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英语新闻的体裁 篇一

Title: "Breaking News: Major Earthquake Strikes California"


In this fast-paced world, staying informed about current events is crucial. English news articles serve as an effective medium for delivering information to a global audience. In this article, we will explore the genre of English news writing and focus on the reporting of a major earthquake that recently struck California.


1. Headline and Lead:

The headline of a news article is the first thing readers notice. It is designed to grab attention and provide a concise summary of the story. For example, the headline "Breaking News: Major Earthquake Strikes California" immediately informs readers about the event and location.

The lead, or opening paragraph, is crucial in summarizing the main points of the news story. It typically answers the questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how. In this case, the lead might state, "A devastating earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale rocked California yesterday, causing widespread destruction and leaving thousands homeless."

2. Body:

The body of a news article expands on the lead and provides more details about the event. It includes quotes from eyewitnesses, expert analysis, and relevant statistics. For instance, it might include statements from survivors, descriptions of damaged infrastructure, and information about the rescue efforts.

The body also includes subheadings that divide the article into sections, making it easier for readers to navigate and comprehend the information. Subheadings could cover topics such as "Immediate Response and Rescue Operations" and "Assessing the Damage and Casualties."

3. Language and Style:

English news articles employ a concise and objective writing style. Journalists strive to present facts accurately and without bias. They use clear and simple language to ensure that the information is easily understood by a wide range of readers.

Additionally, news articles often include relevant photographs, videos, or infographics to support the written content. Visual elements enhance the readers' understanding and engagement with the news story.


The genre of English news writing plays a vital role in keeping people informed about global events. Through attention-grabbing headlines, concise leads, informative bodies, and clear language, news articles effectively relay information to a diverse audience. Understanding the structure and style of news writing allows readers to navigate through the vast amount of news available and stay informed about the world around them.

Word count: 442

英语新闻的体裁 篇二

Title: "Opinion: The Impact of Social Media on Society"


English news articles not only report events but also provide platforms for opinion pieces. These articles present a specific viewpoint on a particular topic, analyzing its significance and impact. In this article, we will explore the genre of opinion writing within the realm of English news, focusing on the impact of social media on society.


1. Introduction and Thesis Statement:

An opinion article begins with an introduction that grabs the readers' attention and provides context for the topic. For example, an introduction on the impact of social media might start with a thought-provoking statistic or an anecdote illustrating its pervasive influence.

The thesis statement, which appears at the end of the introduction, clearly states the author's opinion on the topic. It serves as a roadmap for the rest of the article. In this case, the thesis statement could be, "Social media has revolutionized communication, but its impact on society is a double-edged sword."

2. Supporting Arguments and Evidence:

The body of an opinion article presents arguments and evidence to support the thesis statement. Each argument is typically presented in a separate paragraph, allowing for a logical flow of ideas. For example, arguments could include the positive aspects of social media, such as connecting people and facilitating social movements, as well as the negative consequences, such as cyberbullying and the spread of misinformation.

Evidence, such as statistics, research findings, or real-life examples, is used to back up each argument. This strengthens the author's viewpoint and adds credibility to the article.

3. Counterarguments and Rebuttal:

To acknowledge opposing viewpoints, an opinion article often includes counterarguments. These arguments challenge the author's position and provide alternative perspectives. The author then presents a rebuttal, explaining why their viewpoint is more valid or convincing.

4. Conclusion:

The conclusion of an opinion article restates the thesis statement and summarizes the main arguments. It may also include a call to action or a thought-provoking question to encourage further discussion and reflection among readers.


Opinion articles within the genre of English news provide a platform for individuals to share their perspectives on important societal issues. By presenting a clear thesis statement, supporting arguments with evidence, addressing counterarguments, and concluding with a strong summary, opinion articles contribute to a well-rounded understanding of complex topics such as the impact of social media on society.

Word count: 462

英语新闻的体裁 篇三


尽管新闻的种类繁多,分类的标准各异,但是, 它们都必须通过记者按不同的报道形式即新闻体裁 (news style)予以采写。由于新闻活动的范围是一个 广阔多姿、变化无穷的世界,其间的客观事物也呈多 样性,因而报道的内容是丰富多彩的,新闻体裁也在 不断更新。就我国读者阅读英语报刊的基本情况而 言,新闻体裁主要可分为四大类:消息报道(news reportings)、特写(features)、社论(editorials)和广告(advertisements)。

消息是以简要的文字迅速报道新闻事实的一种 体裁,也是最广泛、最经常采用的新闻体裁。虽然消 息通常由三个部分构成,即标题、导语(lead,常为 全文的第一段)和正文(body),但正如常人所说, 文无定法。消息的写作结构灵活多样,往往因人而 异。特写与消息的区别在于报道的范围与目的不 同。消息主要告诉读者发生了什么事情。为了把某件 新闻事件交代清楚,消息往往需要写出新闻的各个 要素,也就是说,消息所报道的.范围一般具有全面性 和完整性。特写则不需照顾全面,而是侧重于某个方 面,注重再现生活的画面,将新闻事实诸要素中最有 意义、最有情趣和影响的一两个要素或片段,像电影 中的特写镜头一样,既形象又突出地把它们再现出 来,使读者如身临其境,如耳闻其声,如目睹其人其 事,从而获得深刻的印象和强烈的感染。由此可见, 消息报道勾勒出新闻内容的一幅全景画面,而特写 报道则展现给读者新闻内容的片断或一组特写镜头 的画面。因此,特写比消息读来更感集中、细腻、绘声 绘色,所得到的信息更多,也更为详尽。

特写的种类很多,不论是哪一种性质的特写,其 写作形式或结构与消息报道不一样。它们一般没有 特定的规律或格式可循。读者在阅读英文报纸时,可 看到各种不同结构的文章,别开生面。有的略提一下 整个会议程序和会场情景,专写一个问题的讨论,一 个提案的提出,一次独特的会面等等。还有的抓住时 间过程中的某一个富有情趣或人情味浓厚的细节层 层开掘,溯前追后,写出立体化的新闻。

总的说来,由于将写文章的篇幅比消息长得多, 少则几百字,多则成千上万字。为了要引起读者兴 趣,吸引他们一直往下看,作者常以细腻的笔触,挥 洒自如的笔调突出表现事件的精髓内容。就语言修 辞而言,特写的文笔要比消息报道高深、讲究些,才 能最恰如其分地把新闻内容栩栩如生地再现出来。 可见,阅读特写文章不失为读者提高英文水平、丰富 词汇的有效途径之一。

特写的结构虽无定格,但是英文报刊上众多的 特写文章通常以一个概括性的导语或引言开头,点 出部分事实要点;或从生动的情节、场面和引语入 笔,但不透露大多,真正最重要、最精彩的东西,放在 后面。此乃一宕一跌,首尾呼应,文义完美,使人读完 终篇后产生一种“满足感”,从而兴趣愈浓,印象愈 深。

就新闻价值而言,英语报刊上的特写可分为新 闻性特写和趣味性特写。当然,将英语特写简单分为 两大类,难免带有较大的武断性,因为有不少特写往 往介乎于两者之间,算哪一类都可以。因此,较普遍 能接受的方法是,将英语特写按采写题材或范围划 分成十余种具体的类别,其中最常见的主要有人物 特写、事件特写和风光特写等。

社论是报纸的灵魂。它代表着报社的言论,最集 中地体现某种立场、观点,常常及时地评述当前社会 上的重大事件或问题,以言

辞明快犀利,论理深刻、 透辟的特点来吸引和影响读者,起到感染读者的号 召性作用。现代英语报刊常聘请资历深、声望高的老 记者和名记者担任专栏作家(columnist),在言论版 上辟一个专栏,每天或定期刊登他们的署名评论性 文章。这些专栏作家不仅具有丰富的新闻工作经验、 渊博的知识和相当的专业修养,而且还具备敏锐的 分析能力和深湛的驾驭文字的功底。因此,他们笔下 的言论,往往富有巨大的吸引力。如美国著名专栏作 家沃尔特·李普曼(Walter Lippman,1889-1974), 就曾经接受《纽约先驱论坛报》(The New York Herald-Tribune)的聘请,撰写“今日和明日”(Today and Tomorrow)的专栏,每周两次,持续30多年之 久,曾在资本主义世界产生过重大的影响。作为新闻 体裁中的一个大类,社论不同于以叙述新闻事实为 主的消息与特写。英语社论的篇幅一般较长,文字比 较正式,语气较为严肃,语法结构繁琐的长句、难句 也较常见,故初读英语报刊的读者常常会对大块大 块黑压压的文字望而生畏,不敢问津。

其实,以发表议论、阐明事理的社论文章,主要运用逻辑思维去说服读者。在篇章结构上,社论不同于消息或特写,却与一般的议论文颇为相似,即通常 由“引论”——“论证”——“结论”三部分组成。读者在实际阅读中,不妨先看一下社论开头的引论部分,了解一下全文的论点,然后浏览一下对引论逐段进 行论证的部分,最后,在结尾部分再细看一下全文的结论。结论部分一般都会回答引论所提出的问题或重申一下全文的观点。若照此方法阅读,读者就容易 抓住要点,消除“畏惧”心理,久而久之,便会觉得社论并不是过于高深难懂的。当然,读报习惯与方法因而异,不宜机械效仿。


