
时间:2016-07-07 03:14:30
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手机的利弊英语辩论 篇一

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives in the modern era. While some argue that mobile phones have brought numerous benefits to society, others believe that they have more drawbacks than advantages. In this article, we will explore both sides of the argument and examine the pros and cons of mobile phones.

On the positive side, mobile phones have revolutionized communication. They have made it easier for people to stay connected with their loved ones, regardless of distance. With just a few taps on the screen, we can instantly send messages, make phone calls, or even have video chats with anyone, anytime, anywhere. This has greatly improved personal relationships and strengthened social bonds.

Moreover, mobile phones have also enhanced our access to information. With the internet at our fingertips, we can quickly look up any information we need, whether it's for work, studies, or personal interests. Mobile phones have become portable libraries, enabling us to learn and educate ourselves on various topics. They have also made it easier for students to access educational resources and study on the go.

In addition, mobile phones have brought convenience to our daily lives. They offer a wide range of features and applications that simplify tasks and save time. From online banking and shopping to navigation and transportation services, mobile phones have made our lives more efficient and productive. They have also opened up new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs, allowing them to reach a larger audience and expand their customer base.

However, it is important to consider the negative aspects of mobile phones as well. One major downside is the impact on our health and well-being. Excessive use of mobile phones can lead to physical and mental health issues such as eye strain, neck and back pain, sleep disturbances, and addiction. It can also contribute to social isolation and reduced face-to-face interaction, which are essential for human connection and emotional well-being.

Furthermore, mobile phones have raised concerns regarding privacy and security. With the increasing amount of personal information stored on our devices, there is a higher risk of data breaches and identity theft. Mobile phones can also be a distraction, especially when used in inappropriate situations such as during classes or while driving, which can lead to accidents and loss of productivity.

In conclusion, mobile phones have undoubtedly brought numerous benefits to society, improving communication, access to information, and daily convenience. However, we must also acknowledge the negative impact they can have on our health, privacy, and overall well-being. It is important to find a balance and use mobile phones responsibly, while also being aware of the potential risks and drawbacks they may bring.

手机的利弊英语辩论 篇二

Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives, but their benefits and drawbacks remain a subject of debate. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones and analyze their impact on various aspects of society.

On the positive side, mobile phones have greatly improved communication. They have made it easier for people to stay connected with family, friends, and colleagues, regardless of distance. Mobile phones allow us to make phone calls, send text messages, and even have video conferences, facilitating instant and convenient communication. This has strengthened personal relationships and made it easier to collaborate with others in both personal and professional settings.

Moreover, mobile phones have revolutionized the way we access information. With internet connectivity, we can quickly search for any information we need, whether it's for work, studies, or personal interests. Mobile phones have become portable libraries, providing us with instant access to a wealth of knowledge. This has significantly expanded educational opportunities, allowing students to learn anytime and anywhere, and has also facilitated remote work and online businesses.

In addition, mobile phones have brought convenience to our daily lives. They offer a wide range of features and applications that simplify tasks and save time. From online banking and shopping to navigation and entertainment, mobile phones have made our lives more efficient and enjoyable. They have also provided opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship, allowing individuals to develop and market their own applications or services.

However, it is important to consider the drawbacks of mobile phones as well. One major concern is the impact on our mental and physical health. Excessive use of mobile phones can lead to addiction, sleep disturbances, eye strain, and poor posture, among other health issues. It can also contribute to social isolation and reduced face-to-face interaction, which are essential for our well-being and social development.

Furthermore, mobile phones have raised privacy and security concerns. With the increasing amount of personal information stored on our devices, there is a higher risk of data breaches and identity theft. Mobile phones can also be a distraction, affecting our concentration and productivity. Their use in inappropriate situations, such as during classes or while driving, can be dangerous and pose risks to ourselves and others.

In conclusion, mobile phones have undoubtedly brought many advantages to society, improving communication, access to information, and daily convenience. However, we must also be aware of the potential negative impact they can have on our health, privacy, and overall well-being. It is important to use mobile phones responsibly and find a balance between their benefits and drawbacks.

手机的利弊英语辩论 篇三









手机使用利大于弊的辩词 一辩: 尊敬的大会主席,敬爱的各位评委,还有主持人和对方辩友们。大家好。今天我们辩论的主题是手机使用的利弊。 手机是时代科技发展的产物,其目的是为了提高人们沟通的方便.当前手机在国内发展的速度和普及率就证明了人们对手机的需求.科技的发展就是为了人们服务的,既然有先进的技术为人所用,为什么要禁止呢?再者,手机的如今有许许多多的功能:手机是一种很快捷又方便的联系工具;又是一种不错的消遣工具。手机已成为我们生活中必要的工具。这些都证明了手机明显是利大于弊的!所以我方坚决认为,中学生使用手机一定是利大于弊的。谢谢 二辩: 随着手机的应用和普及,中学生拥有手机的数量越来越多,我们有必要相信这种趋势会持续下去,因为这是社会的进步。 而伴随手机的普及,手机的应用功能也越来越多,手机上网也稀松平常。这更为中学生接触社会、了解社会开辟了新的途径。试问,我们的社会需要的是一心只读圣贤书的考试机器,还是能够融入社会、有所作为的人呢? 再者,仅从手机通信这方面讲,难道中学生就不能加强与亲戚朋友的联系吗?难道与父母兄弟表达一下感情都有错?手机的便利必将惠及所有的中学生。 提问:手机科技的迅速发展给人们带来了快捷与方便,但对方便辩友却认为手机使用是弊大于利的。我想请问对方辩友:没有手机的日子里,光有电话,你会知道那么多的事情吗?人找你有急事,不知道你在那,打你家固话,你在外面,找不到,怎么办?没有手机的日子里,你不知所措,又怎么办? 三辩: 到了高中,不少同学都需要住宿,一周才可以回家一次,思家之情不言而喻,而手机在此时便起到稳定学生情绪,父母担心之虑。一个电话,一条短信,都带着浓浓的亲情,传递到亲人的手中,是关切与安心;从使用手机的现状来看,我们总结出中学生使用手机有利的方面: ①与以前同学多交流,可以保持原有的友谊;与现在同学多交流,可以增进友谊,遇到疑难问题时,可以用手机进行讨论。②一些手机的拍摄功能,可以随时拍下一些有意义有价值的东西。③手机的闹钟装置,可以随时使用. ④通话记录功能,手机不像家里的电话一样不在家的时候别人打电话来不知道,在手机里是有记录的。方便查阅。⑤手机的本身小儿玲珑,占很小的面积可以随身携带。⑥当学生外出游玩或在其他地方遇到危险时可以及时向家长,老师或警-察求助。⑦学生可以通过手机及时与家长联系,也可以向老师汇报学习等。它能方便联络,方便使用,可以通简迅,非常轻便。(这些观点选择说一些。) 提问:请问对方辩友你有用过手机么?那你觉得手机给你带来了什么坏处呢.? 自由辩论: 有些观点认为,中学生用带手机,有些时候会在课堂上使用,这样必然导致上课溜号,精力不集中.但这只是一个方面的'情况,手机的根本

目的是方便通讯,有些个别情况利用手机进行了错误的行为,也只是一个方面,不能代表全部.如果用刀可能杀人,那么世界上为了避免杀人情况发生,就不再生产刀具了吗?学生手机现象最根本原因还是管理方式管理体制的问题,不应该从手机的使用者方面找原因.进行合理的教育和引导,避免手机使用产生的不良后果,才是正道. 还有些观点认为,中学生带手机是一种炫耀,会影响中学生从小培养艰苦朴素作风.手机在我国发展到今天已经不下十年了,最初手机刚刚出现的时候,确实成为一些人炫耀的装饰,甚至成了一身份,权力,地位的象征.但时至今日,占世界手机市场的1/10.可见手机已经成为老百姓日常生活的一件必须品或者说是一个非常方便的通讯工具.其功能就是为了通讯,诚然目前有些手机生产商为了增加手机利润集成了MP3,照相等功能,但这也功能也只是为了增加手机这一产品的附加值.手机已经从十年前的神坛走进了普通百姓家(开个玩笑,街头擦皮鞋的在工具箱里也能掏出个手机来),并不会对中国年轻一代传统教育产生任何影响. 结辩: 对方辨友认为手机使用弊大于利,这显然是错误的,在我方看来,中学生使用手机,方便联系,可以在课余时间放松,发生紧急事件方便求助。更何况这是社会发展的一大趋势,一件事物的产生,必有其原因。那么,手机为什么会产生?它方便了人与人之间的联系。随着手机的日益普及,手机也进入了与我们息息相关的校园,在每个班级中,拥有手机的学生,不占少数。据某中学的问卷调查结果显示:有48%的学生每天带手机进校园,有73%的学生拥有手机。手机已成为我们生活中必不可少的工具。有人觉得同学上课玩手机游戏,利用手机传答案,那么没有手机,也有同学不听讲看别的杂志,考试时传纸条,偷看书。请问,这是学生的错还是手机的错呢?如果说带手机弊大于利,那么为什么世界上要发明这种高科技的东西?如果说带手机弊大于利,那么又为什么家长要给孩子们买手机?就好比一把菜刀,厨子能用它做菜,而杀人犯却可以用它杀人,那么为了避免杀人犯作案,世界上就不再生产刀具了吗?显然不是的,对方辩友你们所提出的手机的弊端,只是一些个别现象,而大部分手机的用途都是正道上。综上所述,我方认为使用手机是利大于弊的!谢谢。


