12.28师带徒PEPUnit6 The story of rain 教(经典3篇)

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12.28师带徒PEPUnit6 The story of rain 教 篇一

The Significance of Rain in Our Lives

Rain is an essential part of our lives. It not only provides water for plants and animals but also plays a vital role in shaping our environment. In Unit 6 of the PEP textbook, we explore the story of rain and its significance. This article aims to delve deeper into the importance of rain in our lives.

Firstly, rain is crucial for agriculture. Farmers rely on rainfall to irrigate their crops, ensuring their growth and productivity. Without rain, agriculture would be nearly impossible, leading to famine and food shortages. Rain also helps to replenish underground water sources and maintain the water cycle, which is essential for the survival of all living organisms.

Secondly, rain plays a significant role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. It provides habitats for various species of plants and animals. Rainforests, for example, are known for their high levels of rainfall, creating a unique environment that supports diverse flora and fauna. Many species depend on rainwater for their survival and reproduction. Any disruption in the rainfall patterns can have severe consequences for these ecosystems.

Moreover, rain is essential for the overall climate regulation of our planet. It helps to cool the Earth's surface by evaporating and transferring heat away from the ground. This process is crucial for maintaining a stable climate and preventing extreme temperatures. Rainfall also helps to cleanse the atmosphere by removing pollutants and dust particles, resulting in cleaner air for us to breathe.

In addition to its practical implications, rain also holds cultural and symbolic significance for many societies. It is often associated with renewal, fertility, and growth. Rain dances and rituals are common in many cultures, symbolizing a connection with nature and the cycle of life. Rain is also frequently depicted in literature, music, and art, serving as a metaphor for various emotions and experiences.

In conclusion, rain is not just water falling from the sky; it is an integral part of our lives and the environment. From sustaining agriculture to maintaining ecosystems and regulating the climate, rain plays a vital role in ensuring the survival and well-being of all living organisms. Its significance extends beyond its practical applications and holds cultural and symbolic importance as well. As we explore the story of rain in Unit 6 of the PEP textbook, let us appreciate the profound impact rain has on our lives.

Word count: 414

12.28师带徒PEPUnit6 The story of rain 教 篇二

The Water Cycle: A Journey of Rain

In Unit 6 of the PEP textbook, we learn about the story of rain and its role in the water cycle. In this article, we will take a closer look at the journey of rain through the water cycle, from its formation to its return to the Earth.

The water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycle, is the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the Earth's surface. It begins with the evaporation of water from various sources such as oceans, lakes, and rivers. The heat from the sun causes the water to change from a liquid to a gas, forming water vapor in the atmosphere.

Once in the atmosphere, the water vapor cools and condenses, forming clouds. This process is known as condensation. The condensed water droplets in the clouds combine and grow in size, eventually becoming large enough to fall as precipitation, which can be rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

When the precipitation falls to the Earth's surface, it replenishes bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. Some of the precipitation also infiltrates into the ground, becoming groundwater. This groundwater can be stored in aquifers, which are underground layers of rock or soil that hold water.

From the bodies of water and groundwater, the water cycle continues as runoff. Runoff occurs when the water flows over the land, eventually making its way back into rivers, lakes, and oceans. This water can then evaporate again, starting the cycle anew.

The journey of rain through the water cycle is essential for maintaining the Earth's water resources and sustaining life. It ensures a constant supply of freshwater, which is crucial for all living organisms. The water cycle also plays a role in climate regulation, as the movement of water helps to distribute heat around the Earth.

Understanding the water cycle and the role of rain in it is vital for appreciating the significance of rain in our lives. It is not just a natural phenomenon but a part of a larger process that sustains our environment. By studying the story of rain in Unit 6 of the PEP textbook, we develop a deeper understanding of the water cycle and the interconnectedness of all elements in our ecosystem.

Word count: 393

12.28师带徒PEPUnit6 The story of rain 教 篇三

12.28师带徒PEPUnit6 The story of rain 教案和教学反思

PEPUnit6 The story of rain 教案和教学反思 By:Cheng Xiaojing Step1Warming up 1.)Greeting. 2.)Free talk(每个过程的提问进入竞赛机制,班分四组,比赛回答问题,看哪组棒。) Where do you come from? Where does...come from? 教师可以向学生展示一些名人照片,利用第二个句型询问名人的家乡或问学生自己的家乡。(问潭水,八甲,春湾等,联系实际,感觉亲切) Step 2.预习(Preview) 教师依次出示A Let’s learn部分的单词卡片,学生齐读后张贴在黑板上。然教师迅速拿走所有词卡,请学生回忆并拼读五个单词。(以旧引新) Let’s try (1)教师问:“What do you have for breakfast?”请学生回答。教师说:“I usually have bread and milk for breakfast.Do you like bread? Where does bread come from?”然后出示本部分的挂图,手指面粉和小表的图,让学生猜一猜: “What’s this?”然后放Let’s try部分的录音,录音内容如下: Child:Where does bread come from? Grandmother:Bread comes from flour. Child:Where does flour come from? Grandmother:Flour comes from wheat. Child:Where does wheat come from? Grandmother:Farmers plant the seeds of wheat.Then the plant grows.Then we get wheat. Child:Wow! I thought bread comes from the store! 适当讲解,带领学生完成听音编号的练习,询问四组的答案。 (2)完成标号练习后,教师可以指着本部分的三幅图问:“Where does bread/flour come from?”引导学生回答:“It comes from…” Step3.新课呈现(Presentation) Let’s talk 1)教师利用Let’s try部分引出主句型:Where does…come from? It comes from…教师板书问答句,引导学生回答。 2)教师拿出rain的单词卡片,贴在黑板上,问:“Where does the rain come from?引导学生回答:“It comes from the clouds.”然后,教师叫同学把rain, cloud的画画在黑板上。(学生画比老师画更吸引学生的兴致)同样的方法在问答的过程中将vapour , water in the river画在黑板,(老师将它们组成一个水循环过程的简易图,有画龙点睛作用)。男孩,女孩之间根据简易图提示进行问答练习。 3)“你问我答”游戏 学生分成四大组,两组学生轮流针对水循环的过程提问,如:Where does the vapour come from? It comes from the water.答上来可以得到一分,最后得分高的小组获胜。( 游戏中无形学会句子,学生表现不错) 4)教师放本部分的录音,学生跟读。 5)Group work 学生分小组对水循环的过程进行问答练习,然后教师请每个小组选一名代表上台,叙述水循环的简单过程。 Step4巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) 1)Fill in the blank .补充单词,完成故事,每组派一位同学填空,。Today I’ll tell you the story of rain.Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.The cloud comes from the vapour.And the vapour comes from the water.The sun shines,the water becomes hot and then becomes the vapour. Task time 2)让学生参照故事说一说,做一做,制作一本精美的`图画书或卡片送给教师、家长或朋友。 成功之处: 学生在把rain, clouds ,vapo

ur , the water in the river画在黑板的环节,让孩子更牢记单词和雨的循环图,在“你问我答”游戏时,句子运用得不错。延伸做卡片,顺便当作送给父母,老师的圣诞礼物,孩子兴趣盎然。 不足之处:孩子在Let’s try部分,听音时反应不强,说明听力还要加强。 选出的六(2)班、六(3)班优秀的学生作品:在此,谢谢学生的用功和送我的精美的卡片,祝大家圣诞快乐,永远幸福! Thestoryofrain教案和教学反思 TITLE=12.28师带徒PEPUnit6Thestoryofrain 照片描述:雨的故事圣诞礼物 Thestoryofrain教案和教学反思 TITLE=12.28师带徒PEPUnit6Thestoryofrain 照片描述:雨的故事圣诞礼物 Thestoryofrain教案和教学反思 TITLE=12.28师带徒PEPUnit6Thestoryofrain 照片描述:雨的故事圣诞礼物 Thestoryofrain教案和教学反思 TITLE=12.28师带徒PEPUnit6Thestoryofrain 照片描述:雨的故事圣诞礼物 Thestoryofrain教案和教学反思 TITLE=12.28师带徒PEPUnit6Thestoryofrain 照片描述:雨的故事圣诞礼物 Thestoryofrain教案和教学反思 TITLE=12.28师带徒PEPUnit6Thestoryofrain 照片描述:雨的故事圣诞礼物 Thestoryofrain教案和教学反思 TITLE=12.28师带徒PEPUnit6Thestoryofrain 照片描述:雨的故事圣诞礼物 2010/11/28
12.28师带徒PEPUnit6 The story of rain 教(经典3篇)

