
时间:2018-06-04 04:15:12
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外贸带领参观英语对话 篇一


A: Good morning, everyone. Today, we have the opportunity to visit a foreign trade company. Please follow me and let's go inside.

B: I'm really excited about this visit. I've always been curious about how foreign trade companies operate.

C: Me too. I've heard that foreign trade plays a crucial role in our country's economy, so it's great to have the chance to see it firsthand.

A: That's right. Foreign trade involves the exchange of goods and services between countries, and it helps to boost economic growth and create job opportunities.

D: I wonder what kind of products this company specializes in.

A: This company mainly exports electronic products, such as smartphones, laptops, and accessories. They also import raw materials for manufacturing.

B: It's impressive that they are involved in both exporting and importing. I guess that's how they maintain a competitive advantage in the market.

A: Absolutely. By engaging in both import and export activities, they can diversify their product range and expand their customer base.

C: I'm curious about the process of exporting and importing. How do they manage logistics and customs clearance?

A: Good question. Let's ask the company representative when we meet them. They will explain the entire process to us.

D: I'm also interested in their international marketing strategies. How do they find and attract customers from different countries?

A: That's another great question. I'm sure they have a team of professionals who are responsible for market research and developing marketing strategies tailored to different regions.

B: It's fascinating to think about how much effort and coordination goes into running a foreign trade company. I have a newfound appreciation for the industry.

A: Definitely. Foreign trade requires a deep understanding of international markets, strong negotiation skills, and the ability to adapt to cultural differences.

C: I'm really looking forward to this visit. It's a great opportunity for us to learn more about the world of foreign trade and gain insights that can benefit us in our future careers.

A: I'm glad to hear that. Let's make the most of this visit and ask as many questions as we can. It's a valuable learning experience for all of us.

外贸带领参观英语对话 篇二


A: Good morning, everyone. Today, we have the opportunity to visit an international trade exhibition. Please follow me and let's go inside.

B: I'm really excited about this visit. International trade exhibitions are known for showcasing the latest products and innovations from around the world.

C: Me too. It's a great chance to see the global marketplace in action and learn about different industries and trends.

A: That's right. International trade exhibitions bring together buyers and sellers from different countries, facilitating business opportunities and promoting economic cooperation.

D: I wonder what kind of products we'll see here. I hope there will be a wide variety of industries represented.

A: Don't worry, there will be. International trade exhibitions usually cover a broad range of sectors, including electronics, textiles, machinery, and more.

B: It's amazing how these exhibitions can attract participants from all over the world. It must require a lot of planning and coordination.

A: You're absolutely right. Organizing an international trade exhibition involves months of preparation, from selecting the venue to inviting exhibitors and promoting the event.

C: I'm curious about how exhibitors showcase their products and attract potential buyers. Do they have special marketing strategies?

A: Great question. Exhibitors often put a lot of effort into designing their booths and creating attractive displays to catch the attention of visitors.

D: I'm also interested in the networking opportunities at these exhibitions. Can we interact with industry professionals and potential business partners?

A: Definitely. Networking is one of the key benefits of attending an international trade exhibition. You'll have the chance to meet industry experts, exchange business cards, and establish valuable connections.

B: It's fascinating to think about the impact these exhibitions have on global trade and economic development. I'm grateful for the opportunity to witness it firsthand.

A: I'm glad to hear that. International trade exhibitions are indeed important platforms for promoting trade, fostering innovation, and driving economic growth.

C: I'm really looking forward to this visit. It's a great opportunity for us to broaden our horizons, learn about different industries, and gain insights into the world of international trade.

A: I'm excited too. Let's make the most of this visit and take the opportunity to explore, ask questions, and learn from the exhibitors.

外贸带领参观英语对话 篇三


  A: Mr. Brown.l'd like to welcome you to our tools factory site. My name is Li Hui and I will be showing you around today. Please feel free to ask questions at any point during our tour.l will be happy to answer questions for you. I hope you will have a main idea about our factory.


我们工厂参观。我叫李辉,今天由我来带您参观工厂,参观期间,如果有问题请随时提问。我乐于为您解答。希望您会对我们厂有个主要了解 。

  B: Thank you.


  A: Now this is our office block. We have all the administrative departments here: Sales.Accounting.PersonneI.Market Research and so on.


  B: Can I have a look at your main plant?


  A: Yes. this way, Considering your safety. please wear protective gear.


  B: Is it really necessary to wear all this protective gear?


  A: Yes.I'll bet your wondering why we ask you to wear hard hats and safety goggles while you're in the plant. The reason is simple:we want to ensure there are no injuries today. As you will see.to maintain a high level of safety,we also require all of our staff to wear similar protective gear.


  B: Okay.


  A: Here in the main.plant is where most of the action takes place. We produce and package more than six hundred thousand units per year on these machines.

  A:这里是主要生产车间,大部分生产在此完成 们用这些机器每年要生产和包装60万套产品。

  B: How many employees do you have working in this area?


  A; We have about 50 employees on the ground floor.which is about 200/o of the total staff. Ground floor employees include production line workers. maintenance staff. and quality control managers.

  A:有50人在这里工作,占总人数的20%,包括 生产线工人、维修工和质量检查人员。

  B: What do all your quality control people oversee?


  A: They are responsible for ensuring the continuity of quality of the products that come out of our plant. Here.Iet's move on to the assembly shop.

  A:他们负责确保我们工厂生产的产品质量的稳 定性。现在,让我们去装配车间看看。

  B: It's up to you.


  A: OK.lets go.


  B: All right.



