1.eggplant; aubergine
1. 将炸茄子浸泡在香醋里,即使平常不吃茄子的人也对它赞不绝口.
Fried then marinated with vinaigrette,loved by non eggplants eaters too.
2. 取花粉发育为单核中期的茄子(Solanum melongena Uar.Serpentinum Bailey)花药进行离体培养。
of eggplant (Solanum melongena var. Serpentinum Bailey) anthers containing raicrospores at mid uninucleate stage was made in vitro.3. 树蕃茄作为茄类植物的家庭成员,与蕃茄,茄子,胡椒,和土豆有关。
As a member of the nightshade family, the tomatillo is related to the tomato, eggplant, pepper, and potato.
4. 让您品尝到独一无二的烤茄子酱。
Roasted eggplants dip with Garlic, Lemon and Tahini.
5. 煮蛋,炸茄子,西红柿,酸黄瓜,调味芝麻酱.
Boiled egg, Fried eggplant, Tomato, Cucumber, Coriander, Tahini.
6. 煮蛋,炸茄子,西红柿,酸黄瓜,_5843;味芝麻酱.
Boiled egg, Fried Hot eggplant, Tomato, Cucumber, Coriander, Tahini.