
时间:2012-05-04 02:37:22
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Inquiry Email Sample for IELTS - Part 1

Subject: Inquiry about IELTS Preparation Course

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is John and I am writing to inquire about the IELTS preparation course offered by your institution. I am keenly interested in taking this course to improve my English language skills and achieve a high score on the IELTS exam.

I have been preparing for the IELTS exam independently for the past few months, but I believe that enrolling in a structured course will provide me with a better understanding of the exam format and help me develop effective strategies for each section. After researching various options, I found your institution to be highly recommended by former students and I am confident that it will provide me with the necessary guidance and support.

Could you please provide me with detailed information regarding the course? Specifically, I would like to know the schedule, duration, and cost of the course. Additionally, if there are any prerequisites or requirements for enrollment, please let me know. I would also appreciate if you could inform me about the qualifications and experience of the instructors who will be teaching the course.

Furthermore, I would like to inquire about the availability of study materials and resources. Are there any textbooks or online platforms that will be provided to students? Are there any practice tests or mock exams included in the course curriculum? I believe that having access to such resources will greatly contribute to my preparation and boost my confidence.

Lastly, could you please provide me with information about the enrollment process? What documents or forms will I need to submit and how can I complete the registration? Are there any upcoming course start dates that I should be aware of?

Thank you for taking the time to consider my inquiry. I look forward to receiving your response and further exploring the opportunity of studying at your institution. Should you require any additional information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,


Inquiry Email Sample for IELTS - Part 2

Subject: Inquiry about IELTS Test Results

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Sarah and I recently took the IELTS exam at your testing center. I am writing to inquire about the expected release date of the test results.

I took the IELTS exam on June 15th, 2022 and was informed that the results would be available within 13 days. However, it has been over two weeks since the exam and I have not received any communication regarding my test results. I understand that there might be delays due to various factors, but I am eager to receive my scores as I need them for my university application.

Could you please provide me with an update on the status of my test results? Is there any specific reason for the delay? I would appreciate any information you can provide regarding the expected release date or any steps I can take to expedite the process.

Furthermore, I would like to inquire about the method of receiving the test results. Will it be sent by mail or will I be able to access them online? If there is an online portal, could you please provide me with the necessary login details and instructions on how to access my scores?

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I understand that you receive numerous inquiries every day and I appreciate your assistance in resolving my concern. I look forward to your prompt response.

Yours sincerely,


问询邮件英文范文雅思 篇三

We are sure that the price of the goods we offer is reasonable. We shall appreciate it if you can confirm our claim. In your letter of 6 may, we informed us that we were unable to accept the goods you offered.

In response to your inquiry for bran, we quoted tons. In response to your letter, we declared that the market remained calm. Please forgive us for not replying to your letter of May 8 today.

We are pleased to tell you that Mr. h is a trustworthy person. We are pleased to inform you of your inquiry about Mr.

H He is a very reliable man, and we are pleased to answer your inquiry about S & J company. In response to your inquiry about Mr. J, we are pleased to say that we consider him absolutely reliable and have replied to your letter of June concerning the account.

We will send you a check in reply to your inquiry of June. However, we are unable to provide plates of the size specified by you You, we have delivered the sample to the buyer, and we are sending you a check in the amount of US dollars.



问询邮件英文范文雅思 篇四


Dear ______ ,

I am ______(自我介绍). I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding ______(要询问的内容).

First of all, what are ______(第一个问题)? ④Secondly, when will ______(第二个问题)? Thirdly, is ______(第三个问题)?

I would also like to inquire ______(将最重要的问题单独成段). Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?

Thank you for you kindness, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

问询邮件英文范文雅思 篇五

Describe an important historical event in your country.

You should say:

What the event was

when it happened

How you heard about it

And explain why this historical event is important.

话题任务分析:历史事件这个话题,实际上难度不大。我们从小到大一直都有学习历史课程。相信谈到重要的历史事件的时候,大家都会有很多的想法:辛亥革命、抗日战争、新中国成立、xxx、改革开放等等。这些事件本身就比较重大,考官作为外国人也有所耳闻。所以是大家答题时的首选。而一些相对较小的事件,如奥运会、和美国建交等等,一是考官不太熟悉;二是自己说清楚时需要很多的知识储备,考官因为不太熟悉,听起来也比较费力,所以不建议大家选择。答题重点:首先是要对几个历史事件要有比较准确的翻译如:新中国成立: The founding of the People’s Republic of China.抗日战争:The anti-Japanese warxxx: The Cultural Revolution

改革开放:the Reform and opening up



It’s definitely the reform and opening up initiated by Deng Xiaoping soon after the end of the Cultural Revolution, which, I think is also very important but no match of this one. Anyway, the cultural revolution ended in 1976, and the reform and opening up was initiated in 1978. Of course I, like many other young people in China have learned, systematically a lot from our textbooks. But I didn’t realize its importance until I have read so many reports and books from various channels, some of them are from famous historians now living and teaching in American or British universities. Therefore the bulk of my understanding of it definitely comes from their reports, lectures, etc.

First of all, I want to put the reform and opening up back to the grand narrative of China since 3000 years ago when China first got its name The Empire of the Middle. Ancient Chinese believed that China, or my country, located at the center of the world. Well, this was a narrative, or legend, once held by many nations at the very beginning. However, due to the geopolitical uniqueness, China maintained this legend until the late 19th century when the British Empire and other modern countries invaded China since the 1840s. In no more than 20 years the legend was replaced by one miserable story after another of occupations, of exploitation, of territorial secession. And this strong sense of inferiority lasted for almost eighty or ninety years, until 1949 when Communist party brought the nation together again. And we used another three years to reach a peace deal the the United States in North Korea, and then its the Cultural Revolution. All those events caused a big problem of national identity: who are we? What’s the position of China in the world? We asked ourselves questions like this at that time. So there came Deng Xiaoping, a man who once studied in France in his early twenties. He opened the gate of China. He showed the Chinese people that we had been left behind by western countries. He told us, in an indirect way that our governance was not that successful compared to our capitalist enemies. So, what he did basically was to relocate China in this small planet.

The second reason, of course, is China’s economy. Back in 1978, when China’s top leaders were trying their best to dispose of the problems left by the Cultural Revolution, and nobody knows where China should go. It was Deng Xiaoping pointed out the way and said the economic development is the top task and the reform and opening up solved the problem of how to develop economy. And within ten years, well, twenty years, by the end of 1998, China’s economy was beyond anybody’s imagination. The key point is, no great public turmoil happened in these twenty years, I think this is the importance of the Reform and the Opening up.

问询邮件英文范文雅思 篇六












