English as the global language-the i(最新3篇)

时间:2016-08-06 04:18:15
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English as the Global Language - The Impact on Communication and Cultural Diversity

English as the Global Language - The Importance of Maintaining Linguistic Diversity

English as the global language-the i 篇三

English as the global language-the impact on my profession in my country

It seems obvious that we are living in an increasingly global world.In the process of globalization,English has been used as the global language.Undoubtedly,the rapid spread of English all over the world has brought about great c

hanges to the English language teachers,learners and other parts in the education domain in numerous periphery-English countries.China is no exception.

作 者:汪洋 作者单位:浙江金华职业技术学院刊 名:商情英文刊名: SHANGQING 年,卷(期): 2009""(4) 分类号: 关键词:
English as the global language-the i(最新3篇)

