
时间:2018-02-03 01:14:48
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The Little Prince: A Journey of Innocence and Wisdom

篇一:A Tale of Innocence

"The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is a heartwarming tale that reminds us of the importance of innocence and imagination in our lives. Through the eyes of the little prince, we are taken on a journey that challenges our perspectives and teaches us valuable life lessons.

The story begins with the little prince leaving his tiny planet to explore the universe. Along his journey, he encounters various characters who symbolize different aspects of human nature. Each encounter offers a unique insight into the complexities of life and relationships.

One of the most striking aspects of the little prince's character is his innocence. He sees the world with a childlike wonder and curiosity, questioning everything around him. This innocence allows him to see beyond the superficial and to appreciate the beauty in simple things. It serves as a reminder to us adults to not lose touch with our inner child, to find joy in the little things and to always approach life with a sense of wonder.

Another important theme in the book is the pursuit of true happiness. The little prince encounters a fox who teaches him the importance of building meaningful connections. The fox explains that to truly see, one must look with the heart. This lesson highlights the significance of genuine human connections and the need for love and affection in our lives.

Ultimately, "The Little Prince" teaches us that the most essential things in life are invisible to the eye. It urges us to look beyond material possessions and societal expectations and to focus on the things that truly matter – love, friendship, and the pursuit of our dreams. It is a poignant reminder to cherish the moments of innocence and to never lose sight of what truly brings us happiness.

In conclusion, "The Little Prince" is a timeless masterpiece that reminds us of the importance of innocence, imagination, and the pursuit of true happiness. Through its enchanting storytelling, it touches our hearts and leaves a lasting impact on our souls. It serves as a gentle reminder to embrace our inner child and to approach life with curiosity and wonder, just like the little prince did.

篇二:A Journey Towards Wisdom

"The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is a profound tale that takes us on a journey towards wisdom and self-discovery. Through the experiences of the little prince, we are introduced to valuable life lessons that provoke introspection and encourage personal growth.

The story follows the little prince as he travels from planet to planet, encountering various characters who represent different facets of human nature. Each encounter serves as a lesson, teaching the little prince and the readers about the complexities of life and the importance of understanding oneself and others.

One of the central themes in the book is the exploration of the meaning of life. The little prince encounters a multitude of characters who are consumed by their roles and responsibilities, such as the king, the conceited man, and the businessman. Through these encounters, we are reminded of the dangers of losing oneself in the pursuit of power, wealth, and societal expectations. It encourages us to question the purpose of our existence and to find meaning in the simple joys of life.

Another important lesson in the book is the value of solitude and introspection. The little prince spends a significant amount of time alone, reflecting on his experiences and pondering the mysteries of the universe. This solitude allows him to gain a deeper understanding of himself and the world around him. It serves as a reminder for us to take the time to reflect and connect with our inner selves, as it is through introspection that we can truly grow and evolve.

Furthermore, "The Little Prince" explores the importance of relationships and the power of love. Through his encounter with the rose and his friendship with the fox, the little prince learns about the complexities of emotions and the significance of genuine connections. It teaches us to value the people in our lives and to nurture our relationships with love and care.

In conclusion, "The Little Prince" is a thought-provoking masterpiece that takes us on a journey of self-discovery and wisdom. Through its captivating storytelling, it challenges our perceptions of life and urges us to question our purpose and priorities. It teaches us about the importance of solitude, introspection, and meaningful relationships. This timeless tale serves as a guiding light towards personal growth and understanding, reminding us to embrace the wisdom that lies within us and to navigate life with compassion and love.

小王子读后感100字英文 篇三



Once when I was six years old, I saw a magnificent picture in a book,called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest. It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. Here is a copy of the drawing.

In the book it said:" Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it. After that they are not able to move, and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion."

I pondered deeply, then, over the adventures of the jungle. And after some work with a colored pencil I succeeded in making my first drowing,My Drawing Number One. It looked like this:

I showed my masterpiece to the grown-ups, and asked them whether the drawing frightened them.

But they answered:"Frighten? Why should any one be frightened by a hat?"

My drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. But since the grown-ups were not able to understand it, I made another drawing: I drew the inside of the boa constrictor,so that the grown-ups could see it clearly. They always need to have things explained. My Drawing Number Two looked like this:

The grown-ups response,this time, was to adviseme to lay aside my drawing of boa constrictors,whether from the inside or the outside and devote myself instead to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar. That is why, at the age of six, I gave up what might have been a magnificent career as a painter. I had been disheartened by the failure of my Drawing Number One and my Drawing Number Two. Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it si tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.

So then I chose another profession, and learned to pilot airplanes.

I have flown a little over all parts of the world:and it is ture that geography has been very useful to me. At a glance I can distinguish China from Arizona. If one gets lost in the night,such knowledge is valuable.

In the course of this life I have had a great many encounters with a great many people who have been concerned with matters of consequence. I have lived a great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand. And hasn't much improved my opinion of them.

Whenever Imet one of them who seemed to me at all clearsighted, I tried the experiment of showing him my Drowing Number One. which I have always kept. I would try to find out, so, if this was a person of true understanding. But, whoever it was, he ,or she, would always say:

"That is a hat."

Then I would never talkto that people about boa constrictors, or primeval forest, or stars. I would bring myself down to his level. I would talk to him about bridge, and golf, and politics, and neckties. And the grown-ups would be greatly pleased to have met such a sensible man.


"Little Prince" is about to tell a story of alien children to live in a very small planet, that planet there is only one him, he has to take care of the planet, he is the planet the little prince, grown up, he went to other planets travel, has encountered all sorts of people (aliens)。 Finally he came to the author encountered on Earth, and then died here

Look at this book, adults should not ripe to look at the mentality, to the point of view of your heart to understand it. the Little Prince has a pure heart and a rich imagination.

When the little prince left his planet, on the road, when a king, and that King would just like to control all rational, this is not like us? Especially when the teacher, like to go to other people, because order that other people can find themselves high up above and become a king, others only obeys.

The second encounter is love are people who love to be admired him, praise him anything except hear, in fact, we ourselves do they not? Others as long as one to praise himself, we do not carried away on it? Through this we can easily become conceited person, but also easy for the offensive.

There drunkard, but also a businessman, even to light lamps and geographer, I think those people is equivalent to our portrayal of the real world, love the order, and love to be admired, I would like to re-occupy the possession, finally left with nothing … …

I think the Little Prince This book is a family book, in this book, I can feel that for whom fame for modern day busy round, but not know they have a deep impact on the younger generation, small Prince did not understand why adults want to do that? Like all children have the same do not know. So I felt, how many more to understand the needs of children, and is no longer a random perfunctory, more children to learn about the ideas, interests, rather than restraint.

I am prince from an early age I learned one thing, the really important things, the eyes are invisible. Really important things is to look at motives.


Everyone in the world, whether he or she is rich or poor, will encounter a lot of difficulties, even hardships. Different people may have different ways to deal with them. After reading The Little Princess, I am deeply impressed by Sara’s way to deal with difficulties. The Little Princess was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, a famous novelist and dramatist. Sara, the heroine of the novel, was born in a rich family. In order to get a better education, her father took her from India to London so that she could go to the best school. Because Sara was kind-hearted, generous and most of all—rich, she was loved by everyone. All went well until her father died in an accident.

Everything changed completely. She didn’t understand why the teachers and classmates treated her so badly. Even the principal who used to be fond of her, made her work 16 hours a day. Sara’s miserable life began...

When I finished reading the book, I was shocked by what the unimaginable pain Sara had suffered after her father’s death. She used to be a happy, worriless, and rich Princess, but now she was a lonely and poor servant. She had to work very hard without any rest but only had little food. Besides she had to endure the unfriendly and even rude ways that her classmates treated her. All teachers and students in the school looked down upon her. The most important fact is that Sara had lost the love and care of her parents.

What a mighty pain! If you were Sara, could you stand such pain? Needless to say, an 11 years old girl, even if it were an adult, he might not put up with it. But to my surprise, Sara faced it bravely. Despite of the torture of the principal and all those pressures above, she still was optimistic towards life.

By reading this novel, I felt inspired and think much. When we meet such difficulties, what should we do? Some people always complain that the fate is unfair to them. Some people can’t sustain the hardships and choose to give up. Few of them even try to commit suicide because they lack the courage to o

vercome it. Compared with Sara—an eleven years old girl who can treat the pressure of life with optimistic spirit, these people’s performances are sounded so lamentable. Why can’t they make it?

However, what impress me most are her characteristics and the thought of her “being a real princess.” This “real princess” does not mean luxury palaces, beautiful clothes and the apple of the others’ eyes, but being kind, generous and having good manners. It is unnecessary for “a real princess” to be strong in body, but she must be strong in will. Sara is a real princess in my heart all the time, whether she was rich and wore beautiful clothes in the classroom or she was cold and hungry in the attic, just because she had the good characters and kind heart.

The story went on. Fortunately, a friend of Sara’s father found her and told her that her father left a great sum of money to her. I pray and believe that every good person in the world deserve a good result. So does Sara.


This is a fairytale whose distribution volume is only second to The Bible. It’s been translated to versions of many other languages. And I gather there must be something special, something really great about it. It’s this conviction that drove me to read it at the first beginning. Well, with due respect to the author, I failed to see how this fairytale be worthy of our attention, despite the fact that many readers claimed this book to be designed for adults.

Anyway, as a well-acknowledged book, it must possess unique feature to maintain it’s position. And it’s reputation and popularity will by no means be destroyed by what an unknown man says. I will talk about the main contents of the book, and the inspiration it renders as usual.

This book mainly tells us the experience of a prince from a tiny planet, who traveled to many other planets and finally came to the earth and met the pilot in a desert. The prince and the pilot became good friends, and the pilot gradually got to know the feeling and experience of his friend. Before he came to the earth, little prince had been to other 6 little planets where he made acquaintance with some strange people. The first man he met was a king on a little planet, yet he claimed to be the king of the space and ridiculously justified his unshakable governance over all. The second person was a man of vanity, who enjoyed compliments of any form without considering whether it’s sincere or not. The third person was an alcoholic who tried to forget the fact that he’s addicted to acohol by drinking like a fish. The fourth person was an abosolute money-oriented businessman, who cared nothing but his fortune. Next came the lamp-lighter who performed his duty blindly. The last one was a geographer who knew too much about geography to solve a real problem related to it. These six people each represented one kind of person like us. The author satirized people’s conceit, emptiness, fakeness, innocence and blindness through the tone of a child.

I see eye to eye with the author in that the cause of people’s loneliness can be concluded to the negligence of the bonds that connects them. People are supposed to care about each other, cherish what’s really important for them, and be grateful for the happiness that they’ve gained. We all believe knowledge and experience enable us to see clearly and make right judgements all the time. But we may sometimes lose the right to speak straighforwardly, think creatively or love courageously resulting from what we’ve experienced. That why in our middle school textbooks, it’s the little kid that breaks the illusion of the emperor by saying ”but mum, he ain’t were anything”.

When I was a child, I was definitely a good boy who went home on time after school and did his homework and never tried anything without mom’s permission. And now I am a grown-up, and still I am a good man, at least, that’s what I heard. Sometimes when I was lonely and I began to think about my childhood, then all the happiness and care-free life came back to me as it were yesterday. Kids that once accompanied me during my childhood now become fathers and mothers of their kids and I myself am a child no more. Thinking about all these things have made me moody. There’re changes happening in our lives whether we are happy about it or not.

People told me life is a journey which will never stop once it’s started. What’s left behind are happiness and sorrow, pride and shame, success and regret. There’s good old time to reminisce and there’s sad hours that reminds us of the pain. Your feeling makes them real, and you know you lived.

I want to conclude by saying some positive words that each yestersday used to be today, and each today is the future of yesterday, so making the most of today is the best way to cherish your lives. Our mortal beings are doomed to die. It’s not sad, instead, death it’s just a process of our lives. After all, we’ve lived our lives and it’s what we do and how we think that determine who we are.



