
时间:2015-09-08 03:42:23
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春六年级英语下册全册导学案 篇一


Unit 1: My School Life

Part 1: Vocabulary

In this unit, we will learn about different aspects of school life. To start off, let's review some vocabulary words related to school.

1. classroom - a room where students have lessons and learn from their teachers

2. teacher - a person who teaches students in a school

3. student - a person who is studying at a school or college

4. desk - a piece of furniture with a flat top and legs that is used for writing or reading

5. blackboard - a large, flat, dark surface in a classroom where teachers write or draw

6. chair - a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, with a support for the back

7. book - a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side

Part 2: Grammar

In this unit, we will also focus on using the present continuous tense to talk about actions happening now or in the near future. Let's practice forming sentences using the present continuous tense.

1. I am studying for my English test.

2. She is playing basketball with her friends.

3. They are writing a story together.

Part 3: Listening

Listen to the audio recording and answer the following questions.

1. What is the teacher talking about?

2. What are the students doing in the classroom?

3. What is the weather like outside?

Part 4: Speaking

Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.

1. What subjects do you study at school?

2. Do you have a favorite subject? Why?

3. What activities do you enjoy doing during break time?

Part 5: Writing

Write a short paragraph (5-7 sentences) about your school life. Include information about your favorite subject, your favorite activities during break time, and any challenges you face in school.

春六年级英语下册全册导学案 篇二


Unit 4: My Hobbies

Part 1: Vocabulary

In this unit, we will learn about different hobbies and activities. Let's review some vocabulary words related to hobbies.

1. hobby - an activity done for pleasure in one's leisure time

2. painting - the action or skill of using paint, either in a picture or as decoration

3. playing musical instruments - using an instrument to create music

4. dancing - moving rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps

5. gardening - the activity of tending and cultivating a garden

6. collecting stamps - gathering and preserving postage stamps as a hobby

7. reading - the action or skill of reading written or printed matter silently or aloud

Part 2: Grammar

In this unit, we will also learn about the past simple tense. Let's practice forming sentences using the past simple tense.

1. I painted a beautiful picture yesterday.

2. She played the piano at the concert last week.

3. They danced at the party all night.

Part 3: Listening

Listen to the audio recording and answer the following questions.

1. What hobby is the person talking about?

2. How long has the person been doing this hobby?

3. What does the person enjoy most about this hobby?

Part 4: Speaking

Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.

1. What hobbies do you enjoy doing in your free time?

2. How long have you been doing these hobbies?

3. What do you enjoy most about your hobbies?

Part 5: Writing

Write a short paragraph (5-7 sentences) about your favorite hobby. Include information about how long you have been doing this hobby, why you enjoy it, and any challenges you have faced while pursuing this hobby.

春六年级英语下册全册导学案 篇三

  课题:Mdule 4 Incidents

  课题:Unit 2 The apples are falling dwn the stairs主备人:

  课题: Mdule 5 Interruptins

  课题:Unit 2 He’s riding his bie, but it’s starting t rain.主备人:

  目标:Functin: Taling abut when ne thing is being dne anther thing is happening.

  Language: He’s riding his bie, but it’s starting t rain.

  She’s eating dinner, but the phne is ringing.

  Vcabular: but, fl, s, high, call ut, wae up, drea

  Pe: M Drea

  重难点:He’s riding his bie, but it’s starting t rain.

  She’s eating dinner, but the phne is ringing.

  教具:cards, pictures, Tape-recrder.


  Step 1 War-up

  1. Review Unit 1.

  2 As and answer between the teacher and the children at rand.

  Step 2 Intrductin

  1. Divide the class int six grups

  2. Pla a gae: ae up sentence.

  Step 3 Presentatin

  1. Put the chart n the blacbard and as the children l at the pictures carefull.

  2. Pla the cassette and as the children several questins.

  3. Write dwn fur sill wrds and teach.

  4. Pla the cassette and repeat.

  4. Finish activit 2. As the children t as and answer in pairs.

  Step 4 Pe

  1. As the children t l at the pictures carefull.

  2. Pla the cassette and as the children t listen carefull.

  3. Teach the sentences f the sng ne b ne.

  4. Pla the cassette several ties and as the chi

ldren t sng tgether.

  Step 5 Hewr

  1. Read the text.

  2. Finish activit 5.个性化设计:


