
时间:2019-02-05 03:50:10
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商务英语电话用语 篇一


1. 打电话

- Hello, this is [your name] from [your company]. 你好,我是[你的名字],来自[你的公司]。

- May I speak to [person's name], please? 我可以和[某人的名字]通话吗?

- Could you please connect me to [person's name]? 请帮我接通[某人的名字]。

- Is [person's name] available? [某人的名字]在吗?

2. 接电话

- Good morning/afternoon, [company name], [your name] speaking. 早上/下午好,[公司名称],我是[你的名字]。

- How may I assist you? 我可以如何帮助您?

- Could you please hold the line for a moment? 请稍等一下,好吗?

- I'm sorry, but [person's name] is currently unavailable. 不好意思,[某人的名字]目前不在。

3. 转接电话

- Let me transfer your call to [person's name]. 让我把电话转给[某人的名字]。

- I'll put you through to [person's name] right away. 我会立即把你接通给[某人的名字]。

- I'm sorry, but [person's name] is not at the office. Shall I leave a message for you? 不好意思,[某人的名字]不在办公室。我帮您留个口信好吗?

4. 留言

- Could you please take a message for [person's name]? 你能帮我传个口信给[某人的名字]吗?

- Could you please let [person's name] know that I called? 你能告诉[某人的名字]我来过了吗?

- Can I leave a message for [person's name]? 我可以给[某人的名字]留个口信吗?

- Could you please ask [person's name] to call me back? 你能请[某人的名字]给我回个电话吗?

5. 结束电话

- Thank you for calling. 谢谢您的来电。

- I appreciate your time. 感谢您的时间。

- It was nice talking to you. 很高兴与您交谈。

- Have a great day! 祝您愉快!


商务英语电话用语 篇二


1. 打电话

- Hello, this is [your name] calling from [your company]. 你好,我是[你的名字],打电话给[你的公司]。

- May I speak to [person's name], please? 我可以和[某人的名字]通话吗?

- Could you please connect me to [person's name]? 请帮我接通[某人的名字]。

- Is [person's name] available? [某人的名字]在吗?

2. 接电话

- Good morning/afternoon, [company name], this is [your name] speaking. 早上/下午好,[公司名称],我是[你的名字]。

- How may I assist you? 我可以如何帮助您?

- Could you please hold the line for a moment? 请稍等一下,好吗?

- I'm sorry, but [person's name] is currently unavailable. 不好意思,[某人的名字]目前不在。

3. 转接电话

- Let me transfer your call to [person's name]. 让我把电话转给[某人的名字]。

- I'll put you through to [person's name] right away. 我会立即把你接通给[某人的名字]。

- I'm sorry, but [person's name] is not in the office. Shall I leave a message for you? 不好意思,[某人的名字]不在办公室。我帮您留个口信好吗?

4. 留言

- Could you please take a message for [person's name]? 你能帮我传个口信给[某人的名字]吗?

- Could you please let [person's name] know that I called? 你能告诉[某人的名字]我来过了吗?

- Can I leave a message for [person's name]? 我可以给[某人的名字]留个口信吗?

- Could you please ask [person's name] to call me back? 你能请[某人的名字]给我回个电话吗?

5. 结束电话

- Thank you for calling. 谢谢您的来电。

- I appreciate your time. 感谢您的时间。

- It was nice talking to you. 很高兴与您交谈。

- Have a great day! 祝您愉快!


商务英语电话用语 篇三



  自己不会说 英语 时的应急电话用语:不擅长说 英语 的人接到 英语 电话时,千万不要手足无措,可用下述几种方式沉着应答,


  (1) 请稍待片刻。Just a moment, please.
  (2) 请别挂断。我找一位会说英语的人来.Hold the line, please.


