
时间:2018-02-05 04:10:35
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英语六级多少分可以考口语 篇一

When Can You Take the Spoken English Test in the CET-6?

The College English Test (CET), also known as the National College English Test, is an English language proficiency exam in China. Many students are curious about when they can take the spoken English test in the CET-6. In fact, in order to take the spoken English test, you need to achieve a certain score in the written exam first.

To be eligible for the spoken English test, you must score at least 360 out of 710 in the written exam. This means that you need to have a basic understanding of English grammar, vocabulary, reading, and listening skills. Once you have passed the written exam with the minimum required score, you can then sign up for the spoken English test.

The spoken English test in the CET-6 is a one-on-one interview with an examiner. During the test, you will be asked a series of questions related to various topics such as personal experiences, current events, and hypothetical situations. It is important to speak clearly, confidently, and fluently in order to demonstrate your English speaking abilities.

In conclusion, in order to take the spoken English test in the CET-6, you must first achieve a score of at least 360 in the written exam. The spoken English test is a great opportunity to showcase your English speaking skills and demonstrate your proficiency in the language. Good luck to all the students preparing for the CET-6 exam!

英语六级多少分可以考口语 篇二

Tips for Passing the Spoken English Test in the CET-6

Passing the spoken English test in the College English Test (CET-6) can be a challenging task for many students. However, with the right preparation and practice, you can improve your chances of success. Here are some tips to help you pass the spoken English test in the CET-6:

1. Practice Speaking English Regularly: The more you practice speaking English, the more confident and fluent you will become. Try to engage in conversations with native English speakers, watch English movies, listen to English music, and read English books to improve your speaking skills.

2. Familiarize Yourself with Common Interview Questions: The spoken English test in the CET-6 typically consists of questions related to personal experiences, opinions, current events, and hypothetical situations. Practice answering these types of questions in advance to feel more prepared during the test.

3. Work on Your Pronunciation and Intonation: Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation when speaking English. Practice pronouncing difficult words, pay attention to stress and rhythm in sentences, and try to speak in a natural and clear manner.

4. Improve Your Listening Skills: In the spoken English test, you will need to listen to the examiner's questions and respond appropriately. Practice listening to English podcasts, watching English videos, and taking note of different accents and speaking styles to improve your listening skills.

5. Stay Calm and Confident: The key to performing well in the spoken English test is to stay calm and confident. Take a deep breath, relax, and speak naturally during the test. Remember that the examiner is there to assess your English speaking abilities and not to intimidate you.

By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can improve your chances of passing the spoken English test in the CET-6. Remember to stay focused, confident, and determined throughout the test. Good luck!

英语六级多少分可以考口语 篇三








  首先我们来看看通知原文:“成绩报告单将同时报道本次口试成绩及12月份笔试成绩,如考生仅参加笔试,成绩报告单照常发放,口试成绩栏部分显示为空;成绩单将发至笔试报考学校 。”




  英语考试基础最重要,积淀最重要。如果你的底子够深,六级自然不在话下。那么那些没底子的童鞋怎么提升自我呢?首先说单词,迈西背单词软件是我用过最好的,推荐给大家,记单词速度很快,也牢。再说听力,可以看看自己喜欢的美剧和电影,最好是看只有英文字幕的,那样可以帮助你思考。如遇到精彩的段落,可以试着把屏幕最小化,拿出纸和笔,试着去听写一下,然后和字幕比对,潜移默化中,你的听力就会有飞跃的感觉。阅读呢,推荐一份《21世纪报》,一星期一期,对于非英语的童鞋来说,量比较大。不过可以一步一步的来。你拿到第一份的时候,可以试着读读里面的buzz word之类的小豆腐干。接着第二期可以读读稍长点的文章,第三期、第四期,很快你会发现一个版面的大报道也没问题啦。这份报纸另外一个好的地方是,生词都有读音和注释,所以不用怕哦。作文的话,鄙人一般会写写英文的日志,不过对于非英语的'童鞋,我觉得积累点范文和模块就OK了,作文还是比较死比较好拿一个稳定的分数。






  1. 作文时间允许的话可以在准考证背面打一下草稿。

  2. 在收快速阅读卷和读考试须知时最好能通篇浏览一下听力的题目。

  3. 听力先在试卷上做,随后再涂答题卷,这样可以从容点,放心,最多几分钟时间。

  4. 阅读尽量多花时间,因为分值大。同理,改错完形可以少花点时间,两题还不如阅读的一题,要把握好轻重。

  5. 不要在翻译上浪费时间,不会就不会了,把时间多检查下前面的客观题。翻译一向来难度大,得分都不会太高,保证自己会的不出错就好了

  6. 听力中如果两项意思明显相反时,答案必定在其中。

  7. 听力注意女性的说话,她们的话一般都是考查的点。

  8. 判断正误一般三个Y,三个N,一个Not


  9. 阅读中心句在最后段的概率是0,一般第一二段必定出现。

  10. 细节题多花点时间,仔细仔细再仔细,定位很重要


