
时间:2017-09-07 08:45:31
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关于保护地球的英语作文 篇一

Title: The Importance of Protecting the Earth

In recent years, the issue of protecting the Earth has become increasingly important. As human activities continue to harm the environment, it is crucial that we take immediate action to preserve our planet for future generations. This essay will discuss the significance of protecting the Earth and propose some practical solutions.

Firstly, protecting the Earth is essential for the survival of all living beings. Our planet is home to a diverse range of species, each playing a unique role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystems. However, due to deforestation, pollution, and climate change, many species are facing extinction. If we do not take action to protect their habitats and address the root causes of their decline, we risk disrupting entire ecosystems and losing valuable biodiversity.

Secondly, protecting the Earth is crucial for human well-being. Our daily activities, such as industrial production and transportation, contribute to air and water pollution, leading to negative impacts on our health. For instance, air pollution from factories and vehicles can cause respiratory problems and other diseases. By implementing measures to reduce pollution and promote sustainable practices, we can improve the quality of our air and water, ensuring a healthier environment for ourselves and future generations.

Moreover, protecting the Earth is vital for mitigating climate change. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and other human activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing global temperatures to rise. This leads to extreme weather events, melting ice caps, and rising sea levels. If we do not take immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy sources, we will face catastrophic consequences, including more frequent and severe natural disasters.

To protect the Earth, individuals, communities, and governments must work together. Firstly, individuals can make a difference by adopting sustainable practices in their daily lives. This includes conserving energy, reducing waste, and using environmentally friendly products. Additionally, communities can organize clean-up campaigns, tree planting initiatives, and educational programs to raise awareness and foster a sense of responsibility towards the environment. Lastly, governments need to enact and enforce strict environmental regulations, invest in renewable energy, and support research and development of sustainable technologies.

In conclusion, protecting the Earth is of utmost importance for the survival of all living beings, including humans. It is crucial that we take immediate action to address the environmental challenges we face. By protecting habitats, reducing pollution, and mitigating climate change, we can ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

关于保护地球的英语作文 篇二

Title: Sustainable Development: A Path towards Protecting the Earth


The Earth is facing numerous environmental challenges, including deforestation, pollution, and climate change. To protect our planet, it is crucial that we adopt sustainable development practices. This essay will discuss the concept of sustainable development and explore its potential benefits in preserving the Earth.


1. Definition of sustainable development:

- Sustainable development refers to meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

- It involves the integration of environmental, social, and economic considerations in decision-making processes.

2. Benefits of sustainable development:

a) Environmental benefits:

- Conservation of natural resources: Sustainable development promotes the responsible use of resources, such as water, forests, and minerals.

- Preservation of biodiversity: By protecting habitats and ecosystems, sustainable development helps maintain biodiversity and the balance of ecosystems.

- Mitigation of climate change: Sustainable development focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to renewable energy sources, helping combat climate change.

b) Social benefits:

- Improved quality of life: Sustainable development aims to provide access to basic needs, such as clean water, sanitation, and education, for all individuals.

- Poverty reduction: By promoting inclusive economic growth and providing equal opportunities, sustainable development helps alleviate poverty.

- Preservation of cultural heritage: Sustainable development recognizes the importance of cultural diversity and the preservation of cultural heritage.

c) Economic benefits:

- Increased resource efficiency: Sustainable development encourages the efficient use of resources, reducing costs and waste for businesses.

- Job creation: The transition to renewable energy and sustainable practices can create new job opportunities in sectors such as clean energy and eco-tourism.

- Long-term economic growth: By considering the long-term impacts of economic activities, sustainable development ensures the sustainability of economic growth.


Sustainable development offers a path towards protecting the Earth and ensuring a sustainable future for all. By integrating environmental, social, and economic considerations, we can address the challenges we face and create a world where the needs of present and future generations are met. It is essential that individuals, communities, and governments work together to adopt sustainable practices and make a positive impact on our planet.

关于保护地球的英语作文 篇三



  Composition of green environmental protection, 300 words after reading the "only one earth", I plumcakes with meditation: humans have only one earth. Now the earth, because human wanton destruction, her beautiful appearance has long been riddled with holes. Her rich resources, also nearly dried up. A beauty of the earth, in ignorance of the human hand, has been increasingly close to the end.

  Our mother river - the Yellow River, the stem of the momentum has conquered the every Chinese people. Then, who had thought of, every day by how many of the Yellow River wash away the soil? Yellow River upstream of the vegetation area is few and far between, and combine

d with a large number of human deforestation, sparse vegetation bolt not earth, was a blunt, water will dissolve in a roaring, not only makes the water turbidity, and because a large amount of sediment deposition, river plate drive up, causing floods, river flow, the beauty of the mother lost her in the past. So, to protect the forest. Green homes, responsibility is significant.

  Modern civilization brings human happiness. However, in the back of a civilization, questions to follow. Air pollution. Water pollution and so on, has become one of the problem. Wastewater from factories, waste gas, causing the water resources, serious pollution of air. In nowadays, has been hard to find a completely not polluted rivers. Now the weather every day hot, this is due to the surface of the earth's atmosphere is destroyed, cause damage to the atmosphere cannot resist ultraviolet light from the sun, this caused a serious threat to our health.

  Facing the worse living environment of the earth, let us act now, save the earth!


  Humans have only one earth, it is the survival of the resources. The earth is our home, so we should protect the earth, rather than destroy it. In recent years, the earth's environment is more and more bad, large forests have been cut down, the green mountains are mining, large and beautiful grassland into desert, the clear river into the gutter. Trees less, castle peak bald, grassland drought, the river dark and people living environment deteriorate, breathing the air of the... Therefore, the human diseases are much more.

  Now fewer and fewer trees, it is because people are cutting down trees, so the trees will be less and less, so we can't breathe more fresh air, we will suffer from SARS, bird flu, and so on disease, make our physical deterioration, let these viruses easily into our bodies. Constantly cut down trees, during typhoon comes, will be able to withstand the typhoon, we human suffering or not?

  Increased over the past few years, the factory, the discharge of wastewater are also constantly increased, sewage discharge in a nearby stream, often make originally on the tom of the river stinking. People often put the drink beverage bottle anywhere throw, white trash everywhere. You say, life in such an environment, the mood will be good?

  We can from the economize on water, perhaps everyone will say, can't waste a few drops of water damage the environment. Waste everyone a few drops of water all over the world, if everyone is a waste of three drops of water, the waste water fifteen billion five billion people all over the world, if gave to the places where the drought, the water can save many people! Save water, everybody is responsible for, so we should save every drop of water, do not waste every drop. Otherwise, the last drop of water on the earth will be human tears!

  Humans have only one home - the earth, it is a place where human beings rely on, we want to protect it.


  Poor earth ah, whole body is hurt. Who get you into this? This is all human fault! The consequences of human kind!

  Why is it so dark, a breathing has bouts cough? Why water is smelly and black? Ground of living garbage, cigarette ends, how be to return a responsibility?

  Behind the car as long as one is a kind of gas (exhaust) will come out, this kind of black carbon dioxide gas! Carbon dioxide is there is a lot of harm to the body, have a great harm to the human body is more, people's health is threatened! Caused it was dark, so these toxic substances will follow the air, a breath of toxic substances will stimulate mucosal will cough; Some bad factories you secretly put the sewage into the river water is so dirty and dark, still have a plenty of people taking out the trash, spit into the river; Biological, animals perish, human eat? No need to eat! That is destroying earth eventually will only make the destroyer and the living things on earth disappear together!

  Let's protect the earth together.



