
时间:2014-09-06 07:50:25
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Protecting Owls

Essay 1 (200 words):

Owls are fascinating creatures and play an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. However, their population has been declining rapidly in recent years due to various factors. It is crucial that we take immediate action to protect these majestic birds.

One of the main threats to owls is habitat loss. As human activities expand, forests and other natural habitats are being destroyed to make way for urbanization and agriculture. This destruction leads to a significant reduction in suitable nesting and hunting grounds for owls. To protect these birds, we must prioritize the preservation of their natural habitats. This can be achieved through the establishment of protected areas and the promotion of sustainable land-use practices.

Another significant threat to owls is the use of harmful pesticides in agriculture. Owls are at the top of the food chain and often consume small mammals and birds that may be poisoned by these chemicals. To protect owls from pesticide poisoning, farmers should be encouraged to adopt organic farming methods and reduce the use of harmful chemicals. Additionally, raising awareness among the general public about the dangers of pesticides and promoting the consumption of organic produce can also contribute to owl conservation.

Furthermore, it is essential to combat illegal hunting and poaching of owls. Owls are often targeted for their feathers, which are sought after in the illegal wildlife trade. Strict enforcement of wildlife protection laws and penalties for offenders can help deter these activities and protect owls from exploitation.

In conclusion, protecting owls is crucial for the overall health of the environment. By conserving their habitats, reducing pesticide use, and combating illegal hunting, we can ensure the survival and well-being of these magnificent birds.

Essay 2 (200 words):

Owls are mystical creatures that have captured the imagination of humans for centuries. However, their survival is currently under threat, and it is our responsibility to protect them.

One of the primary reasons for the decline in owl populations is the loss of suitable nesting sites. Owls require old trees with cavities for nesting, but deforestation and urbanization have led to a scarcity of such trees. To protect owls, we must focus on preserving old-growth forests and creating artificial nesting sites. Installing nest boxes in suitable locations can provide owls with alternative nesting options and help increase their numbers.

Another significant threat to owls is the loss of their prey. Owls primarily feed on small mammals and birds, but habitat destruction and excessive hunting have resulted in a decrease in their food sources. To address this issue, it is crucial to promote sustainable hunting practices and protect the habitats of the owl's prey. Additionally, educating the public about the importance of maintaining a balanced ecosystem and the role of owls in controlling pest populations can help garner support for owl conservation efforts.

Furthermore, the use of rodenticides poses a severe risk to owls. These chemicals are commonly used to control rodent populations, but they can also harm owls that consume poisoned prey. Implementing strict regulations on the use of rodenticides and promoting alternative methods of pest control, such as natural predators like owls, can help minimize the impact on owl populations.

In conclusion, protecting owls requires a multi-faceted approach that encompasses habitat preservation, sustainable hunting practices, and reducing the use of harmful chemicals. By taking action now, we can ensure the survival and well-being of these magnificent birds for future generations to enjoy.

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This owl looks like it's taking advantage of the cold weather to practise its skating moves on the ice.


The snowy owl was captured on camera with one leg outstretched behind it while it balanced on one claw.


But, the beautiful bird may just have been stretching after it woke up to freezing temperatures of -20C in Montreal, Canada.


Wildlife photographer Yves Adams battled the freezing winds to capture the incredible shots on camera - after following the bird all day.


Mr Adams, from Belgium, said: ‘I had seen the owl hunting in the area for a few days, so I tried to follow him, as he'd obviously found a good spot.


‘I really wanted to get close to this bird, so I crawled very slowly through the snow, protected in my down clothing, for an hour or so.


Eventually I came pretty close, maybe 15 metres away, but the owl was very relaxed. It was a beautiful thing to see, even if it was very cold, lying on the snow.


‘Although the bird was in a deep sleep, his peeping eyes recorded every movement I made. Suddenly he woke up, and stretched. This all happened in seconds, so I had to react very very fast.


‘I have a lot of respect for these northern birds. I was able to retreat to my warm hotel room each night, but this bird had to stay out all night, often with strong blizzards at night, with very low temperatures.’


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保护猫头鹰英文作文200字 篇五

The wisdom of owls as long as humans recognize that animals are teachers, smart men and women recognize that wild animals and domestic animals are worthy of respect. The cultural and spiritual significance of some animals goes beyond geographical boundaries and unifies different nationalities, rather than the majestic and mysterious owl. For thousands of years, owl has been the focus of many contradictory beliefs, although owl one is the focus of many contradictory beliefs They are regarded as awe and infatuation, but they also act as agents of fear unintentionally, because owls are nocturnal, and the encounter between human and owl often occurs at night, and it is likely that when birds swoop down to fight with them silently, their prey may be called agents of darkness.

Although some people avoid owls, they call them agents of darkness, others realize that they are spread in ancient Greece In the United States, beautiful owls have deep consciousness in their eyes. Owls can often be found on the shoulders of Athena, the goddess of wisdom. Owls can avoid misfortune in Roman legends, which is the case in Native American mythology.

Owls have acquired their unique identity. Owls are patient messengers, disseminators of information and holders of wisdom. They can use keen ness They are the totems of truth.

Unlike our distant ancestors, we may never meet owls in the wild, but we can internalize the owl's wisdom by adapting ourselves to the highest quality of owls, and integrate the owl's medicine into the spiritual existence It's a question of how we can more fully open ourselves to the wisdom that should be found in the larger universe. When you communicate with the owl, you will find that your efforts are hindered. Remember that it is not always respected as a symbol of wisdom.

The residents of this night overcome many prejudices in its long-term relationship with human beings in order to reveal the hidden factors that affect your life Su, for better or worse, you must always pass your way through the darkest part of your soul, just as you are a nocturnal hunter. There is darkness inside and outside of yourself, but like an owl, you can transcend it by drawing nourishment from your insight.




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