
时间:2012-06-04 09:21:40
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表示“各类人”的英语词缀 篇一

In English, there are various word suffixes that can be used to indicate different types of people. These suffixes help to categorize individuals based on their characteristics, occupations, or roles in society. Let's explore some of these suffixes and the meanings they convey.

1. -er/-or: This is one of the most common suffixes used to indicate a person who performs a particular action or has a specific job. For example, a teacher is someone who teaches, a doctor is someone who practices medicine, and a singer is someone who sings.

2. -ist: This suffix is often used to describe someone who is skilled or knowledgeable in a particular field or discipline. For instance, a biologist is an expert in biology, a pianist is a skilled piano player, and a journalist is someone who works in journalism.

3. -ian: This suffix is commonly used to denote a person's nationality or place of origin. For example, a Canadian is someone from Canada, an Australian is someone from Australia, and an Indian is someone from India.

4. -ian: This suffix can also be used to indicate a person's affiliation with a certain group or organization. For instance, a vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat, a historian is someone who studies history, and a technician is someone who specializes in technical work.

5. -ee: This suffix is used to indicate the recipient of an action or the person affected by something. For example, an employee is someone who is employed by a company, a trainee is someone who is undergoing training, and a referee is someone who officiates a game.

6. -ite: This suffix is used to indicate a member or supporter of a group or ideology. For instance, a socialite is someone who is prominent in social circles, a Marxist is someone who follows the ideology of Marxism, and a Zionist is someone who supports the establishment of a Jewish homeland.

By using these word suffixes, English speakers can easily categorize and describe different types of people based on their characteristics, occupations, or affiliations. This allows for clearer communication and a better understanding of the individuals being referred to.

表示“各类人”的英语词缀 篇二

In English, there are several word suffixes that can be used to indicate various types of people. These suffixes help to classify individuals based on their characteristics, roles, or membership in a particular group. Let's explore some of these suffixes and the meanings they convey.

1. -er/-or: This suffix is commonly used to indicate a person who performs a specific action or has a particular occupation. For example, a baker is someone who bakes, a driver is someone who drives, and a writer is someone who writes.

2. -ist: This suffix is often used to describe someone who is skilled or knowledgeable in a specific field or discipline. For instance, a biologist is an expert in biology, an artist is someone who creates art, and a guitarist is someone who plays the guitar.

3. -ian: This suffix is frequently used to denote a person's nationality or place of origin. For example, a Brazilian is someone from Brazil, an American is someone from the United States, and an Italian is someone from Italy.

4. -ian: This suffix can also be used to indicate a person's affiliation or membership in a certain group or organization. For instance, a politician is someone who is involved in politics, a mathematician is someone who studies mathematics, and a musician is someone who plays music.

5. -ee: This suffix is used to indicate the recipient of an action or the person affected by something. For example, an employee is someone who is employed by a company, a nominee is someone who is nominated for an award, and a trainee is someone who is undergoing training.

6. -ite: This suffix is used to indicate a follower or supporter of a particular group or ideology. For instance, a socialite is someone who is active in social circles, a Trotskyite is someone who follows the ideas of Leon Trotsky, and a vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat.

By using these word suffixes, English speakers can easily categorize and describe different types of people based on their characteristics, roles, or affiliations. This allows for effective communication and a better understanding of the individuals being referred to.

表示“各类人”的英语词缀 篇三


学英语要掌握大量的词汇,而掌握好词缀,是提高词汇量的有效途径。比如,在某些动词后面加上象“-er, -or, etc.”就可以构成名词,表示“从事某种职业的 人”或者“某一类的人”。仔细观察一下,会发现其略有不同。下面,将表示“人”的词缀加以分类总结。 


  1、加“-er ”可表示“人”,这类词多数情况下表示的人物社会地位较低,或从历史上看较低。

  例:beginner初学者/新手, driver司机,teacher教师,labourer劳动者,runner跑步者/信使,skier滑雪者,swimmer游泳者,observer观测者/观察员, murderer杀人犯passenger旅客, traveller旅游者,learner学习者/初学者, lover爱好者,worker工人, researcher研究员,printer印刷工,gardener园艺工, owner 主人,wrestler摔交者等

  2、加“-or ”可表示“人”,这类词多数情况下表示的人物社会地位较高,或从历史上看较高。

  例:doctor博士或医生, tutor(大学)指导教师/ 助教/ 监护人,director主任, compositor排版师,collector收藏家, instructor教员/指导者

  3、加“-ist ”/ “-an”可表示“人”,这类词多数情况下表示事业有成就或较为特殊的.人,

  例: artist艺术家, scientist科学家, physicist 物理学家, journalist新闻记者, dentist 牙医, instrumentalist乐器演奏家/ 乐器家, meteorologist气象学家, historian 历史学家 , technician技术员, 技师,vegetarian 食素者, 也有个别例外,象cyclist骑脚踏车的人, motorcyclist乘机车者

  二、从性别上来看: 通常加“-er / -or ” 多为“男性”, 加“-ess”多为女性

  waiter男招待, waitress女服务员

  steward(轮船, 飞机等)乘务员, 干事 stewardess (轮船, 飞机等)女乘务员

  actor 男演员 actress女演员

  instructor男教员,男指导 instructress女教师, 女指导

  lawyer律师 lawyeress女律师

  三、从主动、被动上来看, 加“-er \- or”为主动,加“-ee ”为被动

  examiner 主考人、监考员 examinee 参加考试者、受试人(被监考者)

  employer 雇主(雇佣别人) employee雇员(被雇佣)

  interviewer会见者 interviewee.被接见者, 被访问者

  四、有时会直接用表示人的词构词,象-boy , -girl, -man, -woman,

  cowboy牛仔, playboy花花公子, salesgirl女店员,salesperson推销员, workman工人, postman邮递员,workwomen劳动妇女


