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英文会议纪要 篇一

Meeting Minutes

Date: November 15, 2021

Time: 10:00 am

Location: Conference Room A


1. Mr. Smith (Chairperson)

2. Ms. Johnson (Secretary)

3. Mr. Brown

4. Ms. Lee

5. Mr. Patel

6. Ms. Wang


1. Review of previous meeting minutes

2. Update on project timelines

3. Discussion on budget allocation

4. Any other business

Meeting Minutes:

1. Review of previous meeting minutes:

The minutes of the previous meeting held on November 1, 2021, were reviewed and approved without any changes.

2. Update on project timelines:

Mr. Brown provided an update on the project timelines. He mentioned that there have been some delays in the development phase due to unforeseen technical issues. The team is working on resolving these issues and expects to catch up on the timeline by the end of the month.

3. Discussion on budget allocation:

Ms. Lee presented a revised budget allocation for the project. She highlighted the need for additional funds to cover the costs of the technical upgrades required to address the issues faced during the development phase. After a thorough discussion, it was decided to allocate the necessary funds to ensure the timely completion of the project.

4. Any other business:

Mr. Patel raised a concern regarding the lack of communication between the different teams working on the project. It was agreed that a weekly status meeting will be scheduled to ensure better coordination and communication among the team members.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting is scheduled for December 1, 2021, at 10:00 am in Conference Room A.

Meeting adjourned at 11:00 am.

Secretary: Ms. Johnson

英文会议纪要 篇二

Meeting Minutes

Date: November 20, 2021

Time: 2:00 pm

Location: Virtual Meeting


1. Mr. Williams (Chairperson)

2. Ms. Garcia (Secretary)

3. Mr. Kim

4. Ms. Chen

5. Mr. Singh

6. Ms. Yamamoto


1. Update on marketing campaign

2. Discussion on customer feedback

3. Planning for upcoming product launch

4. Any other business

Meeting Minutes:

1. Update on marketing campaign:

Mr. Kim provided an update on the ongoing marketing campaign. He reported that the social media ads have been performing well, with a high click-through rate and engagement from the target audience. The team is planning to launch a new email marketing campaign next week to further promote the product.

2. Discussion on customer feedback:

Ms. Chen presented a summary of the customer feedback received through the company's online survey. The feedback was mostly positive, with customers praising the product's quality and customer service. However, there were also some suggestions for improvement, which the team will take into consideration for future product development.

3. Planning for upcoming product launch:

Mr. Singh discussed the upcoming product launch scheduled for December 10, 2021. He outlined the key milestones leading up to the launch, including finalizing the product packaging, coordinating with the sales team for distribution, and planning a virtual launch event for customers and stakeholders.

4. Any other business:

Ms. Yamamoto raised a concern about the availability of resources for the product launch. It was decided to reallocate some resources from other projects to ensure the successful execution of the launch plan.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting is scheduled for December 5, 2021, at 2:00 pm via virtual meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm.

Secretary: Ms. Garcia

英文会议纪要 篇三



  按计划在当天下午4点钟的展会总结会上,所有参展人员均需就参展结 果进行陈述并对该领域的未来发展趋势发表看法。


  珍妮*布莱克女士询问丽莉•布莱克小姐此次是否还能与参展队伍同行, 因为她生病已近一个月之久。副总经理回答说她上周同其通过电话,丽莉小姐 表示会尽量按原定计划跟大家一同参加展会。


  副总经理露西•波特曼女士感谢大家的出席,并叮嘱所有参展人员必须为 此次展会做好充分准备,并于上午12:10宣布会议结束。





  1.minute & minutes

  “minute”这个词大家再熟悉不过了,是“分,分钟”的意思,如“差5分3点钟”, 可以表述为“5 minutes to 3 o’clock”;但是如果在它后而加上s,就不表示“分钟”的 复数了,它便成了一种公文形式,即“(会议)记录”,此时它是一个单复数同型的词, 如“board minutes”表示“董事会会议记录”。

  2.custom & customs


  3.letter & letters

  “letter”最常用的意思就是“书信,信件” 了;而加了 s后,变成另外一个词,意 为“文学

”,如“文人”对应的英文是“men of letters”。


