
时间:2014-02-09 04:10:20
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七夕节来历英文版 篇一

The Origin of the Qixi Festival

The Qixi Festival, also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day, is an ancient Chinese festival celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. It has a history of over 2,000 years and is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and folklore.

According to legend, the Qixi Festival originated from a romantic love story between a weaver girl and a cowherd. The weaver girl, named Zhinü, was the seventh daughter of the Goddess of Heaven. She was skilled in weaving beautiful clouds and rainbows. One day, while wandering on Earth, Zhinü met a cowherd named Niulang. They fell deeply in love and got married secretly.

However, the Goddess of Heaven soon discovered their forbidden love and was furious. She ordered Zhinü back to Heaven, separating the couple. Zhinü was forced to return to the sky, leaving Niulang behind with their two children. Heartbroken, Niulang sought help from his magical ox, who created a bridge made of magpies to reunite the couple for one night every year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.

This tale has become a symbol of true love and devotion in Chinese culture. It is believed that on this special day, when the magpies form a bridge across the Milky Way, lovers can meet and express their love for each other. It is a time for couples to celebrate their love and make wishes for a happy future together.

On the day of the Qixi Festival, couples often exchange gifts and go on romantic dates. Many young girls also pray for their needlework skills to improve, as Zhinü is regarded as the goddess of weaving. In some regions of China, people celebrate the festival by writing their wishes on small pieces of paper and hanging them on a bamboo tree. They believe that when the wind blows, the wishes will come true.

The Qixi Festival is not only a celebration of love but also a time to appreciate the beauty of the universe and the power of true love. It reminds us of the importance of cherishing and nurturing our relationships, just like Zhinü and Niulang did.

In modern times, the Qixi Festival has gained popularity in many parts of the world. It is not only celebrated by couples but also embraced by people of all ages as a day to express love and gratitude to their loved ones. Whether it is through gifts, gestures, or spending quality time together, the essence of the Qixi Festival remains the same – to celebrate love in all its forms.

七夕节来历英文版 篇二

The Historical Significance of the Qixi Festival

The Qixi Festival, also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day, is not only a celebration of love but also a time to reflect on the historical significance of this ancient Chinese festival.

The Qixi Festival has its roots in the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) and was first mentioned in various historical texts. During this period, it was primarily celebrated by the elite and was considered an important occasion for matchmaking and marriage.

In ancient China, young girls were not allowed to go out freely or socialize with men. The Qixi Festival provided an opportunity for them to meet potential suitors and express their romantic interests. Women would dress up in their finest attire and visit temples to pray for a good marriage and future happiness. They would also participate in various matchmaking activities organized by their families and the local community.

Over time, the Qixi Festival became more than just a day for matchmaking. It evolved into a celebration of love and devotion between couples. The tale of Zhinü and Niulang, which is associated with the festival, became widely known and symbolized the power of true love overcoming all obstacles.

In addition to its romantic connotations, the Qixi Festival also holds cultural and astronomical significance. It is believed that on this day, the stars Vega and Altair, representing Zhinü and Niulang, are at their closest point to each other. In ancient times, people would observe the night sky and make wishes for love and happiness.

Today, the Qixi Festival continues to be celebrated in China and many other parts of the world. It has become an occasion for couples to express their love and affection towards each other. It is also a time for families to gather, exchange gifts, and enjoy special meals together.

In recent years, the Qixi Festival has gained commercial popularity, with various industries promoting related products and services. However, it is important to remember the historical and cultural significance of this festival. It serves as a reminder of the importance of love, devotion, and the pursuit of happiness in our lives.

As we celebrate the Qixi Festival, let us not only cherish our relationships but also reflect on the traditions and values that have been passed down through generations. May this festival continue to inspire us to love and appreciate the important people in our lives, just as Zhinü and Niulang did thousands of years ago.

七夕节来历英文版 篇三

Today is Chinese Valentine"s Day ,we wish all lovers can have a good Valentine"s Day !

Or should we say Happy Night of Sevens! (七夕 or qi xi) or Happy Festival to Plead for Skills! (乞巧节 or qi qiao jie) or Happy Seventh Sister"s Birthday! (七姐诞 or qi jie dan) or Happy Night of Skills! (巧夕 or qiao xi)? This is the day Shanghaiist has had circled on our lunar chttp:///fanwen/alendar


