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商务英语听说期末试卷 篇一


1. Introduction

The Business English Listening and Speaking Final Exam is designed to evaluate students' listening and speaking skills in a business context. This exam is an important assessment tool to measure students' proficiency in understanding and communicating in English for business purposes. In this article, we will discuss the format and content of the exam, as well as provide some tips for success.

2. Format of the Exam

The exam consists of two sections: listening and speaking. In the listening section, students will be required to listen to a series of business-related conversations, presentations, and interviews, and answer questions based on the information they hear. The speaking section will assess students' ability to communicate effectively in various business scenarios, such as negotiations, meetings, and presentations.

3. Content of the Exam

The listening section will cover a wide range of business topics, including marketing, finance, human resources, and international trade. Students will be tested on their ability to understand main ideas, details, and infer information from the context. Additionally, they will need to demonstrate their understanding of business vocabulary and idiomatic expressions commonly used in the workplace.

In the speaking section, students will be given prompts and asked to engage in conversations or role-plays with the examiner. They will be assessed on their ability to express ideas clearly, use appropriate business language, and demonstrate effective communication skills such as active listening and negotiation.

4. Tips for Success

To excel in the Business English Listening and Speaking Final Exam, students should focus on improving their listening and speaking skills in a business context. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

- Practice listening to business-related audio materials, such as podcasts, news reports, and TED talks. Pay attention to key vocabulary and idiomatic expressions used in these contexts.

- Engage in conversations or role-plays with classmates or language partners to simulate real-life business scenarios. Practice expressing ideas clearly and using appropriate business language.

- Familiarize yourself with common business terms and idioms. Create flashcards or use online resources to review and expand your business vocabulary.

- Take advantage of online resources and language learning platforms that offer listening and speaking exercises specifically designed for business English learners.

- Seek feedback from your teacher or language tutor. They can provide guidance on areas that need improvement and offer strategies to enhance your listening and speaking skills.

In conclusion, the Business English Listening and Speaking Final Exam is an important assessment tool for students studying business English. By understanding the format and content of the exam, as well as following the tips provided, students can enhance their listening and speaking skills and increase their chances of success in the exam.

商务英语听说期末试卷 篇二


1. Introduction

The Business English Listening and Speaking Final Exam is a comprehensive assessment of students' listening and speaking abilities in the context of business communication. This article will discuss the importance of this exam, as well as provide some strategies for effective preparation.

2. Importance of the Exam

The ability to effectively communicate in English is crucial in today's global business environment. The Business English Listening and Speaking Final Exam evaluates students' proficiency in understanding and expressing ideas in a business context. This exam not only measures students' language skills but also their ability to adapt to different business situations and effectively communicate with colleagues and clients.

3. Effective Preparation Strategies

To prepare for the Business English Listening and Speaking Final Exam, students should focus on developing their listening and speaking skills in a business context. Here are some strategies to help you succeed:

- Practice listening to authentic business materials, such as podcasts, interviews, and presentations. Pay attention to the speaker's tone, intonation, and use of business vocabulary.

- Take notes while listening to improve your ability to capture key information. Practice summarizing the main points and identifying supporting details.

- Engage in role-plays or simulations of business scenarios. This will help you practice using appropriate business language and develop your ability to communicate effectively in various professional situations.

- Seek opportunities to interact with native English speakers or other learners of business English. Join language exchange programs or participate in business-related activities to improve your speaking skills and gain confidence.

- Review and expand your business vocabulary. Create flashcards or use online resources to learn and practice relevant terms and idiomatic expressions.

- Utilize practice materials and mock exams to familiarize yourself with the format and content of the exam. This will help you become more comfortable and confident on the day of the exam.

4. Conclusion

The Business English Listening and Speaking Final Exam is a significant assessment of students' ability to communicate in English within a business context. By following the strategies outlined in this article, students can effectively prepare for the exam and improve their listening and speaking skills. Remember to practice regularly, seek feedback from teachers or language tutors, and stay motivated throughout the preparation process. With dedication and effort, success in the exam is attainable.

商务英语听说期末试卷 篇三

商务英语听说 期末试卷


命题人: 审核人:

科目:商务英语听说 级 班 姓名: 学号:

一、 单项选择 (20%)

1. A quarrel _____ between the two neighbours.

A. broke out B. was broken out C. is breaking out D. is broken out 2. Peter, you ____ come to my home ,and we’ll wait for you. A. / B. can C. must D. will

3. Mr. Brown, ____ you ___ Three Lanes and Seven Alleys(三坊七巷)last Friday?

A. will; go to B. have; been to C did; go to D. have; gone to 4. We were in Qingdao last week and _____ great fun there.

A. will have B. have had C. had D. have

5. – That T-shirt with Yao Ming’s picture on it___ belong to David. He admires him a lot. --No, it____ be his. He hates black color.

A. can; can’t B. may; needn’t C. must; mustn’t D. must; can’t 6. Speaking English ______ so that you can make progress every day. A. as soon as possible B. as often as possible C. as good as possible D. as better as possible

7. My dictionary _______, I have looked for it everywhere but still______it. A. has lost; don’t find B. is missing; don’t find C. has lost; haven’t found D. is missing; haven’t found 8. –-Are you on business here, Kate? ---No, _______. It’s my holiday today.

A. with pleasure B. my pleasure C. for pleasure D. much pleasure 9. I wonder if I can visit him _____ time.

A. three B. third C. the third D. a third 10. The movie star ____ with your sister, didn’t he?

A. was used to dance B. used to dancing C. used to dance D. was used to dancing 11. There ____ a fashion show on CCTV-4 at ten this evening.

A. will have B. is going to be C. is going to have D. is staying 12. It is very cold; we should keep the fire _____ all night.

A. burning B. burned C. to burn D. burn 13. – What’s your opinion about it?

2014BEC商务英语考试全攻略 BEC初级 BEC中级 BEC高级

09级 商务英语听说 期末试卷 第 页,共4页,

2 --You can _____ at a glance that the building was poorly built.

A. say B. see C. tell D. take 14. –Do you think I can borrow your dictionary? --________.

A. yes, you could B. Yes, go on C. But I am using it myself D. No, go ahead 15. ________ six years since I began studying English.

A. They have been B. It has been C. It was D. There are

16. The American Civil War lasted four years before the North won _____ the end. A. by B. at C. in D. on 17. –How does Lucy drive now? --She drives ______me.

A. much more careful than B. as careful as C. even more carefully than D. as more carefully as 18. Yesterday I wrote to you. Have you received______?

A. the letter B. that C. / D. it

19. There will be many kinds of shoes _____ this Saturday. I’ll go and buy a pair for my son.

A. on show B. on duty C. on watch D. in show 20. When autumn comes, the leaves of the trees ______ yellow.

A. turn B. get C. look D. be


1. 接通;接进去_____________ 2. 交通信号灯 ___________________ 3. 对…一无所知_____________ 4. 代替 ___________________ 5. 热销货 _____________ 6.stated-owned enterprise _____________ 7. vocational education center_____________ 8. come out _________________ 9. the Warring States Period____________ 10. on sale _________________ 11.Out of sight, out of mind.________________________________________________________ 12.No man is wise at all times.______________________________________________________ 13.This is a five-day visit agenda.____________________________________________________ 14.If you were in China, you would find soup that is thin and clear._________________________

09级 商务英语听说 期末试卷 第 页,共4页,

3 15.Our company mainly trades in electronic products.____________________________________ 16.趁热打铁____________________________________________________________________ 17.可以优惠一点吗?____________________________________________________________ 18.我公司四年前从国有企业转轨到合资企业。______________________________________ 19不入虎穴,焉得虎子。_________________________________________________________ 20.独木不成林。_________________________________________________________________

三、根据句意补全对话 (20%)

1. A: 打搅一下,你知道理发店在哪儿吗?


B:Yes.Go down Main Street and trun right into Victory Avenue. Keep going, then turn l

eft into Royal Road. The barber’s is the second on the left. A: 谢谢!

__________________________________________________________ 2. A: 四菜一汤,可以吗?

__________________________________________________________ B: Excellent! A: Then, any drinks?

B: 是的,请来两瓶啤酒和一杯菠萝汁。

_________________________________________________________ 3. A: That’s 58 years ago. B: Yes.

A: 你们的经营范围是什么?

__________________________________________________________ B: 我们做所有纺织品材料类的进出口业务。

__________________________________________________________ A: How about the size?

B: 我们是一家大中型企业,目前,有20个分公司。

__________________________________________________________ A: Good.


Mr. Crossett was a very serious teacher. On the way home my father told me of an incident

09级 商务英语听说 期末试卷 第 页,共4页,

4 that __1__ on his first day at school in Mr.Crossett’s class. During the __2__ of the lesson Mr. Crossett ___3__ that one of the students looked __4___ and feverish.

He walked to the student’s desk and __5___ his hand on the child’s forehead. __6___ his back was turned, another student in the class got up from his __7__, and began to make faces just to make the other students ___8__. Mr.Crossett __9___ rapidly and glared at the student.

“Don’t do that__10___,” he said quietly but firmly. Then he went back to his desk and went on with the lesson.

1. A. took place B. took down C. took back D. took away 2. A. beginning B. course C. year D. education 3. A. knew B. thought C. noticed D. surprised 4. A. sick B. happy C. better D. surprised 5. A. put B. showed C. held D. shook 6. A Until B. Before C. While D. Though 7. A. bed B. seat C. home D. room 8. A. talk B. cry C. fight D. laugh 9. A. left B. stopped C. jumped D. turned 10.A. yet B. also C. either D. again




