now please tell me what don’t you like? Use “I don’t like…”几生回答并做动作“I don’t like…”

  T:Now tell me at the same time.

  4. Let’s chant!

  football,football,I like football;

  basketball, basketball, I like basketball;

  ping-pong, ping-pong, I dont like ping-pong;

  swimming,swimming,go, go, go!

  Step Ⅳ. Practise

  1. “变脸”

  T:Let’s play a game. Ok? This game is “changing face” When I say “I like”You must be smile. When I say “I don’t like” You must be serious.





  T:You are so lovely,I like you. And then let’s play another game, I call it“唱反调”if Sunny says “I like…” You say “I don’t like…”Understand?

  T:I like football.

  Ss:I don’t like football.

  Step Ⅴ. Learn the text

  1. T:Look,This is our friend—Pan pan. Do you know what he likes? And what doesn’t him like? Let’s listen.

  Ss answer these questions.

  2. T:我们刚才看到,Pan pan在训练时遇到一点小困难就放弃,最后什么运动都不喜欢,他这样做对不对?(让学生回答为什么。)


  Step Ⅵ. Add-activities

  “幸运大抽奖”的游戏活动:拿一个篮子,装有动物、颜色卡片,请学生抽。抽到则说:I like dog. / I don’t like dog.鼓励学生运用I like …和I don’t like….来表述自己喜欢的和不喜欢的任何东西、事物。

  Step Ⅷ. Consolidation


  Step Ⅹ.Homework


小学三年级英语《I like football.》教学设计 篇五


  本模块的话题是个人喜好。Unit 1的课文情景是熊猫Panpan和朋友们相互介绍自己喜欢的体育运动,他们发现大家都喜欢足球,就决定一起去踢足球。但是当Panpan想打开书包把自己的足球拿出来时,却发现书包破了一个洞,足球不知道哪里去了。




  说:能表达个人喜好I like… We like… They like…





  新单词:like, lion, them, all, play, with, together;句型I like…We like… They like…介绍喜好。


  知识基础:学生在上一单元已经学习过football, basketball以及ping-pong

  能力起点:学生能够在启发之下使用I like 表达自己喜欢的运动。


  多媒体 黑板



  1. Greeting

  T: Hello, boys and girls.

  S: Hello, teacher.

  T: How are you?

  S: I’m fine. Thank you.

  T: Great!

  In this class, I’ll pide you into football team and basketball team. You’re football team and you’re basketball team.

  2. Warm-up:Let’s play a game.

  I do, you guess

  T: 做动作big, small, short, tall, fat, thin

  T: Look! What’s this? (表演monkey)


  T:Who can act?


  T: Do you like animals? Yes or no?

  S: Yes.

  T: What animals do you like?

  You can say “I like…”

  师板书 I like…

  T: Read after me “like” 给学生看一下汉语意思

  (请同学读 You two)

  What animals do you like?

  S: I like…

  T: I like them all. (指着ppt上的动物合集,表现all)

  Read after me “them”. Look at my mouth “th” “them” (给学生看一下汉语意思)

  T:(拿出all的单词卡)all (比划一下)What’s the meaning?

  S: 全部

  T: Look! Lions are big.

  Cats are small. (引导学生描述动物特征)

  Great!Let’s have a chant. (让学生跟读一下第一部分的chant)


  Step2、Lead in.

  1、T: I like animals. And I like football, too. Who likes football?


  T: We like football.

  Read after me. (跟读句子2遍)

  板书句子We like…

  T: I like football. What do you like? (同时展示下一张ppt,图片是其他运动,避免孩子想不出说什么)

  (问3-4个学生,听到说喜欢足球的提示学生使用I like football, too.)

  T:You like football, too. We like football. (比划一下We, 让学生理解一下)

  2. Pair work

  Now work in pairs. Find out what you both like?

  T: Who can show us?

  S: We like…

  (最后一组同桌请到讲台前,指着他们说They like…)

  3. T: Who likes…?

  (让学生到前面来,指着他们说They like…)

  板书They like…

  T: I have some pictures. Let’s see what they like?

  T: What do they like?

  S: They like kites.

  They like apples.

  They like dolphins.



  1、 T: We like many things, but do you know what Panpan likes?

  Let’s watch the video and find the answers.

  (Play the video)

  T: What does Panpan like?

  S: Football and basketball.

  T: Right! Panpan likes football and basketball.

  板书Panpan likes…

  T: Open your book. Let’s read again. Ok?


  T: (拿出单词卡)Read after me “play”“with”

  ppt展示play with a dog

  play with a toy car

  Show another picture

  T: play together

  Read after me “together”.

  2. Role play

  T: Read in groups. Let’s do the role play.


  3. Let’s chant

  Football, football. I like football.

  Ping-pong, ping-pong. We like ping-pong.

  Basketball, basketball. They like basketball.

  Together, together. Let’s play together.

  Step 4 Practice

  Play a game

  T: Let’s play a game. Let’s see who has a good memory.

  Who wants to try?


  T: What do you like? (领着学生说)

  S1: I like…

  S2: I like…

  S3: I like…

  S4: I like…

  T: What does he like?

  What does she like?

  S: He likes…

  S: She likes…

  Step 5 Summary


  Module9 Unit1 I like football.

  I like… Panpan likes…

  We like… He likes…

  They like… She likes…


  1. 不要有男生女生分开读的环节。

  2. 专家建议单词在课文情景中去表现,没必要在课文之前讲。

  3. 学生在做调查的时候完全没有用到英语,建议用情景剧的形式作为拓展练习。

  4. 课文感觉利用的不充分。

  5. 注意对优秀教案的模仿。

  6. 关注学生,环节的推进要根据学生的掌握程度。

小学三年级英语《I like football.》教学设计(优秀5篇)

