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自考英语应用文写作 篇一

Title: Writing a Job Application Letter


A job application letter is an essential document that allows you to introduce yourself and showcase your qualifications to a potential employer. It is important to write a well-crafted and persuasive letter to increase your chances of being selected for an interview. In this article, we will discuss the key elements and format of a job application letter.

1. Heading:

- Include your contact information at the top of the letter, including your name, address, phone number, and email address.

- Write the date on the right-hand side, below your contact information.

- Skip a line and write the recipient's name, job title, and company address.

2. Salutation:

- Address the recipient with a formal salutation, such as "Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]".

- If you are unsure about the recipient's gender, use a neutral salutation like "Dear [First Name] [Last Name]".

3. Introduction:

- Begin the letter by stating the position you are applying for and how you found out about it.

- Express your interest in the company and briefly explain why you are interested in the position.

4. Body:

- Highlight your relevant qualifications and experiences that make you a suitable candidate for the job.

- Use specific examples to demonstrate your skills and achievements.

- Mention any additional certifications, training, or relevant projects you have completed.

- Emphasize how your skills and experiences align with the requirements of the position.

5. Closing:

- Express your gratitude for considering your application.

- Indicate your availability for an interview or any additional documents they may require.

- End the letter with a formal closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards".

- Leave a blank space for your signature and type your full name below.

6. Proofreading:

- Review the letter for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

- Ensure the letter is concise and focused on the main points.

- Ask someone else to proofread it for you to catch any mistakes you may have missed.


Writing a job application letter requires careful attention to detail and an understanding of the employer's needs. By following the format and incorporating the key elements discussed in this article, you can create a strong and persuasive letter that increases your chances of landing an interview.

自考英语应用文写作 篇二

Title: Writing a Complaint Letter


A complaint letter is a formal way to express your dissatisfaction with a product, service, or an experience. Writing an effective complaint letter is crucial in order to receive a satisfactory response and resolution. In this article, we will discuss the key elements and format of a complaint letter.

1. Heading:

- Include your contact information at the top of the letter, including your name, address, phone number, and email address.

- Write the date on the right-hand side, below your contact information.

- Skip a line and write the recipient's name, job title, and company address.

2. Salutation:

- Address the recipient with a formal salutation, such as "Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]".

- If you are unsure about the recipient's gender, use a neutral salutation like "Dear [First Name] [Last Name]".

3. Introduction:

- Start the letter by clearly stating the purpose of your complaint and providing a brief overview of the issue.

- Include relevant details such as the date of the incident, the product or service involved, and any supporting documentation.

4. Body:

- Clearly and concisely explain the problem or issue you encountered.

- Provide specific examples and details to support your complaint.

- Explain how the issue has affected you and why it is important to seek a resolution.

- If applicable, include any previous attempts you have made to resolve the issue.

5. Desired Resolution:

- Clearly state what you expect as a resolution to your complaint.

- Be reasonable and realistic in your expectations.

- Specify a deadline for a response or resolution.

6. Closing:

- Express your expectation for a prompt response and resolution.

- Provide your contact information again in case they need to reach you.

- End the letter with a formal closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards".

- Leave a blank space for your signature and type your full name below.

7. Proofreading:

- Review the letter for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

- Ensure the letter is concise and focused on the main points.

- Ask someone else to proofread it for you to catch any mistakes you may have missed.


Writing a complaint letter effectively communicates your concerns and increases the likelihood of receiving a satisfactory response. By following the format and incorporating the key elements discussed in this article, you can create a strong and persuasive letter that brings attention to your complaint and seeks a resolution.

自考英语应用文写作 篇三

What are the differences between full

adjustment and partial

adjustment when deal with a complaint or claim?

2) What are the common components of a business minutes? 3.重组

Rearrange the following phrases so that they compose a proper letter of thanks:

1) Dear Mr. Karl

2) We have always valued the happy working relationship.

3) how much we appreciate the unusually large order you placed with us yesterday,

4) I just want to write to you personally to say and to thank you 5) that has existed over so many years between our two firms,

6) Yours sincerely,

7) and shall do our best to maintain it.

8) Believe me, it is a great pleasure to serve you again. 9) for your continued confidence in us. 4.翻译

Translate the following letter into English:

请寄一份“永久牌”自行车的商品目录和最新价目表。我们对男女式自行车均感兴趣。本地区的自行车需求量很大。由于汽油昂贵,很可能越来越多的人将使用自行车而取代汽车。如果贵公司的自行车质量令人满意并且价格由竞争性,我公司将长期大量订购。 5.写作

Practical writing test:

1) Write an application letter of yourself seeking a secretary position in an advertising company.

2) Write an invitation based on the following information: 被邀请人:Mr. Henry James 邀请人:ABC 公司 出席:晚宴


时间:2013年12月31日(星期六)晚8:30 地点:世界贸易中心大厦10楼


