
时间:2013-09-06 09:10:49
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小学描述外貌英语作文范文 篇一

Title: My Best Friend's Appearance


I have a best friend named Lily. She is a lovely and cheerful girl who always brings happiness to everyone around her. Today, I would like to describe Lily's appearance in detail.


Lily has beautiful long hair that is as black as ebony. It flows down her back and shines under the sunlight. Sometimes, she likes to tie her hair up with colorful ribbons, which adds a touch of playfulness to her overall look.

Lily's eyes are big and bright, resembling two black pearls. They are full of curiosity and always sparkle with excitement. When she smiles, her eyes form small crescents, making her look even more adorable.

Lily has a fair complexion that glows with health. Her cheeks are rosy and her skin is smooth. She takes good care of her skin by drinking plenty of water and eating lots of fruits and vegetables. It is no wonder that she always looks radiant and fresh.

Lily is of average height for her age, and she has a slim figure. She enjoys participating in various sports activities, such as swimming and dancing, which helps her maintain a healthy body. Her arms and legs are well-toned, showcasing her athleticism.


In conclusion, my best friend Lily has a truly charming appearance. From her beautiful long hair to her bright eyes and healthy complexion, she is a sight to behold. Her positive and joyful personality shines through her appearance, making her even more attractive. I am lucky to have such a wonderful friend by my side.

小学描述外貌英语作文范文 篇二

Title: My Grandmother's Appearance


My grandmother is the most important person in my life. She is kind-hearted, wise, and always there to support me. Today, I would like to describe my grandmother's appearance.


My grandmother has short grey hair that is neatly combed. Despite her age, she takes pride in her appearance and always makes sure her hair is well-groomed. Her hair color gives her a dignified and wise aura.

Her eyes, although wrinkled from years of experiences, are bright and full of warmth. They are a gentle shade of brown and seem to hold an endless amount of love and compassion. Whenever I look into her eyes, I feel safe and loved.

My grandmother has a round face with soft features. Her skin is wrinkled, but it tells the story of a life well-lived. She has a few age spots here and there, but they only add to her unique beauty. Her smile is infectious and can light up any room.

Despite her age, my grandmother has maintained a healthy body. She walks every morning and practices yoga to stay active. As a result, she has a straight posture and a strong frame. Her hands are slightly rough from years of hard work, but they are also gentle and comforting when she holds mine.


In conclusion, my grandmother's appearance is a reflection of her kind and loving nature. Her grey hair, warm eyes, and gentle smile make her radiate wisdom and love. Despite the signs of aging, she remains beautiful in my eyes. I am grateful for her presence in my life and will always cherish her.

小学描述外貌英语作文范文 篇三

My college life, my new college life is about to start, so when I start my new life, I can't help but be excited. I dream of my beautiful and meaningful university life. I think the first thing I should do is to concentrate on my study.

I will try my best to learn as many subjects as possible. I think I will participate in some school activities to improve my comprehensive ability, For example, communication skills and so on. At the same time, I should participate in some student associations or associations to make my life colorful.

I know that there are many differences between high school and University, so I will change my study habits in high school. It is an era when teachers force students to learn. But in University, we should arrange everything by ourselves, so I will study by myself and I will make my own study plan Of course, I will practice to be more independent and independent, which is a very limited ability for future development.

So if there is any problem, I will try my best to solve it by myself instead of asking others at the beginning as before. This is my arrangement for my new life. I hope it will start soon.

I am ready for it.



标签: 新学期

小学描述外貌英语作文范文 篇四

)I think she's the most beautiful girl I've ever met. She's exciting, amazing and y. When we first met, I felt her y.

Now I know she's very smart. She's old. She has a 3-year-old son, so she's a mother, a sharp mother, and she has a tattoo on her tongue and two tattoos, one on her abdomen (an Indian man's face) and one on her back (it's invisible, I love them very much, if you meet her, look at her face, it's so sweet, there's a birthmark on the tip of her nose, sometimes I call her spotted nose, it's so sweet, it's really like a kitten, but her eyes are blue, like the sky in spring or the sea on a stormy night, they are Well, let's talk about her mouth when she's smiling.

She's got two little dimples on her lips.



小学描述外貌英语作文范文 篇五

Taylor Swift, one of the most popular female singers around the world, was broke up with her boyfriend again. It is known to all that this talented girl always gets inspiration to write songs from her relationships. All of these songs will become the hit songs. The fans play the jokes that they can hear the new song soon. As the media always reported Taylor had many relationships, she wrote a song called Blank Space to fight back. The song ranked in the most powerful music chart. In the song, she described that the girl had a long list of ex-boyfriends, while when she got broke up, there would be a blank space for the next boy. It sounds like her real life, but Taylor tell people’s the boys treat the relationship like a love game and don’t take it seriously.


小学描述外貌英语作文范文 篇六

Hello everyone, I'm Liu Dongdong. I'm a student. My father, my mother and my father have three people in my home.

He is a worker. I think he is a good worker because he works very hard. He gets up early every day.

He works more than hours every day. So he is always busy. He looks tired when he comes home.

He likes to read newspapers after supper So he received a lot of news. My mother is old. She is also a worker.

She works in a small factory. She is not tall. She has a pair of big eyes.

She loves me. She is very kind to me. She always buys me some books.

She wants me to be an excellent student. She also cares about my diet and life. I am old this year.

I wear glasses. I like reading. I always read after school.

I like singing My favorite singer is Jay Chou. His music is very good. What do you think of him? I like to make friends.

If you want to see me, please write to me. Oh, my parents love me. I love them.

My family is a happy family.




