
时间:2014-02-04 04:35:34
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初一英语上册期末质量检测练习题 篇一


Hello everyone! Today, I am going to share with you some practice questions for the end-of-term quality assessment test for the first semester of our English course. These questions will help you review the topics we have covered so far and prepare for the upcoming test. Let's begin!

Section 1: Grammar

1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

My brother _________ basketball every Saturday.

a) plays

b) play

c) playing

d) played

2. Rewrite the sentence using the correct form of the verb in the brackets:

They (not watch) TV last night.


Section 2: Vocabulary

3. Fill in the blank with the correct word:

I need to ________ my homework before dinner.

a) do

b) did

c) does

d) doing

4. Match the words with their correct meanings:

a) Excited 1) Feeling happy and enthusiastic

b) Tired 2) Feeling sleepy and lacking energy

c) Annoyed 3) Feeling angry or irritated

Section 3: Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

My name is Sarah and I am 13 years old. I live in a small town with my parents and younger sister. I love playing the piano and reading books. In my free time, I also enjoy riding my bike and playing basketball with my friends.

5. How old is Sarah?

a) 12

b) 13

c) 14

d) 15

6. What does Sarah enjoy doing in her free time?


Section 4: Writing

Write a short paragraph (about 50 words) about your favorite hobby.


That's all for the practice questions. Remember to review the topics we have learned in class and practice regularly. Good luck with your end-of-term assessment!

初一英语上册期末质量检测练习题 篇二


Hello everyone! In this article, I will provide you with some practice questions for the end-of-term quality assessment test for the first semester of our English course. These questions will help you revise the topics we have covered and improve your English skills. Let's get started!

Section 1: Grammar

1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

They _________ to the park yesterday.

a) go

b) goes

c) went

d) going

2. Rewrite the sentence using the correct form of the verb in the brackets:

She (not eat) breakfast this morning.


Section 2: Vocabulary

3. Fill in the blank with the correct word:

I have a ________ dog named Max.

a) big

b) small

c) happy

d) old

4. Match the words with their correct meanings:

a) Delicious 1) Having a pleasant taste or smell

b) Beautiful 2) Very attractive or pleasing to the eye

c) Fragrant 3) Having a strong, pleasant smell

Section 3: Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Tom is a student at Greenfield Middle School. He loves playing soccer and dreams of becoming a professional soccer player one day. He practices every day after school and plays for his school team. Tom's favorite player is Lionel Messi, and he hopes to meet him someday.

5. What is Tom's dream?

a) To become a doctor

b) To become a teacher

c) To become a soccer player

d) To become a singer

6. Who is Tom's favorite player?


Section 4: Writing

Write a short paragraph (about 50 words) about your favorite holiday.


That's all for the practice questions. Make sure to review the topics we have learned in class and practice regularly. Good luck with your end-of-term assessment!

初一英语上册期末质量检测练习题 篇三




  ()1.Where are my__________/'trauzz/?


  ()2.What do you usually doon_______/'tju:zdi/.


  ()3.Do you play basketball________/'ɑ:ft/school.


  ()4.Come toour great________/seil/please.


  ()5.I’mreally/'bizi/thisweekend,Idon’thave much time.



  ( )6.---What coloris that pen?



  ()7.The boy is Bob Green.His_________isBob.



  We have geo graph yon Tues day and Thurs day.


  ()9.Is this man your friend?Yes,___________.








