旅游英语:Eating In American (优选3篇)

时间:2015-06-06 02:27:31
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旅游英语:Eating In American 篇一

American cuisine is diverse and offers a wide range of flavors and dishes to satisfy any palate. Whether you're a foodie looking for unique culinary experiences or simply craving some classic American comfort food, there is something for everyone to enjoy when eating in America.

One of the most iconic American dishes is the hamburger. Juicy beef patties served on a soft bun with various toppings and condiments, it's a staple in American fast-food culture. You can find countless fast-food chains specializing in hamburgers all across the country, such as McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's. For a more gourmet experience, many restaurants offer gourmet burgers with creative toppings like avocado, caramelized onions, or blue cheese.

If you're looking for a taste of the South, try some delicious barbecued ribs. Barbecue is a beloved American tradition, and each region has its own unique style. In the South, ribs are slow-cooked and slathered with a tangy and sweet barbecue sauce. They are often served with traditional sides like coleslaw, cornbread, and baked beans. Make sure to grab a napkin because eating barbecue ribs can get messy, but the finger-licking goodness is worth it.

For seafood lovers, America's coastal regions offer an abundance of fresh and flavorful options. Whether you're in the Northeast, where you can indulge in a classic New England lobster roll, or in the Gulf Coast, where you can savor some delicious shrimp and grits, seafood is a must-try when visiting America. Don't forget to try some clam chowder or crab cakes, which are also popular seafood dishes.

If you have a sweet tooth, American desserts will not disappoint. Indulge in a slice of New York-style cheesecake, which is rich, creamy, and absolutely delicious. Or try a warm slice of apple pie, a classic American dessert that perfectly combines sweet and tart flavors. Other popular American desserts include chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and ice cream sundaes.

When dining in America, it's also important to be aware of portion sizes. American portions tend to be larger compared to other countries, so don't be surprised if you're served a generous amount of food. If you can't finish your meal, don't hesitate to ask for a to-go box to take your leftovers with you.

Overall, eating in America is a culinary adventure that offers a wide variety of flavors and dishes. From classic American comfort food to regional specialties, there is something for everyone to enjoy. So, don't miss the opportunity to explore the diverse and delicious food scene when visiting America.

旅游英语:Eating In American 篇二

When it comes to eating in America, there are a few cultural practices and etiquette that you should be aware of to ensure a pleasant dining experience.

Firstly, it's important to note that tipping is customary in American restaurants. It is customary to tip around 15-20% of the total bill for good service. However, if the service was exceptional, you can choose to tip more. Tipping is also expected in other service industries, such as bars, taxis, and hotels.

Another aspect of American dining etiquette is the use of utensils. Unlike some other cultures where it is common to eat with only a fork and knife, in America it is acceptable to use your hands for certain foods. For example, when eating a hamburger or a slice of pizza, it is perfectly fine to pick it up with your hands. However, for more formal dining occasions or when eating foods like steak or pasta, using utensils is the norm.

When ordering food in American restaurants, it is important to be clear and specific about your dietary preferences or restrictions. Many restaurants offer vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free options, but it's always a good idea to inform your server about any special dietary needs beforehand. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions about the menu or for recommendations. Most servers are happy to assist you and help you make the best choice.

In American restaurants, it is common for the bill to be split between members of a group. This means that each person pays for their own meal, including tax and tip. If you're dining with a group of friends or colleagues, it's a good idea to inform your server at the beginning of the meal that you would like separate checks.

Lastly, it's important to be aware of the concept of "doggy bags" in America. If you are unable to finish your meal, it is perfectly acceptable to ask for a container to take the leftovers home. Many Americans do this to avoid wasting food. However, keep in mind that not all restaurants allow doggy bags, particularly in more upscale establishments. If you're unsure, it's best to ask your server.

By being aware of these cultural practices and etiquette, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable dining experience when eating in America. So, embrace the diverse food scene and culinary traditions, and don't forget to leave a tip for your server!

旅游英语:Eating In American 篇三

旅游英语:Eating In American (2)


  Eating Custom and Practice 用餐习惯

  American eating is funny. They eat almost everything with a fork, and it appears that holding a knife in one's right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners.

  The system is that if it is absolutely necessary to use a knife, people take the fork in their left hand, and cut off a piece of meat or whatever it is in the normal manner. Then they put the knife down, transfer the fork to their right hand, and only then do they tr

ansport the food to their mouth. This is clearly ludicrous(滑稽可笑), but it is considered good manners.

  There are several results of this system. First, if it is not absolutely necessary to use a knife, Americans don't use one, because obviously this greatly complicates(使复杂化) things, and you will therefore see them trying to cut things like potatoes, fish and even bacon(熏猪肉) with a fork. Second, towards the end of a course, since only one implement(器具) is being used, food has to bo chased around the plate with the fork — and for the last mouthful the thumb has to be used to keep the food in place, although one is not supposed to do this.

  Third, tables are generally laid with one knife and two forks, the outside fork being for the salad. There is no need for foreign visitors to follow the American system and try to eat the salad with only a fork, but if you do use your knife, remerber to save it for the meat course. Even desserts(甜食) (except ice cream) are eaten with a fork if at all possible, and the spoon you see by your dessert is meant to be for coffee (but if you use it for your dessert no one will say anything).

  Some Breakfast Dishes 早餐食谱

  Breakfast in a restaurant is a very enjoyable experience. If you order eggs

旅游英语:Eating In American (优选3篇)

