复习歌曲 “Rainbow” 和 “Ten little fingers” 2.2运用能力目的
Module 1 Numbers
Unit 1 seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty!一、 教学准备与分析 1、 教学内容
学生用书:第一模块第一单元活动1、2、3、 活动用书:第一模块第一单元活动1、2、3、 2、 教学目标 2.1技能与知识目标 A基本要求
基本能听懂、会说英文数字Numbers 13-20.
基本能听懂、会说句型 This is + adj + one. B初步要求
使学生初步理解和感知的句型Here’s的用法。 C巩固复习
复习巩固颜色词汇yellow, white, purple, pink, red, green,blue.
数字,对自己身边的数字进行正确英语的表达。 2.3素质教育(文化、情感态度、策略)目的
通过对本课的学习,让学生了解如何简单的用英语数字自己周围的事物,从中发现学习的规律,让学生从小培养爱学习、会学习的良好习惯。 3教学重点
英文数字Numbers 13-20. 4教学难点
5教学任务 学习任务
学习词汇:英文数字Numbers 13-20. 学习句型:句型 This is + adj + one 运用任务
运用任务一:智力大闯关。 运用任务二:猜猜他多大。 6教学任务
教学卡片、教学用书、录音机、挂图、学生卡片、水彩笔二、 教学程序
T: Hello, the little fingers” 并借此机会复习颜色以及英文数字1—12。 T: What colour is the pencilpenwindowdoor?? How many redgreenblue pencils?? 2.任务呈现与课文导入
(1) 教师出示一组数字题1+1=?2+1=?3+1=??,让学生接龙抢答,比一比,谁的反映最快?当进行到12+1=?教师将速度放慢,并请说出数字的同学到前台来给大家清楚的示范。教师在此时可将单词卡贴在黑板上。
(2) 教师准备了一个小见面会,——智力闯关游戏,想当大赢家吗?那么让我们赶快来学习这些英文数字吧!
(3) 听一听,说一说,你听到、看到、想到、知道了什么? 3.课文呈现与操练
(1) 让学生看挂图听音,说一说发生了什么事?
(2) 听音跟读,画出听到的数字和句子,之后进行汇报。 (3) Touch game:教师请学生看黑板上的单词卡片并请出每组
(4) Bingo game: 教师请学生拿出水彩笔,教师说英文数字,学生用自己喜欢的颜色立刻相应的阿拉伯数字,之后教师在说带颜色的数字,如:Fifteen is blue.如果说的颜色和数字与学生写的一致,就迅速说Bingo!
(5) 结合学生用书活动三,让四人小组练习Thirteen is red.之后小组进行汇报。
(6) 句子接龙:教师任意拿起教学用具,比如铅笔,说:This is a green pencil.在拿起另一个红色的说:This is a red one. 还可用句型“Here is a red one.”
(7) 再次听音或观看VCD,鼓励学生模仿课文。 4.任务完成 (1) 智力大闯关
教师出示四组英文数字的加法算式,让学生通过小组活动,以最快的速度描述和回答算式。如:13+1=?(Thirteen and one is fourteen)
之后请获胜组的同学将有资格进入下一关—— 猜猜他多大? (2) “猜猜他多大”
教师给获胜的同学每人一张年龄卡,之后迅速转身告诉大家 “I am fourteen.”在立刻转过身来,等七位同学都汇报完毕
教师再任选一位同学发问“How old is :
教师出示一些动物图片,请学生说出他们的名字。(通过复习动物名称为下一步新知识教授作好铺垫。) III. Presentation:
1. 找几名学生到前面来,将刚才出示过的动物图片发给每个人一张,教师可作示范来问其中一名学生:”Have you got a tiger?”引导该学生说:Yes, I ’t.
2. 请几名学生来猜猜他们每个人手里分别都有哪些图片。如果有答对的教师马上给这名学生一张事先准备好的10分数字卡片.并且告诉他她:”You points.” 并引导学生说出句子:”I’ ve got ten points.”板书句子。
3. 待全部猜完后每个人报出自己得到的分数,分数高的获胜,教师对他说:”You’re the winner.”板书单词winner。 (新知呈现的部分以竞赛的形式出现既能激发学生学习的热情又能自然地导出新知内容。) 4. 呈现课文:
出示课文挂图,提问学生:Who is the winner? How many points . 一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标:
知识目标:学习句型Where’s West Lake Road, please? Go
straight on. Turn left. Turn right. Where are you going? 能力目标:培养学生问路、指路的能力。
Ⅱ 教学重点;
1. 学习句型:Where’s ?,please? Go straight on. Turn left. Turn right. Where are you going?
2. 掌握单词及词组: turn left turn rightexcuse me next to supermarket Ⅲ 教学难点:
掌握表示地点和方位的词 Ⅳ 辅助资源:
挂图、录音机、磁带、图片、课文VCD 二、教学过程: I. Warming up
TPR活动。教师边说边做:”Right .”学生跟着教师边做边说。 II. Revision:
(通过复习地点单词为练习本课的句型Where’s ?,please?做好铺垫。)
III. Presentation:
教师拿出公园的图片对学生说:”I’m going to the park this weekend. Where are you going this weekend?”学生说出自己的出行计划”I’m going to?.” (为课文教学创设情景)
教师说:”Sam is going to Daming’s West Lake Road or East Lake Road? Let’s wactch the VCD.” 学生观看课文VCD,找出答案并回答。
教师提问:”Sam asks the way to the policeman. How does ,同时在大屏幕上演示出课文中的路线图,教师边指图边讲解。教授词组go straight onturn left turn right。
教师准备一些路线图和要找的目的地单词卡。教师将单词卡片发给一些学生,再将路线图发给另一部分学生,那单词卡片的学生作为迷路者来问路,如:”I’m lost. Where’s the park?”拿着路线图的学生帮助他们来指路。 (学生在活动中操练了问路和指路。) V. Summary:
教师说:”Today we . Turn left. Turn right. ” We use them in the daily life. VI Homework
教师在大屏幕上出示几种路线图如: 让学生说出路线。 (通过练习及时操练重点词组。) 学生打开书,跟录音朗读课文。 分角色朗读课文。 IV. Practice:
1. 活动:问路。
让学生自己画一幅地图,上面有三条路,分别标有school zoo supermarket my and then turn left”。
2. 活动:我迷路了。
Unit 2 It’s at the station. 一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标:
知识目标: 学习句子:The train is going updownpast the is going updownpast the uppaststation Ⅲ 教学难点:掌握表示地点和方位的词 Ⅳ 辅助资源:
挂图、录音机、磁带、图片 二、教学过程:
I. Warming up
TPR活动:教师或一名同学下口令turn left:
(此活动既使学生的作业得以反馈,复习了已学过的知识,又为本课的新内容做好铺垫。) III. Presentation:
1. 教师准备一涨有课文背景图案的挂图,将小山、房子、学校、火车站分别贴在图上,并讲解单词hill和station。 2. 出示火车图片并说:There’s a train from Beijing to our city.Where is the train going? 将火车贴在山上的位置,引导学生说出:“The train is going up the is going down the ”,图片交给学生请他们站在相应的位置。将”train”的头饰交给另一名学生,并邀请一些学生乘坐火车。老师请火车开动起来,并请其他同学一起说出火车经过了哪些地方。
(此活动的目的在于在活动中巩固、练习表达方位的单词。培养学生的合作精神。) 2. 完成P8练习3。
学生两人一组,学生A说出路线,学生B根据A的描述找到相应的'地点。学生A:Go straight on, turn left. It’s on your night. 学生B: Is it the supermarket? 学生A: No, it isn’t.
3. 活动:How can we go to Carrefour?
学生以小组为单位讨论后设计出从学校到最近的一家Carrefour的路线图。然后到前面来给全班学生讲解路线,选出最合理的一组获胜。 4. 学Chant。
教师首先播放一遍chant录音,请学生边看图边听。 学生找出生词,教师解释词义并指导学生读音。 再放录音,逐行停顿,学生边听边模仿学说。 听录音连贯跟读几次,鼓励学生加上动作。 5. 学唱歌曲。
教师首先播放一遍歌曲录音,请学生边歌词边听。 学生找出生词,教师解释词义并指导学生读音。 再放录音,逐行停顿,学生边听边学唱。 听录音连贯跟读几次,鼓励学生加上动作。 V. Summary:
请学生总结今天所学的重点句子和单词。 VI Homework
Module 3 Activities
Unit 1 She’s writing a letter. 教学目标
1.Key sentences: This is my sister. She’s writing a letter.
2.Vocabulary: writing a letter, taking pictures, talking to .. 教学重难点 Aims 1, 2,3 教学方法
Listen, TPR, communication 教学准备
A recorder some cards wall chart 教学过程 教师活动 学 生 活 动
ask Ss : “What can you see?”
7. Tell the Ss that this is the short form of “is", now the story. Warmer: 1. Greetings. 2. Ask and answer:
Who is get them work in groups. Step1.Listen and repeat.
1. Teach the new words: 2. Call some Ss read and spell the words. writing a letter, taking pictures, talking to
friends, playing with a toy train..
3. Practice the words more times by inpidual student or group.
4. Have the Ss open their books, and look at the pictures in books, ask them: “Who are they?”(Daming, Lingling, Amy, Tom) “What are they doing?”(They are talking.) “What are they talking about?” 学生问好
2.Play the tape , get the Ss write down all the numbers Ss repeat the board: is are
5.Point to the words and say the words.
6.Then adds the following word on the board: ‘s
Ss look at the picture and answer the questions 5. Play the tape, get the Ss listen.
6. Play the tape again, pause it after each utterance, get
the Ss repeat.
7. The teacher read the text again, get the Ss repeat. 8. Call two Ss act the roles in text. Step2. Listen and say.
1. Play the tape, stop the tape after A fini
see on the pictures?” Ss read the text
Ss look at the picture and answer the questions (The Ss tell the teacher what they see). 3. Repeat the sentences.
4. Now listen to the tape and point to pictures. Step2. Ask and answer
1.Write some activities on the board, give the Ss some information about the activities.
What are you doing? on the board before the lesson). She’s writing a letter. She’s taking pictures, She’s talking toher friends,
She is playing with a toy train.
I’m listening to music. I’m watching TV. I’m reading a book. What is example first. 3. Work in pairs.
3. Tell the Ss that I’m going to say the pictures and Step3.Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the stress. pairs. One say and one point. Step1. Look , listen and point.
1. Get the Ss to open their books of Unit2, look at activity 1, then the teacher points to the pictures, ask the Ss: “What can you
Step4.Listen and chant.
Step5.Finish exercises of AB book.
Homework: 1.Read the words and text of Unit1. 2.Recite the words of M1. Ss reapeat
Ss listen and point Ss practise Ss repeat Say the chant 板书设计
MODULE 3 Unit 2 What are you doing? What are you doing? I’m listening to music. I’m watching TV. I’m reading a book.
What is the park
Unit1 What are they doing? 教学目标
1. Talking about activities in the park 2.Key sentences: Present continuous: What are they doing?
They are rowing a dragon boat.
3.Vocabulary: let’s, get on, lots of, interesting, thing, look at, people, park, lake, row, boat, men, chess, drink, .. 2. Revise the activities with the actions.
(writing a letter, taking pictures, talking to friends, playing with a toy train..)
3 The teacher ask the Ss: “Last lesson we learnt about the people in the park.
(1)Look at the people in the park, what are they doing? (2)Look at the people on the lake,what are they doing? (3)Look at the men under the tree, what are they doing? (4)Look at the girls, what are they drinking? 4. Call some Ss answer. (1)They are doing taijiquan. (2)They are rowing a dragon boat. (3)They are playing chess.
(4)They are drinking soybean milk.
Then point to the form on board, get the Ss say the activities on it ,and ask them “What are they doing?” Step1: Presentation
1. The teacher show 4 pictures, . (2)They are rowing a dragon boat. (3)They are playing chess.
(4)They are drinking soybean milk.
2. Write the following sentences on board: What are they doing?
They are rowing a dragon boat Ss read the text
Ss look at the picture and answer the questions
3. Teacher describe the pictures and get the Ss listen. 4. Do more examples for Ss, make them understand the meaning.
Step2.New lesson
1. Have the Ss open their books, and listen to the tape, then find “What are they doing? They are rowing a dragon boat” in the text.
2. After listen, check their answers.
3. Show the cards on board , teach the new words: let’s, get on, lots of, interesting, thing, look at, people, park, lake, row, boat, men, chess, drink, text , and underline them. Ss reapeat
Ss listen and point
What are they doing? They are rowing a dragon boat.
Unit 2 What is Amy doing? 一、教学分析(Analyze teaching) 1、教学内容分析:
本节课主要是学习和运用句型 What are they doing? They're doing sth. What's . T:How are you?
S1:I'm fine, thank you. And you? T: I'm great, thank you.
T: How’s the weather like today? S2:It’ sunny today. 2.Sing English song.
T: Yes, today is sunny, I’m very (1)Teach " running, jumping "
Teacher does actions "running" and says: Boys and girls ,what am I doing? Yes, I'm running, running. Then write “running” on the blackboard. And read it several times. Learn "jumping" in the same way.
(2)Teach "What are they doing? They're Module 4 Unit 2: What is Amy doing? basketball. What is with “running jumping” Then asks "What are they doing?” And make a boy or a girl does action and asks: What is the blackboard. (三)Practice
What are they doing? They're Playing football.
What is ?? 引导学生回答Yes, I ’t.
T: Glad to meet you. answer, and using the target drills. What are they doing? They're playing??
(用Free Talk的形式,让学生置身于真实的英语交际环境,尽快融入到英语氛围中来。同时,在师生交流的过程中引导学生回顾相
关的语言知识,也为本课的教学做好铺垫。) are Sam and Daming doing? What is Amy doing?"
Step 2 Presentation
1.(Free Talk结束后,教师环顾全班同学,面带欣慰的微笑,) team .
(四)Learn the English song "Row your boat" 1.Play the CAI, enjoy the song.
2.Learn the song after teacher and CAI.
3.Sing the song together as well as do actions. 4.Make some Ss show this song. (五)Homework
1.Do exercise book on page 16 Ex 1, 2 2.Sing "Row your boat" for family. (六)Teaching design.
T: Class, let’s chant. (拍手齐说) Noodles and rice are very very nice. Mmm, Mmm, very very rice.
Ginger and spice are not very nice, Mmm, Mmm, are not very nice. T:Very good.
(later on) T: Do you like noodles? Ss: Yes.
T: Do you want some rice? 引导学生说出Yes,please.
T: Do you like rice? T: Yes.
T: Do you want some rice? Ss: Yes, please.
T: Do you want some soup? 引导学生说出 Ss: No, thank you.
T:Noodles and rice are very nice. They are Chinese fast 2. show the cards ,learn the words : fast food 指名读,分组读。 齐读。 T:Do you want some rice? Ss: Yes, please.
T: Do you want some noodles? Ss: No,thank you.
CAI 操练此句型。显示各种食物的名称。 Do you want some ?? Yes,please. No, thank you. 3 Ask and answer: 看课件,让学生回答:
指名回答,师引出回答:引出本课新句型: Do you want some ?? Yes, please. No, I don’t. 利用多媒体操练此句型:
T: Please look at the pictures, (多媒体显示快餐店和快餐食品)
T: Do you want to some to the tape and read the text
Unit 2 I am making dumplings 教学目标:
1. 知识目标:
What are you doing ? I`m making dumplingscooking vegetables. Do you want some? Yes, please. No, thank you. 2. 能力目标:
能运用核心内容比较中西方饮食方面差异,并用英语向外国朋友介绍一些中国的食物。 2. 文化意识:
核心句式Do you want some? Yes, please. No, thank you. 教学难点:
2. What are you doing ?和 Do you want some?两种不同句式的综合运用。
教学用具:录音机、卡片、图片、头饰、课件 教学过程: 一、热身复习
1、师生表演唱英文歌曲—I`m listening to music.
2、听声音猜测Amy和Sam正在做的事情(What is food),并相机引出生词—dumpling 和vegetable,并通过领读、点读、伴声音读(跺脚读)等多种方式进行练习。
4、学习生词过程中,教师边做动作边适时呈现核心句型,并板书—I`m making dumplingscooking vegetables.Do you want some? 二、任务呈现和课文导入
在复习环节后,教师向学生布置本节课的任务:(教师边指黑板上食物图边布置任务)Noodles,rice,, you all will ,who are they ? 三、任务准备 (一)学习短文
1、听音回答问题(1):Who are they ? 设计意图:通过让学生回答
Daming is making
dumplings.Daming`s mother is cooking vegetables. 帮助学生初步了解短文内容。
2、听音回答问题(2)Do Sam and Amy want dumplings ? Do they want vegetables ?
设计意图:通过回答复杂问题,检测学生对文章理解能力。 3、听音、指词、模仿
5、学生抽食物卡片,重点练习Do you want some? Yes, please. No, thank you.
设计意图:由于青岛的学生没有学习这个句型,所以在此重点练习此句型,为后面的完成任务做好准备。 (二)学习韵律诗
1、观察韵律诗中的图(一人正在把平底锅的蛋糕放入烤箱中),并回答:What is the 平底锅.)学习pan一词。并引导学生注意pan和pen发音方面的区别。 2、初次听,教师做动作帮助理解。 3、再次听,引导学生模仿。 4、边说边做动作(由慢到快) 设计意图:增强韵律诗的趣味性。
通过做题引导学生将听说读写四项技能有机结合,培养学生语言综合运用能力。 四、任务完成
本课设计的任务是向英国的小朋友介绍自己最喜爱的食物。 (一)师生示范
教师自己先抽取一图片,并向事先以安排好的戴着头饰的Sam和Amy 介绍自己最喜爱的食物。I`m making noodles. Do you want some ?
(二)学生自由介绍 五、家庭作业
Module 6 Abilities Unit 1 Can you run fast ?
Teaching material: Module 6, Unit 1.
Teaching aims: 1.Ask and answer about abilities using “Can you?.?” “Yes, I can. \No, I can’t .”
2.Learn the new words in this unit : can, jump ,, fast, far, ride .
Teaching important points: Can you ?..? Yes, I can. \No, I can’t .
Teaching difficult points: ride , can’t ,run . Teaching procedures: Step 1. Warm-up
T: In 2008, the Olympic Games will be Beijing. So, now most of the people like sports(运动). I like sports,too. Do you like sports. Ss: Yes.
T ” and say “I can play table tennis. And you?” S1: I can?.. S2: I can?..
T: Sam, Amy, Daming and lingling like sports,too. What can
they do ? Let’s look at the text . Underline the new words. Step2. Look, listen and learn.
1. Ss say out their questions. T explains. Then let the students try to translate the text. 2. Teach the new words:
(1). Can, can’t . Make sentences. For example, I can make noodles. I can’t make cakes. Ss:??
take pictures and so on.
2. Make dialogues. T and a good student act first , then get some students to try.
3. This lesson we can ask some questions. For example, Can you ??? And we can answer them using the structure “ Yes, I can. \ No, I can’t .” We studies very well. Class is over.
(2). Run, jump, ride,fast, Ss practice in pairs. And Can you run fast? and repeat three times.
4. T teaches the difficult word and sentences. 5. Ss practice in groups of five. 6. Get some groups to act it out . 7. Ask and answer about text: Q1: Can Sam \Amy run fast?
Q2: Can Sam\ Daming jump Sam\ Lingling jump far? Q4: Can Sam\ Daming ride fast? Some students answer these questions. Then T says “ Sam can run fast\ jump ’t ride fast .
Step3. Review and act .
1. Review some expressions: Play basketball\ football\
Can you run fast?
Can you jump . \ No, I can’t. Can you jump far? Can you ride fast?
Unit 2 Yes, I can. 教学目标:
1. 知识目标:Can you make a cake? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
2. 能力目标:使用"can"询问他人的能力并讲述自己的能力。 3 、教学重点:
核心句式Can you -----?
table tennis. Make noodles\ cakes\ dumplings. Write a Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
4、教学用具:录音机、卡片、图片、头饰、 教学过程:
Step 1: 老师和学生进行简单的交流,针对能力向学生提出问题。 Can you -----?
Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
2、请学生完成AB Unit 2 练习1。听音做出响应的动作。 Step 2:Presentation
1、 课文导入:出示课文中的挂图,告诉学生:大家要听一听Daming、Lingling 、Amy 和Sam之间关于能力的对话。请听录音。并回答下面的问题: Daming、Lingling 、Amy 和Sam能做什么和他们不能做什么?
2、 Read after the tape. 3、 Practises in pairs.
4、 Play games:1 调查一下咱们班Who can make---?如果你能请回答"Yes, I can.” 不能请回答"No, I can’t.”2、
让学生在两张纸上分别画出哭脸和笑脸,然后两人一组,进行对话。被询问一方要举起画有哭脸和笑脸的纸,然后进行口头回答。3、开展“互相帮助”游戏。 Step 5 Homework
Listen and repeat at least five times.
Module 7 Travel
Unit 1 We are going to go to Hainan. 一、 教学准备与分析 1、教学内容
学生用书:第七模块第一单元活动1、2、3、 活动用书:第七模块第一单元活动 3、 2、教学目标 2.1技能与知识目标 A.基本要求
基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇: tomorrow, by plane, from, swim, sea,
基本能听懂、会说、会读句型: We’re going to ? I’m from? B.初步要求
初步掌握词汇:bedtime, swimsuit, 初步掌握句型:I’m going to ? C.巩固复习
复习词汇: children, get up, China, England.
复习句型:名词所有格的表达方式“Xiaoyong’s bag”及时间的