
时间:2016-07-06 05:12:38
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六年级英语期末试卷 篇一

In the past academic year, the sixth graders have worked hard to improve their English skills. Now it's time for them to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities in the final exam. The English paper covers various aspects of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing.

The grammar section tests the students' understanding of tenses, parts of speech, sentence structure, and other important grammar rules. It is crucial for them to be able to identify and correct errors in sentences, as well as to use the correct form of verbs and pronouns.

In the vocabulary section, students are expected to demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary knowledge. They need to be able to understand and use words related to different topics, such as food, animals, sports, and school subjects. It is important for them to be able to spell these words correctly and to use them in the right context.

The reading comprehension section challenges students to understand and analyze different types of texts, such as stories, articles, and poems. They need to be able to identify main ideas, supporting details, and infer meanings from the text. This section also tests their ability to answer questions based on the information provided in the reading passages.

Finally, the writing section allows students to showcase their creativity and language skills. They are asked to write short essays, letters, or stories on given topics. It is important for them to be able to organize their ideas coherently, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and express themselves clearly.

Overall, the sixth grade English exam is a comprehensive assessment of students' language abilities. It challenges them to apply what they have learned throughout the year and to demonstrate their proficiency in English. We wish all the students good luck in their exams and hope they can show their best performance.

六年级英语期末试卷 篇二

As the school year comes to an end, the sixth graders are gearing up for their final English exam. This exam is an important opportunity for them to showcase their language skills and knowledge that they have acquired over the past year.

One of the key areas that the English exam will test is the students' grammar skills. They will be required to demonstrate their understanding of different grammar rules, such as verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, and sentence structure. It is essential for them to be able to apply these rules correctly in order to communicate effectively in English.

In addition to grammar, the exam will also test the students' vocabulary knowledge. They will need to demonstrate their ability to understand and use a wide range of words in different contexts. This includes being able to spell words correctly, use them in sentences, and understand their meanings.

The reading comprehension section of the exam will challenge students to understand and analyze different types of texts. They will need to be able to identify main ideas, make inferences, and answer questions based on the information provided in the reading passages. This tests their ability to comprehend and interpret written texts in English.

Finally, the writing section of the exam allows students to demonstrate their creativity and language skills. They will be asked to write essays, letters, or stories on given topics. It is important for them to be able to organize their ideas coherently, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and express themselves clearly and effectively.

Overall, the sixth grade English exam is a comprehensive assessment of students' language abilities. It challenges them to apply what they have learned throughout the year and to demonstrate their proficiency in English. We wish all the students the best of luck in their exams and hope they can perform to the best of their abilities.

六年级英语期末试卷 篇三



  ( )1、A.tall B.tell C.taller D.tail

  ( ) 2、A.fever B.feel C.flu D.fail

  ( ) 3、A.medicine B.match C.many D.much

  ( ) 4、A.juice B.books C.things D.miss

  ( ) 5、A.photos B.potatoes C.pizza D.pictures

  ( ) 6、A.chocolates B.chinese C.centimetre D.kilogram

  ( ) 7、A.pandas B.problems C.present D.people

  ( ) 8、A.take B.cook C.took D.toothache

  ( ) 9、A.bought presents B.buy presents C.buy a presents

  ( ) 10、A.learn Chinese B.learned English C.learn English


  ( )1、A.What did you do last weekend? B.What do you do on weekends?

  ( ) 2、A.I listened to music on Sunday evening.

  B.I listen to music every evening.

  ( ) 3、A.Mike didn’t clean his room yesterday.

  B.Mike usually cleans his room.

  ( ) 4、A.We read tongue twisters together last Sunday.

  B.We read magazines last Sunday.

  ( ) 5、A.Did you go hiking last holiday?

  B.Did she go hiking last month?


  1、He’s _____ and heavier _____ my mother.

  2、I am three _____ _____ than my sister.

  3、——_______ the matter?---My leg _____.

  4、I like ______ the violin.But I _____ books this morning.

  5、I _____ my grandparents with my _____ last weekend.



  1、saw(原形)_______ 2、thin(比较级)______

  3、tall(反义词)_______ 4、read(过去式)______

  5、头痛(汉译英)_______ 6、因而发笑(汉译英)______

  7、have(过去式)________ 8、I(名词性物主代词)_______

  9、the math test(英译汉)_________ 10、go hiking(英译汉)__________


  ( )1、A.went B.book C.cinema D.zoo

  ( ) 2、A.forest B.ate C.village D.lake

  ( ) 3、A.fresh B.tired C.bad D.weekend

  ( ) 4、A.open B.listen C.cooked D.go

  ( ) 5、A.hear B.water C.hurt D.stay


  ( ) 1、I ____ shorter than him.

  A.am B.is C.was D.are

  ( ) 2、--____do you do on Sundays? ---I often play football.

  A.what B.Where C.What D.How

  ( ) 3、He ___ kites yesterday.

  A.fly B.flew C.flies D.flying

  ( ) 4、How ____ you ___there?

  A.do;went B.did;went C.did;go D.does;went

  ( ) 5、---Did you ___ a good time ? --Yes,I ___.

  A.have;did B.has;do C.had;had D.have;have

  ( ) 6、Mary is ____ than her sister.

  A.tall B.tallest C.taller D./

  ( ) 7、They ____ go to the cinema last Wednesday.

  A.don’t B.didn’t C.doesn’t D.aren’t

  ( ) 8、Lee is a _____ angry.

  A.small B.little C.many D.much

  ( ) 9、The ball ___ into John’s face.

  A.flies B.fly C.flying D.is

  ( ) 10、You ____ so excited today.

  A.like B.watch C.look D.is


  1、is there cinema home a near my(.)


  2、did what your holiday you on do(?)


  3、Julia is taller and stronger than mike.(用I代替Julia)


  4、We went to Guangzhou by plane last month.(对划线部分提问)


  5、Did you visit the small Village?(作否定回答)



  I’m Joe .I have a new pen pal .Daniel.We are in the same primary School.But we aren’t in the same class.He is taller than me .But I am heavier and older than him.We were very busy last weekend.On Saturday morning,we did homework and played chess together.We played football and surfed the internet on Saturday afternoon.We went shopping on Sunday.We like china very much.We will go to China next month.

  ( ) 1、We are in the same class.

  ( ) 2、I am heavier and older than Daniel.

  ( ) 3、We did homework on Saturday afternoon.

  ( ) 4、We like China very much.

  ( ) 5、We went hiking on Sunday.


  I’m Emily.I’m having a great holiday in Dalian.It is a great city.The sun shines and it isn’t cold here .Albert likes swimming in The sea .We often play volleyball on the beach.After that,John likes to Sit in a chair and fall asleep .The children ride their bikes in the park. I like going for a walk in the park .We are having a happy time here.

  ( ) 1、What’s the weather like in Dalian?

  A.It’s sunny. B.It’s cold. C.It’s rainy.

  ( ) 2、What does Albert like doing in the sea?

  A.sleeping B.Going for a walk C、swimming

  ( ) 3、What do we often do on the beach?

  A.play football B.play volleyball C.play basketball

  ( ) 4、Where does John like to sit ?

  A.on the sofa B.on the boat C.in the chair

  ( ) 5、Who ride the bike in the park?

  A.The children B.Emily C.Albert

六年级英语期末试卷 篇四

  第一部分 听力 (共34分)

  1. Listen and choose.选出你听到的单词,并将其前面的字母标号填在题前的括号里。

  ( )1) A. interesting B. difficult C. easy D. boring

  ( )2) A. program B. partner C. person D. plant

  ( )3) A. skiing B.swimming C. shopping D. skating

  ( )4) A. style B. type C. idea D. kind

  ( )5) A. mall B. medicine C. manual D. mountain

  ( )6) A. Jazz music

  C. classical music B. pop music

  D. rock music

  2. Listen and choose. 选择你听到的句子。

  ( ) 1) A. They cost $50. B. It costs $68. C. It is $50.

  ( ) 2) A. He prefers those black ones.B. He prefers that black one.

  C. He prefers these.

  ( ) 3) A. Because they were great. B. Because they liked music very much.

  C. Because they didn’t have enough money.

  ( ) 4) A. Yes, he does. B. He prefers Jazz music.

  C. He prefers comic books to science books.

  ( ) 5) A. I buy a movie ticket. B. I’m buying some popcorn.

  C. I bought two pens.

  3.Listen and tick. 根据听到的内容,在相应图片下的`括号内画“√”。

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  第二部分 笔试 (共64分)

  4. 选择正确的意思,请将番号填入提前括号内。

  A. Chinese B subject C make the bed D favorite E math F do homework

  G boring H baseball cap I listen to music J art K clean my room

  L. do karate M play bowling N.have a headache O. have a toothache

  P.should Q.pop music R.twice a week S.every day T.dizzy

  1. _____流行音乐 2. _____应该 3._____每天 4. _____一周两次

  5. _____做家庭作业 6._____头痛 7.____听音乐 8. ____打空手

  9. _____打扫房间 10._____牙痛 11._____打保龄球 12. ____棒球帽

  13. _____最喜欢的 14. _____美术 15._____学科、科目 16. ___整理床铺

  17. _____ 无聊的 18. _____语文/中国人/中国人的 19._____数学 20. ___头晕的

  5.Fill in the blanks with “a” or “an”. 用a 或 an 填空。

  1)_____apple 2) ______ orange 3) ____ computer 4)______ egg

  5)_____ yellow egg.6) ______ octopus 7)______ small octopus.

  8) ____umbrella 9)_____ raincoat 10)______CD

  6. Read and choose. 选择最佳答案。

  ( )1.They ____ go to their new school tomorrow. A. will B. can C. do

  ( )2.Ann and her father__shopping yesterday. A. goes B. go C. went

  ( )3. Who is the ____ boy in your class? A. taller B. tallest C. tall

  ( )4. She ___ clean the rooms once a week. A. have to B. has to C. don’t have to

  ( )5The shirt is cheap,but that shirt is ______ A. good B. small C. Expensive

  ( )6 They ________ on Tree Planting Day last year.

  A. went to plant trees B. to plant C. go to planted

  ( )7. Can I help _______? A. your B. you C. yours

  ( )8. You need a partner _____tennis.A. to B. for C. on

  ( )9. They’re _____ at ten o’clock tomorrow.

  A. go bowling B. going bowl C. going bowling

  ( )10.She loves_________ . A.ski B.skiing

  ( )11.The gloves_________ $10. A.costs B.cost

  ( )12.It was__________ accident. A.a B.an

  ( )13.She can talk __________ Mom. A.to B.about

  ( )14.He played a game__________ your computer.A.on B.in

  ( )15.The TV stopped__________ .A.to work B.working

  ( )16.His father isn’t angry___ me. A.with B.for

  7. Read and match. 从B栏中选择与A栏对应的句子番号填在题前括号内。(略)

  A B

  ( ) 1 A

  ( ) 2 B

  ( ) 3 C

  ( ) 4 D

  ( ) 5 E

  ( ) 6 F

  ( ) 7 G

  ( ) 8 H


  Hi! I am Lisa. Ken received an invitation from BINGO Kids Health Club and today we all go to the club. I want to learn to play tennis and I need a partner for the tennis lesson tomorrow. I ask them but they all have plans for tomorrow. Sue and Ann are ice-skating tomorrow. Charlie is going bowling with his friends. Daniel is having a ski class and Matt is going to the gym. I can’t find a partner. What should I do?

  ( )1. Who received an invitation from BINGO Kids Health Club? A Ken B Lisa C Sue

  ( )2.Who need a partner for tennis? A Ken .B Lisa C Sue

  ( )3.Is Daniel having a ski class tomorrow? A.Yes B No C I don’t know

  ( )4.Is Matt working out at gym tomorrow.? A.Yes B No C I don’t know

  ( ).5.Does Lisa find a partner at last(最后)? A.Yes B No C I don’t know


