货物进出口外贸英语词汇 篇一
In the field of international trade, understanding the vocabulary related to importing and exporting goods is crucial for successful business transactions. Here are some key terms you need to know:
1. Export: Sending goods or services to another country for sale.
2. Import: Bringing goods or services into a country from another for sale.
3. Tariff: A tax imposed on imported goods.
4. Customs: The government department responsible for regulating the flow of goods in and out of a country.
5. Trade deficit: When a country imports more goods than it exports.
6. Trade surplus: When a country exports more goods than it imports.
7. Free trade agreement: An agreement between countries to reduce or eliminate tariffs and other trade barriers.
8. Incoterm: International commercial terms that define the responsibilities of buyers and sellers in a transaction.
Understanding these terms will help you navigate the complex world of international trade and ensure smooth transactions with your overseas partners.
货物进出口外贸英语词汇 篇二
In the world of international trade, communication is key. Being able to effectively communicate with your overseas partners is essential for successful import and export transactions. Here are some useful English vocabulary words to help you navigate the world of foreign trade:
1. Bill of lading: A document that serves as a receipt of goods shipped and a contract of carriage.
2. Certificate of origin: A document that certifies the country in which the goods were manufactured.
3. Letter of credit: A financial document issued by a bank guaranteeing payment to a seller.
4. Proforma invoice: An estimated invoice sent to a buyer before the actual goods are shipped.
5. Freight forwarder: A company that arranges the shipment of goods on behalf of a seller.
6. Trade barrier: Any regulation or policy that restricts international trade.
7. Port of entry: The designated location where goods are allowed to enter a country.
8. Import duty: A tax imposed on imported goods.
By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you can improve your communication with overseas partners and ensure the smooth flow of goods in the world of international trade.
货物进出口外贸英语词汇 篇三
amplifying intercom 扩音对讲机
amplifying klystron 放大速调管
amplifying transformer 放大变压器
amplistat 自反馈式磁放大器
amplitrans 特高频功率放大器
amplitron 特高频功率放大管
amplitude adder 振幅加法器
amplitude analyzer 振幅分析器
amplitude balance controller 振幅平衡控制器
amplitude calibrator 振幅校准器
amplitude comparator 振幅比较器
amplitude control unit 振幅控制装置
amplitude discriminator 振幅鉴频器
amplitude encoder 幅度编码器
amplitude filter 振幅滤波器
amplitude limiter 限幅器
amplitude lopper 限幅器
amplitude meter 振幅计
amplitude modulator 调幅器
amplitude sampler 振幅取样器
amplitude selection amplifier 选辐放大器
amplitude selector 振幅选择器
amplitude separator 振幅分离器
amplitude shift keying demodulator 移幅键控解调器
amplitude stabilizer 稳幅器
amplitude-modulated indicator 调幅指示器
amplitude-modulated junction transistor oscillator 调幅结形晶体管振荡器
amplitude-modulated transmitter 调幅发射机
amplitude-modulation receiver 调幅接收机
amplum 安普纶
ampoule bottle 安瓿瓶
ampoule glass 安瓿玻璃
ampoule washing machine 安瓿洗瓶机
ampoule 安瓿
amprolium 安普罗利
ampule case 安瓿盒
ampule cutter 安瓿割开器
ampule filling and sealing machine 安瓿灌封机
ampule filter 安瓿灌汲器
ampule printer 安瓿印字机
ampule shutter 安瓿封口机
ampule washing machine 安瓿洗涤机
amputation knife 截肢刀
ampyrimine 安匹立明
ampyzine 二甲胺嗪
amrad gum 阿姆拉特树胶
amrinone lactate 乳酸氨利酮
amrinone 氨利酮
amritsar 印度粗羊毛
amrol 杀草强
amsacrine injection 安吖啶注射液
amsacrine 安吖啶
amsco g 阿姆斯科合成芳烃油溶剂
amsil silver copper 阿姆西尔银铜合金
amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹针绣花边
amsulf copper 阿姆萨尔弗无氧铜
amtel tellurium copper 阿姆特尔含碲无氧铜
amthio 硫氰酸铵除草剂
amunzen 阿蒙增绉纹呢
amur adonis 冰凉花
amur carp 黑龙江鲤
amur grape vine 黑龙江葡萄
amur lilac 跑马子
amur pike 黑龙江狗鱼
amur sturgeon 黑龙江鲟
amusement machinery 游乐机械
amusing lute 娱乐琴
amyda sinensis 鳖
amydricaine 戊胺卡因