高一英语外研版 必修3 Module 1 Europe Period 2(优选3篇)

时间:2015-07-01 04:16:24
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高一英语外研版 必修3 Module 1 Europe Period 2 篇一:Exploring the Cultural Diversity of Europe

Europe is a continent rich in cultural diversity. With its long and complex history, Europe has become a melting pot of various ethnicities, languages, traditions, and customs. In this article, we will explore the unique cultural aspects of different European countries.

Firstly, let's take a look at Spain. Known for its vibrant festivals and flamenco music, Spain's culture is deeply rooted in its history. Bullfighting, although controversial, is considered an important part of Spanish culture. Additionally, Spain is famous for its delicious cuisine, such as paella and tapas, which showcase the country's diverse culinary traditions.

Moving on to France, we encounter a country renowned for its art, fashion, and cuisine. French cuisine is admired worldwide, with dishes like escargots and croissants being iconic representations of the country's culinary mastery. In terms of art, France is home to numerous museums, including the Louvre, where visitors can admire famous works like the Mona Lisa. Furthermore, Paris, the capital city of France, is known as the fashion capital of the world, with its high-end fashion houses and luxurious brands.

Next, we travel to Germany, a country known for its precision engineering and traditional festivals. Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival, is held annually in Munich, showcasing Germany's love for beer, sausages, and traditional music. Germany is also famous for its technological advancements and automobile industry, with brands like Mercedes-Benz and BMW originating from the country.

Moving further east, we arrive in Russia, a country known for its rich history, literature, and ballet. Russian literature, with authors like Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoevsky, has had a profound impact on world literature. Russian ballet, with its graceful movements and exquisite performances, is admired worldwide. Moreover, Russia's architecture, with iconic landmarks like the Kremlin and Saint Basil's Cathedral, reflects the country's unique blend of Eastern and Western influences.

Lastly, let's explore Greece, the birthplace of democracy and ancient Greek mythology. Greece is known for its stunning ancient ruins, such as the Parthenon and the Acropolis, which attract millions of tourists each year. Greek mythology, with gods and goddesses like Zeus and Athena, has had a significant influence on Western literature and art.

In conclusion, Europe's cultural diversity is evident in the various traditions, languages, and customs found in different countries. From the flamenco music of Spain to the ballet performances of Russia, each country has its own unique cultural identity. Exploring these cultural aspects not only broadens our understanding of Europe but also enriches our appreciation for the diversity of human culture.

Word count: 414

高一英语外研版 必修3 Module 1 Europe Period 2 篇二:The Impact of European Culture on the World

European culture has had a profound impact on various aspects of our world, ranging from art and literature to politics and technology. In this article, we will explore the significant contributions that European culture has made to the global stage.

One area where European culture has made a lasting impact is art. From the Renaissance period onwards, European artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo revolutionized the art world with their innovative techniques and masterpieces. The Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, is considered one of the most famous paintings in the world. European art movements such as Impressionism and Cubism have also influenced artists worldwide, shaping the development of modern art.

Literature is another field where European culture has left a lasting legacy. The works of William Shakespeare, one of the greatest playwrights in history, have been translated into numerous languages and performed on stages around the world. European authors like Jane Austen, Victor Hugo, and Leo Tolstoy have also made significant contributions to world literature, with their works exploring universal themes and emotions.

European culture has also played a crucial role in shaping political systems across the globe. The concept of democracy, which originated in ancient Greece, has had a profound influence on political systems worldwide. The French Revolution, with its ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity, inspired people around the world to fight for their rights and freedoms. The Magna Carta, signed in England in 1215, laid the foundation for modern legal systems and the protection of individual rights.

Furthermore, European culture has been instrumental in technological advancements and scientific discoveries. The Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the 18th century, transformed the world with its innovations in manufacturing and transportation. European scientists and inventors, such as Isaac Newton, Marie Curie, and Nikola Tesla, have made groundbreaking discoveries and inventions that have shaped the modern world.

In conclusion, European culture has had a far-reaching impact on the world, influencing various aspects of our society. From art and literature to politics and technology, European contributions have shaped the global stage. Exploring and appreciating European culture not only allows us to understand our shared human heritage but also inspires us to continue pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation.

Word count: 375

高一英语外研版 必修3 Module 1 Europe Period 2 篇三

高一英语外研版 必修3 Module 1 Europe Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 教案

第 1 周 第2课时 使用时间09年 2月13日 课题: Module 1 Europe Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 学情分析 This period is intended to improve the Ss’ reading ability via the reading passage. The Ss will be able to know more about the European countries like the location, history and custom. To arouse their interests, group works are very useful. 课程目标 知识与能力 Make Ss learn to sum up grammatical rules themselves. Make sure Ss can apply the grammar correctly. Train Ss’ speaking ability. 过程与方法 Make Ss master some words, phrases and sentence patterns. En

courage Ss to participate in class actively. Help Ss to improve their reading ability. 情感态度与价值观 Train Ss speaking ability through inpidual and pair work. Explanations to help Ss to make sense of the passage better. Discussion to help Ss prepare for reading. 重点 Encourage the Ss to sum up grammatical rules. Help the Ss to improve their speaking ability. 难点 This section provides an opportunity for Ss to learn some vocabulary about countries. Meanwhile, they can know more about European countries. 教法 Task-based Approach 学法 Cooperation 手段 A tape recorder, A blackboard 教学过程 Step 1. Lead-in , Introduction and Vocabulary Introduce more about some European countries. Learn the new words and expressions. Step 2. Reading 1. Read the passage and match the photos with these descriptions. 2. Ask the Ss to do the activity inpidually, then check with a partner. 3. Call back the answers from the whole class, asking for whole sentences. Step 3 Language Points 1. locate/location/located be located on/in/to 2. work on sth = spend time/energy on sth He is working on a new book. I worked on my composition for hours last night. They worked on until sunset. 3. last v. The meeting lasted (for) three hours. The evening news comes on at 7:00 o’clock and lasts only 30 minutes. 4. of all time 自古以来, 有史以来; all the time = the whole time 始终,一直 Many people consider him as the best singer of all time. The letter is in my pocket all the time. 5. ever since = since then, from that time/then on I haven’t seen her ever since. 从此我再也没有见到她了。 The Snow White and the prince have lived a happy life ever since. Step 4 Summary In this class the Ss mainly learned some new words about European countries. In addition, they know more about European countries. Through the reading, not only are their reading skills developed, but also they know more about Europe. 板书 Module1 Europe Period 2 A + together with /along with(with) /as well as / including / rather than / like + besides (but/except) + B + 谓语 馈 Do exercises on p 67-68. 作 Ask the Ss to do Exx 1、2 &3 on P67. 反思 Important to make Ss know how to master the skills of the usage of the grammar in this period. 更多精彩;英语教师网 英语教师网论坛http://bbs.ewteacher.com
高一英语外研版 必修3 Module 1 Europe Period 2(优选3篇)

