
时间:2013-05-01 08:37:25
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英语面试的客套用语 篇一


1. Greetings and Introduction


- Good morning/afternoon. Nice to meet you.

- How do you do? I'm glad to be here.

- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview for this position.

2. Expression of Gratitude


- Thank you for your guidance.

- I really appreciate your kind words.

- I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn from you.

3. Polite Request


- Would it be possible for you to provide more details about the job responsibilities?

- Could you please give me some advice on how to improve my skills in this field?

- I was wondering if you could tell me more about the company culture.

4. Expression of Interest


- I'm very interested in this position because it aligns with my skills and interests.

- The company's mission and values resonate with me, and I would love to be a part of it.

- I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute to the company's growth and success.

5. Apology and Clarification


- I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous answer. Allow me to clarify.

- I'm sorry, but I didn't fully understand the question. Could you please repeat it?

- I apologize for the delay in responding. I want to make sure I give you an accurate answer.

6. Expression of Appreciation


- Thank you for taking the time to interview me.

- I appreciate the opportunity to showcase my skills and experience.

- I'm grateful for your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.


英语面试的客套用语 篇二


1. 问候和自我介绍


- Good morning/afternoon. Nice to meet you.

- How do you do? I'm glad to be here.

- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview for this position.

2. 表达感激之情


- Thank you for your guidance.

- I really appreciate your kind words.

- I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn from you.

3. 礼貌的请求


- Would it be possible for you to provide more details about the job responsibilities?

- Could you please give me some advice on how to improve my skills in this field?

- I was wondering if you could tell me more about the company culture.

4. 表达兴趣


- I'm very interested in this position because it aligns with my skills and interests.

- The company's mission and values resonate with me, and I would love to be a part of it.

- I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute to the company's growth and success.

5. 道歉和澄清


- I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous answer. Allow me to clarify.

- I'm sorry, but I didn't fully understand the question. Could you please repeat it?

- I apologize for the delay in responding. I want to make sure I give you an accurate answer.

6. 表达感谢


- Thank you for taking the time to interview me.

- I appreciate the opportunity to showcase my skills and experience.

- I'm grateful for your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.


英语面试的客套用语 篇三

1. If you care to give my an interview,I shall be pleased to call any afternoon except Monday.

2. I shall be obliged if you will give me a personal interview at your convenience.

3. If you do not have any vacancies at present for which I might be considered,will you please file my application for future reference?I shall be pleased to supply any additional informa- tion you may wish and come to your office for a personal inte- rview at any time that us convenient.

4. Should this application meet with your favorable consideration, I will do my utmost to justify the confidence you may repose in me,office for a personal interview at any time that us conveni- ent.

5. I'd very much appreciate the chance to talk to you and to get your opinion on whether

I am qualified for the job you offer.


1. 倘蒙给予面试,除星期一外每天下午本人均可应试。

2. 倘蒙阁下接见,将不胜感激。

3. 若贵公司目前尚无适当工作,敬请把我的申请列为未来求才参考。贵公司如需我个人资料,我愿 随时提供,只要阁下方便,我愿随时前来贵公司面试。

4. 如贵公司能惠予考虑此申请,本人将尽最大的忠诚和努力。

5. 如有机会与你们面谈,我将十分感激。希望能知道我是否适合担任你们所要求的工作。



