
时间:2018-02-05 03:23:32
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四年级英语上册期末复习题 篇一

Hello, everyone! Today, let's review what we have learned in the first semester of fourth grade English.

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

a) My dad ________ (cook) dinner every evening.

b) We ________ (visit) the museum last weekend.

c) They ________ (play) football in the park yesterday.

d) She ________ (watch) a movie with her friends last night.

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions:

a) I live ________ a small town.

b) The cat is sitting ________ the chair.

c) We are going to the beach ________ the summer vacation.

d) The pencil is ________ the desk.

3. Choose the correct answer:

a) ________ you like ice cream?

1. Do

2. Can

3. Are

b) She ________ to school by bus every day.

1. go

2. goes

3. going

c) ________ does your mother do?

1. What

2. Where

3. Who

4. Read the passage and answer the questions:

I have a pet dog. His name is Max. He is very friendly. Max has brown fur and a wagging tail. I take him for walks every day. He loves to play fetch and chase after balls. Max is my best friend.

a) What is the name of the pet dog?

b) What color is Max's fur?

c) What does the dog love to do?

5. Rearrange the words to make a sentence:

likes / She / to / swim / the / in / pool.

That's all for the first part of the review. Now let's move on to the second part.

6. Match the pictures with the correct words:

a) A book

b) A cat

c) A car

d) A banana

7. Fill in the missing letters to complete the words:

a) C__t

b) D__g

c) T__ger

d) El__phant

8. Write the opposite of the following words:

a) Big

b) Happy

c) Hot

d) Fast

9. Read the sentences and choose the correct answer:

a) She ________ (is / are) my sister.

b) They ________ (have / has) two dogs.

c) I ________ (am / is) eight years old.

10. Write a short paragraph about your favorite hobby.

That's it for the review. I hope you all did well. Keep practicing and have a wonderful holiday!

四年级英语上册期末复习题 篇二

Hello, students! It's time for our end-of-semester review for the first grade English class. Let's see how much we have learned so far.

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms:

a) My mom ________ (cook) delicious meals every day.

b) We ________ (play) soccer in the park last weekend.

c) They ________ (watch) a movie at the cinema yesterday.

d) He ________ (study) for the test last night.

2. Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences:

a) The cat is ________ the table.

b) We live ________ a big city.

c) I usually go to bed ________ 9 o'clock.

d) The book is ________ the shelf.

3. Answer the questions based on the given information:

A: ________ do you like to do in your free time?

B: I like to read books and draw pictures.

4. Rearrange the words to form a sentence:

to / school / I / walk

5. Match the pictures with the correct words:

a) A dog

b) A cat

c) A bird

d) A fish

6. Fill in the missing letters to complete the words:

a) C__t

b) D__g

c) T__ger

d) El__phant

7. Write the opposite of the following words:

a) Big

b) Happy

c) Hot

d) Slow

8. Read the passage and answer the questions:

My name is Amy. I am nine years old. I have a little brother named Tom. We like to play together in the park. My favorite color is blue, and his favorite color is green.

a) How old is Amy?

b) What is the name of Amy's little brother?

c) Where do they like to play?

9. Write a short paragraph about your family.

10. Write a short paragraph about your favorite animal.

That's all for the review. I hope you enjoyed it and found it helpful. Keep up the good work, and have a great holiday!

四年级英语上册期末复习题 篇三

  一、 选出不同类的单词。

  ( )1.A . I B .you C. my

  ( )2. A. there B. three C. here

  ( )3. A .am B. be C. are

  ( )4. A. birthday B. today C. tomorrow

  ( )5. A. count B. go C. so

  ( )6.A. fine B. love C. like

  ( )7.A. flower B. festival C. sunny

  二、 英汉短语互译。

  1.看一看 2.在照片里 3.climb a tree

  4. eat vegetables 5.在树下 6. watch the cat

  7.骑马 8. 放风筝 9. eat fruit



  1. ride(现在分词) 2. run(现在分词) 3. sheep(复数)

  4. climb(现在分词) 5.eat(现在分词) 6.watch(现在分词)

  7.fly(现在分词) 8.chicken(复数) 9.pig(复数)

  10.they are(缩写形式)



  There a girl in this .

  2. 她正在骑马。 She is a .


