
时间:2018-01-08 09:49:48
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Holes英文读后感 篇一

Title: Unearthing the Power of Friendship in "Holes"

"Sometimes, a person might tell a story that doesn't directly involve himself, but it does involve himself." This quote from the novel "Holes" by Louis Sachar perfectly captures the essence of the story. As I delved into the pages of this captivating novel, I was taken on a rollercoaster journey of adventure, mystery, and most importantly, friendship.

Set in the scorching desert of Camp Green Lake, "Holes" follows the story of Stanley Yelnats, a teenage boy who is wrongly convicted of a crime and sent to a juvenile detention center. The camp is anything but ordinary, as the boys are forced to dig holes under the sweltering sun as a form of punishment. However, it is through this grueling task that Stanley forms unexpected bonds with his fellow inmates.

Throughout the novel, the theme of friendship shines brightly. Stanley's newfound companions, including Zero, Armpit, and Squid, become his support system in this unforgiving environment. Each character is unique, with their own quirks and flaws. Yet, they come together to form a tight-knit group that looks out for one another. Their loyalty and camaraderie are inspiring, showing the power of friendship even in the darkest of circumstances.

As the plot unfolds, the author skillfully weaves together two parallel storylines. The first revolves around Stanley and his journey at Camp Green Lake, while the second delves into the past, revealing the history of his family. Sachar seamlessly connects the dots, leaving readers on the edge of their seats, eager to uncover the mysteries surrounding Stanley's ancestors and the curse that haunts his family.

One of the most compelling aspects of "Holes" is the message it conveys about the importance of perseverance and self-discovery. Despite the harsh conditions and constant setbacks, Stanley refuses to give up. His determination to unearth the truth and break free from the cycle of bad luck is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. The novel teaches valuable lessons about the power of resilience, hard work, and the ability to overcome obstacles.

Furthermore, "Holes" touches upon themes of justice, prejudice, and redemption. Sachar skillfully tackles these heavy topics in a way that is accessible and thought-provoking for young readers. The book prompts readers to question societal norms and the consequences of prejudice, ultimately emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding.

In conclusion, "Holes" is a literary masterpiece that combines adventure, mystery, and profound themes of friendship and self-discovery. Louis Sachar's storytelling prowess and well-developed characters make for an unforgettable reading experience. This novel serves as a reminder that even in the harshest of circumstances, friendship can heal wounds, and perseverance can lead to redemption. "Holes" is a must-read for readers of all ages, as its messages are timeless and resonate deeply within the human spirit.

Holes英文读后感 篇二

Title: The Transformative Power of Redemption in "Holes"

In the novel "Holes" by Louis Sachar, the concept of redemption takes center stage, transforming both the characters and the readers. Through the intertwining stories of Stanley Yelnats and his ancestors, Sachar explores the idea that everyone has the potential for redemption, regardless of their past mistakes.

At the heart of the story is Camp Green Lake, a juvenile detention center where the boys are sent to "build character." However, it quickly becomes apparent that the punishment they endure is not just physical labor but also a journey of self-discovery and redemption. Through digging holes, the boys are forced to confront their past actions and make amends for their mistakes.

Stanley Yelnats, the protagonist, embodies this theme of redemption. Initially portrayed as a victim of circumstance, he gradually evolves into a hero. As Stanley forms bonds with his fellow inmates, he begins to understand the importance of trust, loyalty, and personal growth. Through his friendship with Zero, a silent and neglected boy, Stanley finds the courage to face his own fears and stand up against injustice.

The theme of redemption is further explored through the parallel storyline of Stanley's family history. The curse that has plagued the Yelnats family for generations becomes a driving force behind Stanley's journey. As he unearths the truth about his ancestors and their connection to Camp Green Lake, he realizes that redemption is not only a personal journey but also a way to break free from the chains of the past.

Sachar's portrayal of redemption is not limited to the main characters. Even the secondary characters, such as the warden and Mr. Sir, have the opportunity for redemption. The author skillfully portrays their gradual transformation from villains to individuals seeking forgiveness and a chance at redemption. This serves as a powerful reminder that redemption is possible for everyone, regardless of their initial actions or intentions.

Another aspect of "Holes" that contributes to the theme of redemption is the concept of interconnectedness. Sachar weaves a complex web of relationships and events, showing that every action has consequences and every character plays a role in the redemption of others. This interconnectedness highlights the power of individual choices and the potential for positive change.

Through "Holes," Sachar challenges readers to examine their own lives and reflect on the choices they have made. The novel prompts us to consider the potential for redemption in ourselves and others, emphasizing that mistakes do not define us but rather provide an opportunity for growth and transformation. The message of hope and redemption resonates deeply, reminding us that it is never too late to change our path.

In conclusion, "Holes" is a thought-provoking novel that explores the transformative power of redemption. Louis Sachar's masterful storytelling and well-developed characters create a narrative that captivates readers and challenges them to reflect on their own lives. Through the journey of Stanley Yelnats and his companions, Sachar reminds us that redemption is within reach for everyone, and that it is through our mistakes that we can truly find our redemption.

Holes英文读后感 篇三



  这本小说曾荣获1999年纽柏瑞儿童文学奖的金牌,作者是路易斯.萨奇尔,是一部引人入胜的儿童文学作品,迪斯尼电影公司于2003年将其改编为电影,中文影名《别有洞天》。 Alex很喜欢这本小说,看来这是比较适合这个年龄段孩子的读物,今天是元旦假期,一口气把剩余部分全都读完了。晚上草草写了一篇读后感,写完后又检查修改了一遍,总体感觉最近在语法方面有所进步,词汇量也有较大提高,短文里运用的很多单词我已经不认识了。

  从去年暑假至今,Alex已经听读了大量英文原版书籍,目前《暮光之城3》也已经读了一百多页。 如果要说近期最痴迷的小说,非金庸的《笑傲江湖》莫属!昨天是学校放假的第一天,这小子居然大清早六七点就爬起来躲在自己的房间里读了一个多小时,把厚厚的一本上册全看完了,我们还以为他在睡懒觉。今天已经在读下册,看来,地球人已经无法阻止他要看完全本《笑傲江湖》的.冲动了。

  Book review of Holeswas famous during 2004, but soon the wave ceased. I had the opportunity to know this book is all due to my English classes. This book fascinates me by giving many enigmas, I think: Louis Sa the author) must have thought so many things! It also teaches me a lesson: dont be so fastidious (because in camp Green Lake, it was really such worse than a slum)! Stanley and Zero, the protagonists, had many things in common. Zeros real name is Hector Zeroni, his great-great-great-great grandmother has relationships with Stanleys great-great-great-great grandfather. Zero was an abandoned child from his mother. He wasnt educated, and he stole ones shoe and was arrested to the camp Green Lake, just then the shoes fell onto Stanleys head and the police took him to the camp too. As the book said: all was destiny. When time went by, Stanley became friends with Zero.

  Zero dug holes for Stanley, and Stanley taught Zero to read and write. Actually Zero was very wise, even wiser than Stanley... A fight between Zigzag and Stanley led to the escape of Zero, and Stanley found him. They lived in the mountains for one week only drinking dirty water and eating onions. Finally they got back to the holes where Stanley used to find a lipstick. Something I like to see is that the antagonist in this book, the Warden, is actually so bad, and the badness is abnormal. But finally all went well and they found the treasure: cheap jewelries.






