
时间:2019-09-01 05:44:11
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实用英语:教你几句不同风格杀价的英文说法 篇一


1. 直接说法:

- Can you give me a discount?(你能给我打个折吗?)

- Is there any room for negotiation on the price?(价格方面有谈判的余地吗?)

- I like this item, but the price is a bit high. Can you lower it?(我喜欢这个物品,但是价格有点高。你能降低一下吗?)

2. 比较说法:

- I found a similar item at another store with a lower price. Can you match it?(我在另一家店找到了一个价格更低的类似物品。你能与之匹配吗?)

- This item is cheaper online. Can you give me a better price?(网上这个物品更便宜。你能给我一个更好的价格吗?)

3. 知情说法:

- I know the wholesale price of this item is much lower. Can you give me a discount accordingly?(我知道这个物品的批发价格要低得多。你能相应地给我打个折吗?)

- My friend bought the same item from here last week and got a discount. Can I get the same offer?(我朋友上周在这里买了同样的物品,并获得了折扣。我能得到同样的优惠吗?)

4. 捆绑销售说法:

- If I buy this item along with another one, can I get a discount?(如果我买这个物品和另一个物品,我能得到折扣吗?)

- I'm interested in buying multiple items. Can we work out a better price for the whole package?(我对购买多个物品感兴趣。我们可以为整个套餐谈出一个更好的价格吗?)

5. 最后一搏说法:

- If you can lower the price, I'm ready to make the purchase right now.(如果你能降低价格,我准备立即购买。)

- I really like this item, but the price is a dealbreaker for me. Is there anything you can do?(我真的很喜欢这个物品,但是价格对我来说是个障碍。你能做些什么吗?)


实用英语:教你几句不同风格杀价的英文说法 篇二


1. 直接说法:

- Can you give me a discount?(你能给我打个折吗?)

- Is there any room for negotiation on the price?(价格方面有谈判的余地吗?)

- I like this item, but the price is a bit high. Can you lower it?(我喜欢这个物品,但是价格有点高。你能降低一下吗?)

2. 比较说法:

- I found a similar item at another store with a lower price. Can you match it?(我在另一家店找到了一个价格更低的类似物品。你能与之匹配吗?)

- This item is cheaper online. Can you give me a better price?(网上这个物品更便宜。你能给我一个更好的价格吗?)

3. 知情说法:

- I know the wholesale price of this item is much lower. Can you give me a discount accordingly?(我知道这个物品的批发价格要低得多。你能相应地给我打个折吗?)

- My friend bought the same item from here last week and got a discount. Can I get the same offer?(我朋友上周在这里买了同样的物品,并获得了折扣。我能得到同样的优惠吗?)

4. 捆绑销售说法:

- If I buy this item along with another one, can I get a discount?(如果我买这个物品和另一个物品,我能得到折扣吗?)

- I'm interested in buying multiple items. Can we work out a better price for the whole package?(我对购买多个物品感兴趣。我们可以为整个套餐谈出一个更好的价格吗?)

5. 最后一搏说法:

- If you can lower the price, I'm ready to make the purchase right now.(如果你能降低价格,我准备立即购买。)

- I really like this item, but the price is a dealbreaker for me. Is there anything you can do?(我真的很喜欢这个物品,但是价格对我来说是个障碍。你能做些什么吗?)


实用英语:教你几句不同风格杀价的英文说法 篇三


