摔跤:摔跤比赛中常用到的英语词汇 篇一
Wrestling is a popular sport that requires strength, agility, and skill. In wrestling matches, there are many specific English terms that are commonly used. Understanding these terms is essential for both participants and spectators. Here are some of the most common English words and phrases used in wrestling matches:
1. Takedown: A takedown is a move in which one wrestler takes their opponent down to the mat and gains control over them. This is a fundamental move in wrestling and can earn the wrestler points.
2. Pin: A pin, also known as a fall, is when one wrestler holds both of their opponent's shoulders on the mat for a specific amount of time, resulting in a win for the wrestler executing the pin.
3. Escape: An escape is when a wrestler breaks free from their opponent's hold and gains separation. This move can earn the wrestler one point.
4. Reversal: A reversal is when a wrestler who is in a defensive position manages to gain control over their opponent and reverse the situation. This move can earn the wrestler two points.
5. Near fall: A near fall is when a wrestler almost pins their opponent but does not hold them down for the required amount of time. This move can earn the wrestler two or three points, depending on the rules.
6. Take the back: Taking the back is when a wrestler maneuvers behind their opponent and gains control over them from the back position. This move can lead to a takedown or a pin.
7. Shoot: Shooting is when a wrestler quickly closes the distance between themselves and their opponent in an attempt to execute a takedown.
8. Bridge: A bridge is a move in which a wrestler arches their back and lifts their hips off the mat in order to prevent being pinned.
9. Stand up: Standing up is a move in which a wrestler goes from a down position to a standing position, often used to escape from their opponent's hold.
10. Stall: Stalling is when a wrestler avoids engaging with their opponent or intentionally delays the match, which can result in a penalty.
By familiarizing yourself with these common wrestling terms, you can better understand and appreciate the skill and strategy involved in wrestling matches. Whether you are a wrestler yourself or a fan of the sport, knowing these terms will enhance your experience and enjoyment of wrestling competitions.
摔跤:摔跤比赛中常用到的英语词汇 篇三
Greek-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤wrestler 摔跤运动员
standing wrestling 站立摔
bridge 角力桥
free style wrestling 自由式摔跤
bar arm with grapevine 锁臂缠腿
double leg lock 抱单腿拦腿摔