
时间:2017-05-05 05:17:25
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童真童趣英语幽默笑话 篇一

Little Johnny and the Homework

Little Johnny's teacher asked the class to write a story using the words "plant", "birthday", and "carrot". The next day, the teacher collected the stories and started reading them out loud.

"Once upon a time," she began, "there was a little boy who loved to plant. It was his birthday and he received a special gift - a magical carrot! This carrot could grant wishes. So, the little boy planted the carrot and made a wish. He wished for a car."

The teacher paused and looked at the students. "Now, can anyone tell me what's wrong with this story?" she asked.

Little Johnny raised his hand excitedly. "Yes, Johnny," the teacher said.

"Well," Johnny replied, "it's unrealistic. Who would waste a wish on a car when they could wish for a lifetime supply of carrots instead?"

The whole class burst into laughter, including the teacher. Little Johnny's innocent and humorous perspective on the story brought joy to everyone's faces.

童真童趣英语幽默笑话 篇二

The Talking Dog

One day, a little girl was playing in the park when she saw a man walking his dog. To her surprise, the dog started talking!

"Hello!" said the dog. "I can talk!"

The little girl was amazed and asked, "Wow, that's incredible! Can you tell me, what's your favorite food?"

The dog smiled and replied, "Well, my favorite food is... homework!"

The little girl burst into laughter and said, "That's impossible! No one likes homework, not even dogs!"

The dog wagged its tail and explained, "You see, whenever my owner sits down to do his homework, he always says, 'I have to eat my homework.' So, I thought, why not make it my favorite food too?"

The little girl giggled and said, "That's clever! But don't you ever get tired of eating homework?"

The dog nodded and said, "Oh, yes! Sometimes, I wish my owner would say, 'I have to eat ice cream!' instead."

The little girl and the talking dog continued their conversation, sharing more jokes and laughs in the park. Their innocent and humorous exchange brought smiles to the faces of everyone who witnessed it.

In conclusion, these two humorous stories showcase the innocence and humor of children. Their unique perspectives and unexpected punchlines bring joy and laughter to our lives. Let's cherish and embrace the lightheartedness and simplicity of childhood.

童真童趣英语幽默笑话 篇三

  1. Jimmy is three years old.


  One day, he was gazing out of the window when the night fell. He suddenly shouted, "Mum, mum, come close the window!"


  "Why? It's not cold, sonny."


  "Yes, mum, but the night will come inside."


  2. Harry: "My big brother shaves every day."


  Henry: "My brother shaves fifty times a day."


  Harry: "Is he crazy?"


  Henry: "No, he's a barber."


  3. A little boy asked his f

ather, "Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?"


  His father replied, "I don't know, son, because I'm still paying for it now."


  4. Two boys were admiring the famous statue by Rodin entitled "The Thinker".


  "What do you suppose he's thinking about?" asked one.


  "I guess he's thinking about where he put his clothes," replied the other.


  5. Younger Scout: "How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool?"


  Older Scout: "Just eat one before you go to bed. If you wake up thenext morning, it was a mushroom."


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