
时间:2011-02-07 05:26:23
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二年级小学英语教学计划 篇一


In the second grade, students are continuing to build upon the English language skills they learned in the first grade. This teaching plan will focus on further developing their vocabulary, grammar, reading, and writing abilities in a fun and interactive way.


1. To expand students' vocabulary by introducing new words and expressions.

2. To reinforce grammar concepts such as verb tenses, plural forms, and sentence structure.

3. To improve students' reading comprehension skills through short stories and passages.

4. To enhance students' writing skills by practicing sentence formation and short compositions.

Week 1-2:

- Introduce new vocabulary related to animals, colors, and daily routines.

- Practice using the present simple tense in sentences.

- Read short stories about animals and answer comprehension questions.

- Write sentences describing their favorite animals.

Week 3-4:

- Introduce vocabulary related to food, family members, and feelings.

- Practice using the past simple tense in sentences.

- Read passages about family activities and emotions.

- Write a short paragraph about a family event they enjoyed.

Week 5-6:

- Introduce vocabulary related to weather, seasons, and holidays.

- Practice using the future simple tense in sentences.

- Read short stories about different weather conditions and holidays.

- Write a letter to a friend describing their favorite season and holiday.


- Weekly quizzes to check students' understanding of vocabulary and grammar concepts.

- Reading comprehension exercises to evaluate students' ability to understand and interpret texts.

- Writing assignments to assess students' proficiency in forming sentences and paragraphs.


By following this teaching plan, second-grade students will have the opportunity to further develop their English language skills in a structured and engaging manner. The focus on vocabulary expansion, grammar reinforcement, reading comprehension, and writing practice will help students become more confident and proficient English speakers.

二年级小学英语教学计划 篇二


In the second grade, it is important to continue building upon the foundation of English language skills that students have acquired in the previous year. This teaching plan will focus on further developing students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities through a variety of interactive activities and exercises.


1. To improve students' listening skills by exposing them to a variety of English language materials.

2. To enhance students' speaking skills through conversations, role-plays, and presentations.

3. To strengthen students' reading comprehension skills by engaging them in different types of texts.

4. To develop students' writing skills through guided practice and creative exercises.

Week 1-2:

- Listen to short audio clips of conversations, songs, and stories to improve listening comprehension.

- Engage in pair and group conversations to practice speaking and listening skills.

- Read simple sentences and short passages aloud to improve pronunciation and fluency.

- Write a short paragraph describing their favorite activity.

Week 3-4:

- Listen to audio recordings of dialogues and interviews to enhance listening skills.

- Practice speaking by role-playing different scenarios, such as ordering food at a restaurant or asking for directions.

- Read longer passages and answer comprehension questions to improve reading skills.

- Write a letter to a pen pal describing their daily routine.

Week 5-6:

- Listen to podcasts or audiobooks to expose students to different accents and speech patterns.

- Engage in group discussions and debates to practice speaking and listening skills.

- Read and analyze poems, fables, and short stories to develop reading comprehension.

- Write a short story or creative piece using vocabulary and grammar concepts learned.


- Listening comprehension quizzes to evaluate students' ability to understand spoken English.

- Speaking assessments to gauge students' fluency, pronunciation, and communication skills.

- Reading comprehension tests to assess students' understanding of texts.

- Writing assignments to evaluate students' ability to express themselves in written form.


By following this teaching plan, second-grade students will have the opportunity to further develop their English language skills in a well-rounded and engaging way. The focus on listening, speaking, reading, and writing will help students become more confident and proficient English speakers, setting a strong foundation for their future language learning.

二年级小学英语教学计划 篇三



  二年级而班共有40人,男生33人,女生7人。学生来自全县各个地方,学习习惯、生活习惯等各方面差异很大,有部分同学在一年级学过一年英语,但大部分同学没有学。学校考虑到照顾多数学生,因此我们二年级继续学习一年级的课程,这样原来学过的同学在学习过程中,必然会不屑一顾,但大部分学生没有接触过英语 ,他们对英语充满了好奇,兴趣很高。但普遍家庭不能辅导,课前的预习,课后的复习很难落实,给课堂教学带来了阻力。所以教学难度很大,因此在今后的教学中,应面向全体学生,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,充分调动他们的自主能动性、积极性,并发挥团队协作精神,营造互帮互助,共同学习英语的语境。好在我校是一所寄宿学校,有三分之二的学生在学校寄宿,寄宿生有老师辅导。


  本册教材是-------New Standard English(供一年级起使用)第一册供小学二年级上学期使用的。全书共分11个模(Module)内含一个复习模块。每个模块分为两个单元(Unit)。一般情况下,第一单元呈现本模块所要学习的语言内容,第二单元提供若干任务型(task-based)练习,包括一首歌谣或小诗。歌谣或小诗的学习,目的有三:一是培养学生的语感和节奏感;二是提高发音的正确性;三是通过这些英语国家儿童所熟知的歌谣,介绍一定的西方文化。其中的一些不常用单词,不要求学生在歌谣之外学会使用。在这一册,学生刚开始学习英语,本教材中设计了一些日常生活中使用频率最高的语句,包括以下主要内容:问候并回应;询问姓名、年龄、地点、物品名称,并给予回答;数字1---10;询问和说明颜色、物品的颜色;指称人、物品、地点、动物等。学习时不要单纯学说英语,而要鼓励学生学说句子,在句子中学说单词。


  第一模块 问好和道别以及简单的自我介绍,Hi/Hello, I’m Sam、 Goodbye、/ Bye-bye

  第二模块 询问姓名。What’s your name ?I’m Ms Smart、

  第三模块 询问物品的数量和10以内的回答,How many ?one two three four five six seven eight Classroom

  第四模块 识别并描述物品的颜色,It’s red / yellow / green / blue / black

  第五模块 发指令和执行指令 Sit down! Stand up ! Point to ……

  第六模块 询问并识别物品 This ihttp://www、chddh、com/yingyong/s my school、 What’s this? It’s a desk/ chair/bird

  第七模块 询问周围的物品 It’s my ruler

  第八模块 使用句型“Is it a ……”进行关于物品的问答Is it a ……?No, it isn’t / Yes , it is

  第九模块 祝贺他人生日快乐和赠送礼物时使用的语言 Happy birthday! Here’s your present

  第十模块 询问物品的位置 Where is my pen ?It’s in / on /under……


  1、课文中学到的日常用语,能够在生活中灵活应用 ,比如询问并介绍姓名,年龄、颜色、物品的位置等。学生能够听懂指令并作出相应的动作




















