购物英语 购物无忧(精选3篇)

时间:2019-04-07 05:11:27
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购物英语 购物无忧 篇一

Shopping English: Shopping Without Worries

Shopping in a foreign country can be a daunting task, especially when you are not familiar with the language spoken there. However, with a few key phrases and words in English, you can navigate your way through shopping with ease. Here are some essential shopping English phrases to help you shop without worries:

1. Asking for Help:

- "Excuse me, where can I find [product]?"

- "Do you have this in a different size/color?"

- "Can you help me find a gift for [occasion]?"

2. Making Purchases:

- "How much does this cost?"

- "Do you accept credit cards?"

- "Can I get a discount if I buy more than one?"

3. Expressing Preferences:

- "I prefer this one over that one."

- "I like this color/style better."

- "Can I try this on before I buy it?"

4. Expressing Satisfaction:

- "I love it! I'll take it."

- "This is exactly what I was looking for."

- "Thank you for your help. I'm very satisfied with my purchase."

5. Dealing with Problems:

- "This item is damaged. Can I exchange it for a new one?"

- "I was overcharged for this. Can you fix the price?"

- "I need a refund for this item. It's not what I expected."

By familiarizing yourself with these basic shopping English phrases, you can shop confidently and without worries in any English-speaking country. Remember, a little effort in learning the language goes a long way in making your shopping experience a pleasant one.

购物英语 购物无忧 篇二

Shopping English: Shopping Without Worries

Shopping is a universal activity that transcends language barriers. No matter where you are in the world, the thrill of finding the perfect item at the perfect price is a feeling that everyone can relate to. However, when shopping in a foreign country where English is not the primary language, it can be helpful to know some basic shopping English phrases to make your experience more enjoyable.

1. Greetings and Politeness:

- "Hello, can you help me find [product]?"

- "Excuse me, where are the fitting rooms located?"

- "Thank you for your assistance."

2. Asking for Information:

- "What are the store hours?"

- "Do you have this in stock?"

- "Can you recommend a good place to eat nearby?"

3. Making Inquiries:

- "How much does this cost?"

- "Is there a discount for purchasing in bulk?"

- "Do you accept returns or exchanges?"

4. Expressing Preferences:

- "I'm looking for something casual/formal."

- "I prefer this color/style."

- "Can I see this in a different size?"

5. Closing the Sale:

- "I'll take it!"

- "Could you wrap this up for me, please?"

- "I'm very satisfied with my purchase. Thank you!"

With these shopping English phrases in your arsenal, you can confidently navigate your way through shopping in a foreign country. Remember, a smile and a few polite words can go a long way in making your shopping experience a pleasant and stress-free one. Happy shopping!

购物英语 购物无忧 篇三

购物英语 购物无忧

At the Curio Shop 在古董店 At the Jeweller's 在珠宝店

在工艺品商店 At the Porcelain Shop 在瓷器店 At the Silk Shop 在绸布店 At the Pastry Shop 在点心店 At the Department Store (1) At the Department Store (2)
购物英语 购物无忧(精选3篇)

