
时间:2014-05-05 09:41:38
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Three Cups of Tea English Reading Response - Part 1

Title: The Power of Education and Cultural Understanding

Three Cups of Tea is a captivating memoir written by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin, which chronicles Mortenson's extraordinary journey to build schools in remote and impoverished regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan. This book highlights the power of education, cultural understanding, and the immense impact that one individual can have on the lives of many. After reading this memoir, I was deeply moved and inspired by Mortenson's unwavering determination and his ability to make a difference in the world.

One of the key themes that resonated with me throughout the book is the transformative power of education. Mortenson's mission to build schools in these remote areas was driven by his belief that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and extremism. He recognized that by providing children with access to education, they would have the opportunity to create a better future for themselves and their communities. This belief is exemplified in the story of Jahan, a young girl who Mortenson meets early on in his journey. Jahan's determination to learn despite the lack of resources and support is a testament to the importance of education in the lives of these children.

Another significant aspect of Three Cups of Tea is the emphasis on cultural understanding and respect. Mortenson's ability to connect with the local communities, understand their needs, and respect their traditions is what sets him apart from other aid workers. He learns the local language, immerses himself in the culture, and builds relationships based on trust and mutual respect. This approach not only helps him gain the support of the communities he works with but also ensures that the schools he builds are sustainable and cater to the specific needs of the students.

What struck me the most about Mortenson's journey is his unwavering determination and perseverance in the face of numerous challenges and setbacks. From facing harsh weather conditions to navigating political and cultural barriers, Mortenson never gives up. His commitment to his mission and the people he serves is truly inspiring. It serves as a reminder that change is possible, even in the most challenging circumstances.

In conclusion, Three Cups of Tea is a powerful memoir that highlights the transformative power of education, the importance of cultural understanding, and the impact that one individual can have on the lives of many. Mortenson's journey serves as a reminder that by investing in education and respecting diverse cultures, we can create a more inclusive and prosperous world. This book has left a lasting impression on me and has inspired me to think about how I can make a positive impact in my own community.

Word count: 478

Part 2 - Title: Lessons in Resilience and Perseverance

Three Cups of Tea, a memoir by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin, is a remarkable story that chronicles Mortenson's mission to build schools in remote and impoverished regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan. This book not only sheds light on the importance of education and cultural understanding but also teaches valuable lessons in resilience and perseverance. After reading this memoir, I was deeply moved by Mortenson's unwavering determination and his ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

One of the most prominent themes in Three Cups of Tea is the importance of resilience. Throughout his journey, Mortenson faces numerous challenges and setbacks, ranging from financial struggles to political and cultural barriers. However, he never loses sight of his goal and continues to push forward. His ability to bounce back from adversity is truly inspiring and serves as a reminder that setbacks are a natural part of any endeavor.

Perseverance is another lesson that can be learned from Mortenson's journey. Despite facing overwhelming odds, Mortenson remains committed to his mission. He spends years tirelessly fundraising, building relationships, and working towards his goal of providing education to these underserved communities. His unwavering determination and refusal to give up are a testament to the power of perseverance. This book serves as a reminder that success often requires a long and arduous journey, but the rewards are worth the effort.

Furthermore, Three Cups of Tea emphasizes the importance of adapting to different circumstances and being open to change. Mortenson's initial goal was to climb K2, one of the world's highest peaks, but fate led him to a remote village in Pakistan. Instead of being discouraged, Mortenson embraces the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the people he encounters. This flexibility and willingness to adapt his plans are crucial factors in his ultimate success.

In conclusion, Three Cups of Tea is a testament to the power of resilience and perseverance. Mortenson's ability to overcome challenges and adapt to changing circumstances is truly inspiring. This memoir serves as a reminder that success is not always a straight path, but rather a journey filled with obstacles. It teaches us that setbacks are opportunities for growth and that determination and adaptability are key to achieving our goals. This book has left a lasting impression on me and has inspired me to approach challenges in my own life with resilience and perseverance.

Word count: 400

三杯茶英文读后感 篇三


  I close the last page of the book, but new ideas are only opened the first page .This book is a simple story, but also a legend, a failure to climb K2 climbers in order to fulfil the promise of life.

  Once upon a time I would like to climb to the top of the social pyramid, thinking to do charity is this group of people, only to take care of their own to take care

of more people. While the book told me, as an ordinary person, he can climb a peak of life. I believe no one reading this book will be the inpidual characters in the book ordinary while great character was moved to tear.

  When I read a section of Mortenson when I was deeply moved .He said

  "I realized that everything ,all the difficulties I'd gone through ,from the time I'd promised to build the school ,through the long struggle to complete it,it was nothing compared to the sacrifices he was prepared to make for this people .Here was this illiterate man ,who'd hardly ever left his little village in the Karakoram,yet he was the wisest man I've ever met."I was not only touched by Mortenson ,but also Haji Ali.The lesson Mortensen learned from Haji Ali will also influence my life .


