
时间:2015-05-08 07:31:13
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Introducing Ancient Poets to a Friend - Part One

As an avid lover of poetry, I cannot help but share my fascination with ancient poets with my dear friend. These remarkable individuals from centuries ago have left an indelible mark on literature and continue to inspire countless generations. In this first part of my introduction, I will shed light on the lives and works of two renowned ancient poets, Li Bai and Du Fu.

Li Bai, often referred to as Li Po, was a celebrated poet during the Tang Dynasty in China. Born in 701 AD, Li Bai's poetry is known for its romanticism and profound emotions. His verses are filled with vivid imagery, capturing the beauty of nature and expressing his yearning for a carefree life. One of his most famous poems, "Quiet Night Thoughts," reflects on the tranquility and serenity of the moonlit night. Li Bai's ability to evoke emotions through his words is truly remarkable.

Another influential poet from the Tang Dynasty is Du Fu. Unlike Li Bai, Du Fu's poetry focuses more on social and political issues of his time. Du Fu lived during a period of political turmoil and witnessed the suffering of the common people. His poems often express his empathy for the downtrodden and his criticism of the government. In his renowned work, "Spring View," Du Fu portrays the devastating effects of war on the natural world, emphasizing the importance of peace and harmony.

Both Li Bai and Du Fu contributed significantly to the development of Chinese poetry and have left an enduring legacy. Their works continue to be studied and appreciated by scholars and enthusiasts alike. By exploring their poems, one gains insight into the cultural and historical context of ancient China, as well as the universal human experiences they depict.

In the next part of my introduction, I will delve into the lives and works of two other prominent ancient poets, William Shakespeare and Matsuo Basho. Stay tuned for more fascinating insights into the world of ancient poetry!

Introducing Ancient Poets to a Friend - Part Two

Continuing my introduction of ancient poets, I now turn to the works of William Shakespeare and Matsuo Basho, two iconic figures in the world of literature.

William Shakespeare, often regarded as the greatest playwright in history, was born in 1564 in England. His plays, such as "Romeo and Juliet," "Hamlet," and "Macbeth," are renowned for their intricate plots, deep characterizations, and timeless themes. Shakespeare's sonnets, on the other hand, delve into themes of love, beauty, and the passage of time. His mastery of language and ability to capture the human experience make him an enduring figure in the literary world.

Moving from the Elizabethan era to feudal Japan, we encounter Matsuo Basho, a haiku master who lived during the Edo period. Haiku, a form of Japanese poetry, consists of three lines containing a total of seventeen syllables. Basho's haikus are celebrated for their simplicity and profound observations of nature. In his most famous haiku, "An old silent pond... a frog jumps into the pond—splash! Silence again," Basho captures a moment of stillness and life's transient nature.

Both Shakespeare and Basho revolutionized their respective forms of poetry and continue to inspire countless writers. Shakespeare's plays have been performed across the globe and translated into numerous languages, while Basho's haikus remain beloved for their ability to evoke emotions in just a few words.

Ancient poets like Li Bai, Du Fu, William Shakespeare, and Matsuo Basho have enriched the world of literature with their unique perspectives and poetic prowess. By exploring their works, one embarks on a journey through time and gains a deeper understanding of the human experience. These poets remind us of the power of words and the enduring impact they can have on generations to come.

给朋友介绍古代诗人的英语作文 篇三




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Dear Tom,

  I’m glad to hear from you. I feel proud knowing you are interested in Tang poems.

  As for my favorite poet, it must be Li Bai. Living in a golden age of Chinese poetry, Li Bai is best known for his rich imagination and striking imagery in his poety, as well as for his great love for liquor. Many of his poems will remain today. Li Bai is regarded as the greatest romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty.

  What I appreciate most are his landscape poems, which are clear and natural in words with profound messages. They convey his strong love for nature, friends and the people.

  Best wishes.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua


