剑桥Simon Paul lives in the country第二课(推荐3篇)

时间:2015-06-03 09:34:41
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剑桥Simon Paul lives in the country第二课 篇一

Simon Paul的乡村生活

Simon Paul是一个生活在英国乡村的人。他在一个小村庄里拥有一栋美丽的农舍,周围是广阔的绿色草地和美丽的花园。他喜欢乡村的宁静和自然的美景,因此选择在这里定居。

每天早晨,Simon Paul会醒来并走到他的花园里。他喜欢种植各种各样的花朵和蔬菜,这样他就可以享受到自己亲手种植的新鲜食材。他对花园的照料非常细致,每天都会给植物浇水、修剪和除草。他认为这样的活动不仅可以让他保持健康,还能让他与大自然更加亲近。

除了花园,Simon Paul还有一些动物朋友。他养了一只名叫Charlie的狗和几只可爱的兔子。每天下午,他会和Charlie一起散步到乡村小道上,呼吸新鲜的空气,欣赏周围的美景。有时候,他也会带着兔子们一起到草地上玩耍。这样的时刻让他感到无比的快乐和幸福。

尽管生活在乡村,但Simon Paul并不孤独。他和村里的居民们建立了良好的关系。每个周末,他都会和朋友们一起参加村里的社交活动,例如集市和聚餐。他喜欢和大家交流,分享他的农舍生活和种植经验。这样的交流让他感到生活充实而有意义。

总的来说,Simon Paul对自己的乡村生活非常满意。他享受着宁静的环境和与大自然的亲密接触。他的花园和动物朋友给他带来了无尽的乐趣和满足感。他也很珍惜与村民们的友谊。对他来说,乡村生活就是他一直梦寐以求的理想生活。

剑桥Simon Paul lives in the country第二课 篇二

Simon Paul的乡村生活中的挑战

尽管Simon Paul热爱他的乡村生活,但他也面临着一些挑战。首先,乡村地区的交通不太便利。由于缺乏公共交通工具,他不得不依靠自己的汽车来出行。这意味着他需要经常保持汽车的良好状况,并且需要花费更多的时间和金钱在交通上。如果他需要去城市购物或看望朋友,他就需要提前计划好行程。

此外,乡村地区的医疗资源也相对有限。虽然Simon Paul每天都保持健康的生活方式,但他仍然需要定期进行体检和看医生。然而,最近的医院距离他的农舍有一段距离,这使得就医变得更加不方便。他经常需要提前预约,然后花费更多的时间在路上。

另一个挑战是乡村地区的孤独感。尽管Simon Paul和村里的居民们有良好的关系,但乡村地区的人口相对较少,社交圈子有限。有时候,他会感到孤独和渴望更多的社交活动。尽管他会参加一些社交活动,但这些活动并不像城市里那样丰富多样。他希望能有更多的机会结识新朋友和参与更多的社交活动。

尽管面临这些挑战,Simon Paul仍然热爱他的乡村生活。他相信挑战是生活中的一部分,而且通过面对挑战,他能够更好地成长和适应。他喜欢乡村的宁静和美丽,以及与大自然的亲密接触。他也很珍惜与村民们的友谊和社区的凝聚力。对他来说,乡村生活的种种挑战只是乡村生活的一部分,他愿意面对并克服这些挑战,继续享受他的理想生活。

剑桥Simon Paul lives in the country第二课 篇三

剑桥Simon Paul lives in the country第二课时教案

英华学校小学部英语组备课 年级:六年级 课题:Unit Five Simon Paul lives in the country. 主备人:黄 清 修改人: Teaching Contents(教学内容): 剑桥少儿英语二级下册第五单元Part three, four and five. Teaching aims and demands(目标与要求): ※ Guide the students to act out the story again, enable them master the story well and can act out well. ※Guide the students to talk about where do they like living and the reasons. ※ Guide the students to read, think and talk: ----What can you do in the city? ----What can you do in the country? ※ Finish the exercises in class. Key and difficult points(教学重难点): The phrases and the sentence pattern Teaching preparations(课前准备): Courseware and tapes. Teaching steps(教学步骤): 1. Preparation(准备) ① Let’s act(分组表演) ----Do you like the Country Mouse? Why? ----What is the Country Mouse going to do? ----Can you act out the story? (老师引导学生分组表演上节课的故事,对于表现好的小组加以鼓励) ②Let’s guess The teacher describes some places and the students guess it. ----You can see many animals here. Where is it? (zoo) ----Where can you see a zoo? In the country or the city? ----What can you see in a country/city? (自由交谈:引导学生谈论上节课的主题:城市和乡村) 2. Presentation(呈现): ①Lead in(导入) ----Where do you live now? I live in the country/city. ----Where do you like living? ----Why do you like living in the country/city? (引导学生回答:喜欢住在什么地方?为什么?) ②Think and tell(思考) ----What can you do in the city? ----What can

you do in the country? sleep on the grass listen to birds singing smell the flowers visit a zoo play sports games see farm animals go to a park go to the supermarket see a film visit friends meet lots of people go fishing go to the library have a picnic breathe clean air 3. Practice(操练): ①Listen and repeat Listen to the tape and repeat (听录音,跟读短语) ②Ask and answer The teacher asks and guides the students answer ----What can you do in the country/city? (老师引导学生回答问题) ③Group Work(小组活动) Encourage the students ask and answer in groups (小组根据本课内容问答) ④Look, tick and answer. ----Where do you like living? ----I like living in the city. city country island mountain forest near a lake by a river next to a supermarket 4. Production(产出) Can you think and tell more about the activities that we can do in the country or in a city? (鼓励学生多思考,说说在城市和乡村还能做些什么活动) Exercises in class(课堂练习) ※Read and match 1. It’s a big place with many tall buildings, markets, schools and cinemas. 2. It’s a place where you can see many, many trees. 3. It’s a big piece of land where you see a few houses and some people working in the field. 4. It’s a kind of plant. It’s green, short and soft. You can play on it. 5. It’s a place which you can only get there by boat or by ship. 6. It’s a large area of water, surrounded by land. Homework(家庭作业): Read and copy the phrases. Blackboard Design(板书设计): (见前面) Teacher’s Notes(教学反思):
剑桥Simon Paul lives in the country第二课(推荐3篇)

