初中英语《My favorite subject is science》篇一
Science is My Favorite Subject
Science has always been my favorite subject in school. I find it fascinating to learn about how the world works and the laws that govern the universe. The study of science not only satisfies my curiosity about the natural world but also helps me develop critical thinking skills and a scientific mindset.
One of the reasons why I love science is because it is a subject that is constantly evolving. Scientists are always making new discoveries and pushing the boundaries of our knowledge. This means that there is always something new to learn and explore. Whether it's studying the human body, understanding the laws of physics, or exploring the mysteries of the universe, science offers endless opportunities for discovery and growth.
In addition to the excitement of new discoveries, science also teaches me how to think critically and analytically. Through conducting experiments, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions, I am able to develop logical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. Science encourages me to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and seek evidence to support my claims. These skills are not only valuable in the field of science but also in everyday life.
Furthermore, studying science has helped me develop a scientific mindset. This means that I approach problems and challenges with a systematic and evidence-based approach. Instead of relying on intuition or guesswork, I have learned to rely on the scientific method to guide my thinking. This involves making observations, formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments, and drawing conclusions based on evidence. By applying this scientific mindset, I am able to make informed decisions and solve problems more effectively.
Finally, science has also taught me the importance of collaboration and teamwork. Many scientific breakthroughs are the result of collaboration between scientists from different disciplines. In science class, we often work in groups to conduct experiments and analyze data. Through these collaborative activities, I have learned the value of listening to others, sharing ideas, and working together towards a common goal.
In conclusion, science is my favorite subject because it allows me to explore the wonders of the natural world, develop critical thinking skills, cultivate a scientific mindset, and learn the value of collaboration. I am grateful for the opportunity to study science and I look forward to continuing my scientific journey in the future.
初中英语《My favorite subject is science》篇二
Science: A World of Exploration
Science has always been my favorite subject in school. From a young age, I have been fascinated by the wonders of the natural world and the endless possibilities that science offers. Studying science not only satisfies my curiosity but also provides me with valuable knowledge and skills that I can apply in various aspects of my life.
One of the reasons why I love science is because it allows me to explore the world around me. Through studying different branches of science such as biology, chemistry, and physics, I have gained a deeper understanding of how living organisms function, the composition of matter, and the laws that govern the physical world. Science has opened my eyes to the beauty and complexity of nature, from the intricate workings of a cell to the grandeur of the universe. Every day, there is something new to learn and discover, making science a never-ending adventure.
Furthermore, studying science has helped me develop critical thinking skills and a scientific mindset. Science encourages me to ask questions, seek evidence, and think analytically. Through conducting experiments and analyzing data, I have learned to think logically, draw conclusions based on evidence, and solve problems systematically. These skills are not only valuable in the field of science but also in other areas of my life, such as decision-making, problem-solving, and evaluating information.
In addition to the knowledge and skills gained, science also offers practical applications that can improve our lives and address real-world challenges. For example, advancements in medical science have led to the development of life-saving treatments and cures for diseases. Environmental science helps us understand the impact of human activities on the planet and find sustainable solutions. Agricultural science plays a crucial role in increasing food production to feed a growing population. By studying science, I feel empowered to contribute to solving global issues and making a positive difference in the world.
Lastly, science is a subject that encourages creativity and innovation. It allows me to think outside the box, challenge existing theories, and come up with new ideas. Science pushes the boundaries of our knowledge and encourages us to explore uncharted territories. This sense of exploration and discovery fuels my passion for science and motivates me to pursue a career in a scientific field in the future.
In conclusion, science is my favorite subject because it offers a world of exploration, helps me develop critical thinking skills and a scientific mindset, provides practical applications, and encourages creativity and innovation. I am grateful for the opportunities to study science and I am excited to continue my scientific journey in the years to come.
初中英语《My favorite subject is science》 篇三
初中英语《My favorite subject is science》说课稿
初中英语《My favorite subject is science》说课稿
我今天要说的内容是初中英语《My favorite subject is science》。
本单元围绕着"最喜欢的科目"这一话题展开,围绕"what, why, who三个特殊疑问词"开展了多种形式的教学活动.教材以学生的学习经验和兴趣为出发点,语言素材来源与学生的实际生活
1, 教学目标:
subject, science, physical, education, P.E. , teacher, Mr ,Mrs ,example, partner ,city ,biology ,gymnastics
—What's your favorite subject
—My favorite subject is …
—Why do you like this subject
(2),what ,why 这两个特殊疑问词.
1, 学习词汇:
2, 学习句型:
(1),在1a~1c里,最主要是学习新句型what's your favorite subject My favorite subject is science.由于what的句型贯穿了整个单元的学习,因而要求学生不仅会读,会写,最终要做到会用.基于此,首先要让学生明白此对话的意思,接着要求学生跟录音读,在读中去感悟这个句式.接下来,师生间互相问答,做到模仿运用.最后通过1a中给出的单词P.E., art , science , music ,math ,Chinese,运用句型what's your favorite subject My favorite subject is------. 采用同桌两人一组互相问答的方式进行.教师可请部分学生来表演(教师要注意指正学生的错误),并请其他同学评选出表现最好的一组学生.此项活动除了能融洽同桌关系外,还能培养学生的交际能力.
(2),在此基础上,进一步学习2a~2d里面的新句型Why do you like P.E. Because it's fine .引导学生说出喜欢这种东西的原因.由于这一部分知识是前一部分的延伸,并且就来自于学生的日常生活,所以学生会比较有兴趣学.针对这一知识的特点,可先将2a里的对话顺序打乱:(1 ).Because it's fine . (2 ).What's your favorite subject (3 ). My favorite subject is P.E. . (4 ).Why do you like P.E. 让学生自己思考将对话排列出正确顺序(2)(3)(4)(1).这样一可以培养学生的语感,二则可以培养学生的逻辑思考能力.然后再听录音,培养学生的听力,并且加深印象.第一遍听,第二遍读,第三遍就可以试着复述(复述时教师应适当给出关键词或关键语句的提醒).
在这一活动中,如果学生反应良好,教师也可将3a里的Who is your… teacher My… teacher is…….提到此处,尽量做到让因材施教,争取让不同层次的学生都能有收获.
根据Go for it!提倡任务型教学模式的精神,教师可给学生设计任务,让他们去做一个调查,调查同学喜欢什么科目,并可顺带问问原因.表格如下:
Sindy likes P.E because it's interesting.(划线提问)
(2)My sister's favorite subject is history. (根据答语写出问句)
(3) My favorite subject is music. (划线提问)
1, Listen to 1b in the recorder and repeat the conversation .
2,Write a short passage according to the survey.