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英语报纸词、句特征 篇一

The Characteristics of Vocabulary and Sentence Structure in English Newspapers

English newspapers are known for their unique vocabulary and sentence structure, which aim to convey information concisely and effectively. In this article, we will explore the key characteristics of vocabulary and sentence structure in English newspapers.

Firstly, English newspapers tend to use formal and precise vocabulary. Journalists aim to present the news in a professional manner, and therefore, they utilize words that are specific and accurate. For example, instead of using general terms like "big," they would use more precise words such as "enormous" or "significant." This helps to provide readers with a clearer understanding of the news.

Secondly, English newspapers often employ a variety of idiomatic expressions. These expressions are commonly used in everyday language and add color and depth to the news articles. For instance, phrases like "in the blink of an eye" or "a bitter pill to swallow" are frequently used to express urgency or disappointment. By incorporating such idioms, journalists can make their writing more engaging and relatable to readers.

Furthermore, English newspapers make use of active voice and concise sentence structure. The active voice emphasizes the subject performing the action, making the news more dynamic and engaging. Additionally, English newspapers often use simple and straightforward sentences to convey information efficiently. This allows readers to grasp the main points quickly without unnecessary complexity.

Lastly, English newspapers use transitional phrases and connectors to establish logical connections between sentences and paragraphs. These phrases, such as "however," "on the other hand," or "in conclusion," help to enhance the flow and coherence of the news articles. They enable readers to follow the writer's train of thought and understand the relationship between different ideas.

In conclusion, English newspapers have distinct characteristics in terms of vocabulary and sentence structure. They employ formal and precise vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, active voice, concise sentence structure, and transitional phrases. By understanding these characteristics, readers can better comprehend and appreciate the news articles in English newspapers.

英语报纸词、句特征 篇二

The Impact of Vocabulary and Sentence Structure in English Newspapers

Vocabulary and sentence structure play a crucial role in shaping the impact of English newspapers. In this article, we will discuss how the choice of vocabulary and sentence structure influences readers' understanding and perception of news articles.

Firstly, the use of varied and precise vocabulary in English newspapers helps to convey information accurately. Journalists carefully select words that are specific to the topic, ensuring that readers can grasp the intended meaning. For example, in an article about a scientific discovery, the use of technical terms and jargon can enhance the credibility and authority of the information presented. On the other hand, the use of simple and accessible vocabulary in news articles targeting a wider audience ensures that the information is easily understood by readers from diverse backgrounds.

Secondly, sentence structure in English newspapers contributes to the overall impact of the news articles. Journalists often use short and concise sentences to emphasize key points and create a sense of urgency. This technique allows readers to quickly identify the main ideas and important details. Additionally, the use of complex sentences and subordinate clauses can provide additional context and depth to the news articles, making them more informative and engaging.

Furthermore, the sentence structure in English newspapers also affects the tone and style of the articles. Sentences that are structured in a straightforward and objective manner create a sense of professionalism and neutrality. This is particularly important in news reporting, as it ensures that the information is presented without bias. On the other hand, the use of rhetorical devices such as repetition, parallelism, and figurative language can add emphasis and evoke emotions in readers. This technique is often employed in opinion pieces or editorial articles to persuade and influence readers' opinions.

In conclusion, vocabulary and sentence structure are essential components in shaping the impact of English newspapers. The choice of vocabulary influences the accuracy and accessibility of the information, while sentence structure determines the clarity, tone, and style of the news articles. By understanding the impact of vocabulary and sentence structure, readers can better interpret and evaluate the news articles they encounter in English newspapers.

英语报纸词、句特征 篇三



作 者:刘凤鸣 作者单位:西南师范大学外语学院,重庆,400715 刊 名:西南民族大学学报(人文社科版) PKU CSSCI 英文刊名: JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST UNIVERSITY FOR NATIONALITIES(HU

MANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE) 年,卷(期): 200526(3) 分类号: H314.3 关键词:词汇特征 句法特征 英语报刊阅读能力

